Search results

  1. B


    Hey, I found this nice CLEO. It's almost the silent aim we all want :) What it exactly does: If you aim nearby another Player and shoot, but don't hit him, you will still hit him. There's one thing that's bad about this aimbot. If you aim at an enemy and you hit him with your own aim he will...
  2. B

    Photos from your Gta san andreas :)

    hahahahaha  :oh_stop_it_u:
  3. B

    CLEO Release [REL] Monstercat Project | Updated (Beta)

    Re: [REL] Monstercat Project xD Pingaim weil du auf rpg spielst gä?
  4. B

    Untagged Release Collection of skin aimbots (0.3Z)

    It's turned on by default. Just AIM and then SHOOT. The aimbot only aims at target when you shoot (lmb) so its harder to bust you.
  5. B

    CLEO Release [RELEASE]CarProAim!!!!!! [UPDATED]

    Re: [RELEASE]CarProAim!!!!!! then kill yourself...  :face_palm:
  6. B

    Anti-AFK Bot [ger]

    Hey, ich suche hierfür: einen Anti-AFK bot. Mir wurde von erfahrenen AHK (Autohotkey) scriptern gesagt, das es möglich sei & ich wollte fragen ob es jemand machen könnte^^ Die Zahlen vor und hinter dem "+" ändern sich immer, es ist aber immer "+" und niemals "-" o.Ä. Die beiden Zahlen...
  7. B

    CLEO Release [Release][GM] Monstercat.cs | FINAL

    well then, really nice job man  :not_bad:
  8. B

    CLEO Release [Release][GM] Monstercat.cs | FINAL

    on mode 3, will people get the hitsound if they shoot me?
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    Sanny Builder
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    ah they will. they just have to play in slowmo and look close ^^ its easy to bust on videos. but of course its your choice if you release or not and i'll respect that ^^
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    na, you can just press left mouse for single shots and BAM! you have the same as silent aimbot. for example with deagle, just make single shots and don't hold left mouse & you can keep the crosshair close as well.
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    But I think it's the same with the Pro-Aim.cs. And alot of servers have their own anti-cheat where u can't even use cleo. (they have their own launcher / client)
  13. B


    Nahh ure just mad that u can't have it ;) I just hope you'll release it cuz it looks awesome :)
  14. B

    CLEO Release silent_aim.cs

    First, if you release yours: THANKS BOSS  :yesyes: Second, this one doesn't look like pure rapid fire. It only shoots twice. It shoots once the bullet you shoot yourself and one that hits the enemy. So its not like rapid fire but it looks a little bit wierd. If you CBUG with it you just look...
  15. B

    CLEO Release silent_aim.cs

    Hey, I found this nice CLEO. It's almost the silent aim we all want :) What it exactly does: If you aim nearby another Player and shoot, but don't hit him, you will still hit him. There's one thing that's bad about this aimbot. If you aim at an enemy and you hit him with your own aim he will...
  16. B

    Untagged Release skinAimbot [Updated]

    springfield really nice aimbot, thanks alot :)
  17. B

    CLEO Help Cleo Anti Cheat bypassing?

    if you send me the launcher i might be able to help you. im bypassing the launcher of the biggest german reallife server too, so i'm maybe able to help u there.
  18. B

    CLEO Help Cleo Aimbot

    Hey, since there are still some 0.3z servers that use lagshot i tried using OPCODE's Cleo Aimbot: But i have a problem: On a DM Server its working (0.3z) but on a RP Server (0.3z) it doesn't work. I just instantly get a crash when i activate...
  19. B

    Silent Aim

    then u need samp 0.3x r1 and nor r2. you just need a new samp.dll
  20. B

    .3z Lagshot aimbot? please Here.
  21. B

    CLEO Release SilentAim.cs [0.3z]

    Re: [CLEO] SilentAim.cs [0.3z] theres also lag shot in 0.3z so stfu  :fuck_you:
  22. B

    So infinite fists.. Really ?

    nah one of the old samp ping aimbots does that. on that aimbot you can also give urself 9999 ammo and even if u dont cheat any ammo the aimbot gives u +100 fist ammo or something like that ^^
  23. B

    s0beit collection

    Ah okay, thanks alot :) i tried as password :'D
  24. B

    Project s0nicTz 0.3z other link.

    it's fake  :me_gusta:
  25. B

    s0beit collection

    can't extract :s the rar archive is broken.
  26. B

    CLEO Release Poor Aim - (detected) but still works on some servers

    Re: Poor-Aim.cs - alternative of an Aimbot wow r u really to lazy to just type aim?? @opcode: fucking genius i love you.
  27. B

    s0beit collection

    hey guys, i'm searching for a 0.3z s0beit collection. just post every s0beit for 0.3z u can find here, thanks alot :)
  28. B

    Need help with haxBox

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    [HELP] From Windows XP to Windows 8

    there are key's but they will only work for the installation. after that it will say youre not registered. im using kmsnano for it to be "registered"
  30. B

    Anti loose weapon when you die

    Mhh s0beit could do that i think. With one or two NOP's.
  31. B

    Private s0beit for samp 0.3z

    download ?  :youdontsay:
  32. B

    SA: MP API is no longer being developed.

    I just dunno why they instant stop the developing. Like only becuz 1 Beta Tester gave it away. Who cares?  :dont_care:
  33. B

    CLEO Help Skin Aimbot

    okay i tried with mouse on my laptop and now its not crashing but none of the aimbots is working. i tried the opcode v2 with on / off and even when it says aimbot enabled it doesnt auto aim  :hellno:
  34. B

    Help class selection and login system bypass

    ForceSpawn and find a NOP that disables the login textbox.
  35. B

    Trollbeit Private Version

    ohh so you NEED to make videos of you trolling with it? Ohh okay then opcode should better give it to you because you REALLY NEED TO DO THIS  :youdontsay:
  36. B

    CLEO Help Skin Aimbot

    do you know a way to fix? cuz i always use my laptop while sitting in my bed so i can't use a usual mouse ^^
  37. B

    CLEO Help Skin Aimbot

    :yuno: no i have problems with aimbots. please just read.
  38. B

    CLEO Help Skin Aimbot

    hey guys, at the moment i'm playing on my laptop and no cleo skin-aimbot is working. on my pc everything works fine but not on my laptop. i'm playing with touchpad if it helps ^^ thanks in advance
  39. B

    it was awesome hack

    connect with the name of a bot, for example Banker1 and then turn on force spawn. might work ^^
  40. B

    A Message to Admin.

    ur english is terrible ;) i think that first : if the admins don't want to sell it, they wont give it to u because u open a thread. and second : you will have to pay more than 20€ for it^^ opcode and 0x688 have to work hard on it and it's at least at the moment the best private cheat for...
  41. B

    Need score hack 0.3z

  42. B

    what kind of hack is this??

    i'm sure this guy's just bugging around. but i think that opcode could easy create u a cleo that triggers this animation but i dont know if its sync then
  43. B

    How to fix this please !!..

    Everyone is thinking so  :yesyes:
  44. B

    [2014] Trollbeit 0.3x R1

    the title just says 0.3x R1 .  :face_palm:
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    S0beiti 0.4a update by StyleRxd 101% WORK

    omg styler so gud  :yuno:
  46. B

    Untagged Release werner.exe [100% working]

    if lag comp is off (so they use the old hitbox) it may work.
  47. B

    s0beit 0.3z

    well. thanks :3 i couldve knew that  :me_gusta:
  48. B

    Trollbeit 0.3x Frezzed after Server connect

    download this file and put it into your samp folder.
  49. B

    s0beit 0.3z

    yoo! i know there are already posts for s0beit with 0.3z and i also already made one, but i can't find my own anymore -.- I'm searching for a s0beit 0.3z with NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle! I already had it once but i cant find it anymore  :red_eyes: so pleaze give me :3
  50. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    :watchout: when u start samp the server will check if ur running their launcher. if not u will get kicked.
  51. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    still looking for it  :sweet_jesus:
  52. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    Y U NO UNDERSTAND WHAT I MEAN ! They have a seperate SA-MP Launcher. It checks ur SA-MP Folder before starting and it checks if ure using some .exe's. BUT!! It only detect's s0beit versions that the scripter / creator of the launcher puts on a blacklist. For example: the d3d9.dll of s0nictz is...
  53. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    noo i can't use cleo cuz of anti-cheat. if there's a new s0beit the anti-cheat won't detect but the anti-cheat detects cleo and doesn't let u use it  :bawww:
  54. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    pleaze  :yesyes:
  55. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    BUMP! I would even pay for it ( @0x688 @opcodexe )
  56. B

    SYNC Aimbot for 0.3z

  57. B

    SYNC Aimbot for 0.3z

  58. B

    SYNC Aimbot for 0.3z

    HEEEY!  :forever_hurra: I'm looking for a GOOD SYNC Aimbot for 0.3z. I tried UPCUDS Cleo aimbot but for me it's not so good i dunno why. It mostly only aims at skin  :youdontsay:
  59. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    guyz pleaze help me cuz i need  :bawww:
  60. B

    s0beit with aimbot 0.3z

    Hey guys, im searching for a 0.3z s0beit with a Sync Aimbot and a Skin-Aimbot so i can choose what of these two i want. I know that the private trollbeit 0.3z has bot of this but 0x688 wont sell  :yesyes:
  61. B

    Aimbot questions

    pleeaze help me how i add / delete friends from the friendlist ingame PLEEAZE  :forever_opcode_alone:
  62. B

    CLEO Release autocmdsender.cs(Upgraded to 10 Slots)

    Re: autocmdsender.cs Mhh, you can also do dat with Autohotkey and API.dll  :excited_troll:
  63. B

    [Question] Is this silent aimbot ??

    this isn't silent aimbot  :face_palm: you see that he is aiming at the enemy and that he only damages him when he hits him. the green / red boxes around enemys is esp i think. but i dunno shit about esp in 0.3z :watchout:
  64. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    if the launcher is turned on it sends something to the server that the server knows that the launcher is running.
  65. B

    Private Trollbeit version

    gtfo. you wont get private hacks for free only cuz ur a fan of djn  :fuck_you:
  66. B

    Aimbot questions

    hey, i want to know if there's a way i can see who the silent mode aimbot is aiming at. and i want to know if the friendlist disables the people i enter for the aimbot so the aimbot doesnt aim at people i have in my friendlist ^^ and can i put people in my friendlist why ingame ? sry for nab...
  67. B

    Way to see admins spectating you?

    as far as i know there isnt and alot of people say its not possible.
  68. B

    [REQ] Advanced Skin Aimbot 0.3z the best there is atm. for me it's undetected and no one could ever bust me with it. it doesnt jump or do fast movements at all.
  69. B

    Will there be a 0.3z version of the s0nicTz Project?

    :fuck_you: search the forums pls
  70. B

    German Talk Lounge

    Re: German Smalltalk Ich weiß nicht ob das möglich ist, wäre aber echt cool! :o Ich frage mich ja wie der Server die FPS-Daten abruft. Ich glaube das wenn der Server einfach den Client anfragt und der dann die FPS sendet könnte man diese fälschen. Bin mir aber auch nicht sicher, habe...
  71. B

    Do it will work?

    there is already a s0beit for 0.3z... Y U NO FCKING USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION  :angry:
  72. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    //PUSH!! If i could just rename the d3d9.dll into somethin like troll.dll or d3d9HAHA.dll  and it still injects it would be enough. i hope someone here can help me :bawww:
  73. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    You can, but if youre in for example FBI or in a Gang where u do deathmatch they force u to use the launcher.
  74. B

    kill all the people on the server

    :kidding: ACTUALLY  :surprised: 0x688's Private Trollbeit has that. Ask him to buy it  :urtheman:
  75. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    It doesn't check if the file injects. It checks if the file is in the folder. If not u can start.
  76. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    Y U NO READ  :angry: ANTI-CHEAT!! They have a self-made launcher for sa-mp.
  77. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    Nah it's not about the anti-s0beit. It's about an Anti-Cheat client. The anti-cheat client tells u if u have unallowed stuff in ur folder. But it only show's stuff that is in the list of the anti-cheat. So if u create a new file for it it would work.
  78. B

    Help s0beit without d3d9.dll

    I would like to know if there is any way to inject s0beit without d3d9.dll If yes, is it possible with s0nictz? If yes it would really amuse me  :omg_run:
  79. B

    Searching for this

    Thanks alot  :forever_hurra:
  80. B

    Searching for this

    Hey, im searching for this s0beit for 0.3z. There's a cheating website in the link below the Video but i dont understand any fcking russian :D S0beit for SAMP 0.3z by Pushok, povargek(Голубь), iMaddy
  81. B

    [Release] s0nicTz project 0.37 (Beta v0.2)

    Check in the .ini for Windowed mode. There are 2 different things that should be true and the 2nd false . Turn the 1st to true and the 2nd to false. if u dont understand what i mean, i will help u again later when i have some more time ^^
  82. B

    S0nictz 0.3X Without keybinds!

    He's thinking about something else @TheZeRots: . Because if he for example accidently presses alt he will get Speed Hack. You have to delete the Keys in the .ini. It's pretty easy you can do it yourself
  83. B

    [REQ] werner.exe NEW

    Could someone please move this? I accidentaly posted it in Releases. IM SRY :O
  84. B

    [REQ] werner.exe NEW

    Hey guys, whatsup. I think alot of you know guterspieler/werner.exe. I'm playing on a server with a Launcher / Anticheat. Werner.exe is detected on it but for example the wixplodeaimbot isn't. That's why I need a hack that works like werner.exe, but isn't werner.exe :lol: :lol::lol: Thanks...
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    Just tell the admins you and your brother would play from the same ip. Then use Sandboxie to run 2 SA-MP's at the same time.
  86. B

    [Release] s0nicTz project 0.37 (Beta v0.2)

    When silent aim is activated the Objects / Buildings and my character sometimes is flickering. If u fix this its perfect :xD: :xD::xD:
  87. B

    External Cleo injector

  88. B

    Help [Help] s0nictz + api.dll

    PUSH! still need help, no one there who know's a solution?
  89. B

    Help [Help] s0nictz + api.dll

    Hey, i can't use s0nictz while using a keybinder that is build with api.dll. It always says that the San Andreas Multiplayer version isn't compatible with the api.dll I tried alot every single api.dll but none of them work ^^ Thanks :) :):)
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    Bug job trucker sever RP(bug x2)

    xD Dude, explain pls exactly what u want.
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    How you want to hack RCON Passwords? It's the same as if you want to hack Facebook Passwords. If there's one on this forum then post it here so you help this guy..
  92. B


    There is no RCON hack. It's impossible.