You can delete this chatmsg line (it is only for sending any message in chat)Any advice?
What now? I have deleted that chatmsg lineYou can delete this chatmsg line (it is only for sending any message in chat)
Is this script you are editing another one, or the one that was sent in the topic here?What now? I have deleted that chatmsg line
Right,and is this script to shoot automatically by itself or as a kind of Triggerbot?The first one I send here in topic, autoshoot.cs
Its a triggerbot that shoots on skin (when the crosshair is on the enemy skin it shoots).Right,and is this script to shoot automatically by itself or as a kind of Triggerbot?
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published on 2021-07-05
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE bitwise}
0000: NOP
0B34: samp register_client_command "as" to_label @Noname_289
wait 0
if and
Pad.IsButtonPressed(Pad.Pad1, Button.RightShoulder1)
31@ == 1
jf @Noname_282
Char.GetCurrentWeapon(9@, $PLAYER_ACTOR)
9@ > 24
jf @Noname_282
Char.GetCoordinates($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
cleo_call @Noname_441 2 9@ $PLAYER_ACTOR 9@
Memory.CallMethod(5327216, 11989032, 6, 0, 3@v, 6@v, 2@, 1@, 0@, 1.0)
Memory.CallMethod(5327216, 11989032, 6, 0, 6@v, 10@v, 2@, 1@, 0@, 9@)
not World.IsLineOfSightClear(3@, 4@, 5@, 6@, 7@, 8@, False, False, True, False, False)
jf @Noname_282
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(17, 255)
jump @Noname_75
bit_xor 31@ = 31@ XOR 1
31@ == 1
jf @Noname_381
chatmsg "[BH Team]: {ffffff}Àâòî-âûñòðåë {44ff44}âêëþ÷åí" color 6316287
jump @Noname_439
chatmsg "[BH Team]: {ffffff}Àâòî-âûñòðåë {ff4444}âûêëþ÷åí" color 6316287
Memory.GetPedPointer(2@, 1@)
2@ += 1836
Hid.IsReleased(2@, 2@, 1, 0)
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
2@ == 2
jf @Noname_502
1@ += 25
2@ == 3
jf @Noname_527
1@ += 36
1@ *= 112
1@ += 13150904
1@ += 8
Hid.IsReleased(1@, 1@, 4, 0)
cleo_return 1 1@
19 / 5.000You can try again, I'm trying to edit "only" for desert eagle.
PHP:// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published on 2021-07-05 {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} {$USE SAMPFUNCS} 0000: NOP 0B34: samp register_client_command "as" to_label @Noname_289 :Noname_75 wait 0 if and Pad.IsButtonPressed(Pad.Pad1, Button.RightShoulder1) 31@ == 1 jf @Noname_282 Char.GetCurrentWeapon(9@, $PLAYER_ACTOR) if 9@ > 24 jf @Noname_282 Char.GetCoordinates($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@) cleo_call @Noname_441 2 9@ $PLAYER_ACTOR 9@ Memory.CallMethod(5327216, 11989032, 6, 0, 3@v, 6@v, 2@, 1@, 0@, 1.0) Memory.CallMethod(5327216, 11989032, 6, 0, 6@v, 10@v, 2@, 1@, 0@, 9@) if not World.IsLineOfSightClear(3@, 4@, 5@, 6@, 7@, 8@, False, False, True, False, False) jf @Noname_282 SAMP.SetGameKeyState(17, 255) :Noname_282 jump @Noname_75 :Noname_289 bit_xor 31@ = 31@ XOR 1 if 31@ == 1 jf @Noname_381 chatmsg "[BH Team]: {ffffff}Àâòî-âûñòðåë {44ff44}âêëþ÷åí" color 6316287 jump @Noname_439 :Noname_381 chatmsg "[BH Team]: {ffffff}Àâòî-âûñòðåë {ff4444}âûêëþ÷åí" color 6316287 :Noname_439 SAMP.CmdRet :Noname_441 Memory.GetPedPointer(2@, 1@) 2@ += 1836 Hid.IsReleased(2@, 2@, 1, 0) 0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int) if 2@ == 2 jf @Noname_502 1@ += 25 :Noname_502 if 2@ == 3 jf @Noname_527 1@ += 36 :Noname_527 1@ *= 112 1@ += 13150904 1@ += 8 Hid.IsReleased(1@, 1@, 4, 0) cleo_return 1 1@
I'm not playing to test it (I'm on another platform)19 / 5.000
This one doesn't work at all, when you edit it send it
Have you tried Frozens metod, he sent it here in topic, it may work?I'm not playing to test it (I'm on another platform)
No,I just changed the line of the current gun to go in the desert (9@ > 24). But it didn't succeedHave you tried Frozens metod, he sent it here in topic, it may work?