T3KTONIT said:
wtf i expect an anti-cheat to at least have a false positive... the exe is completely fud 0/52 in virustotal fuck that i ain't running that shit...
unless you're trying to rat us... i don't see any reason to crypt an ac.
give the original link to the ac not the one uploaded by KhalidAhmedShalabi...
Well, it can be crypted and FUD as you can attach taggant signatures and contact av manufactures to get your executable whitelisted.
+ The executable here linked is only a installer stub therefore it isn't really crypted - just packed.
The .asi inside is protected with "http://www.enigmaprotector.com/"
Means that some "important" functions inside of it may be virtualized.
I manged to reconstruct sam of the api imports and he seems to use the default CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, EnumProcesses and so on procedures. So bypassing it may be possible w/ an internal module (dunno how engima handles api hooks). But emulating the client would be easier I think >.> just my 5 cents.