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New member
Jan 3, 2020
Reaction score
can anyone make version of this but without rapid, or if any auto litefoot exists?


Active member
Feb 23, 2019
Reaction score
There was nothing to do so here's source

Activation: key 0, not numpad

To kinda get a litefoot, spam A / D while holding SPACE, and W / S when you don't want the deagle to switch

Credits go to author D4Rk$iD3

0000: NOP

0001: wait 5000 ms

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
print "Deagle Litefoot ~g~ON" 1000 
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
//0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 1
0330: set_player_never_gets_tired $PLAYER_CHAR set 1
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_160

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
jf @LITEFOOT_235
jump @LITEFOOT_195

wait 0
print "Deagle Litefoot ~r~OFF" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
09E7:   player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
03EE:   player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0
01B4: toggle_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
0881: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_shoot_weapons 1
Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True
0470: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon // inicio desbug
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 3@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@) //fin desbug
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate 
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_84

//wait 0
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate 
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate

if and
8AB0: not pressed_key 87  // W
8AB0: not pressed_key 83  // S
0AB0: key_down 32 // SPACE
Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "PYTHON_FIRE"
02D8: not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 24
82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 //deagle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 25 //  shotgun
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 27 //  combat shotgun                                                       
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 33 //  rifle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 34 //  sniper
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "IDLE_STANCE" // acción quieto
jf @LITEFOOT_160

0470: 5@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this

01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 0
//wait 50  //este configura la velocidad permitida para apuntar y empezar a ejecutar las animaciones
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 24.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0 // valores optimos 8.1
wait 150   //por defecto 160, para fast 100
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0    // valores optimos 5.1
wait 120
//inicio desbug
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)  //fin desbug
01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 5@
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
jump @LITEFOOT_235

/*0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUNCROUCHFWD" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "" at 100.0 times_normal_rate  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON */

//vainas innecesarias

//02E0:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//0AB0: key_down 65  //tecla A
//0AB0: key_down 68  //tecla D
//0AB0: pressed_key 68  //tecla D

//0AB0:   pressed_key 32  //tecla barra de espacio
//82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "python_fire"
//02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar

/*0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 1 times_normal_rate*/

/*0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate 
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate 
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "2guns_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchBwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchFwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_walk" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_wall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CrouchReload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SilenceCrouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Duck_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Gun_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Pose" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "lkup_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "panic_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_shout" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn05" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn105" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "crry_prtial" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gym_free_putdown" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Barcustom_get" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_O" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ped" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ply" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FF_Sit_Look" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointysfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot22_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybotb_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "on_lookers" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "cj_bag_reclaim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT_EAGLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "ABSEIL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump2fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump_B" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Pull" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gang_gunstand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand_finish" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_collapse" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_glide" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_land" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_skyDive" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Fight2Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Jetpack_Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stopR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_hand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_handP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "turn_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "XPRESSscratch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE_ARMED" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_bunnyhop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_drivebyFT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_LHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_RHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_fwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Left" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pedal" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pushes" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Ride" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Right" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_sprint" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_still" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FLAME_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate */


    39.5 KB · Views: 251
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2021
Reaction score
There was nothing to do so here's source

Activation: key 0, not numpad

To kinda get a litefoot, spam A / D while holding SPACE, and W / S when you don't want the deagle to switch

Credits go to author D4Rk$iD3

0000: NOP

0001: wait 5000 ms

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
print "Deagle Litefoot ~g~ON" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
//0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 1
0330: set_player_never_gets_tired $PLAYER_CHAR set 1
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_160

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
jf @LITEFOOT_235
jump @LITEFOOT_195

wait 0
print "Deagle Litefoot ~r~OFF" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
09E7:   player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
03EE:   player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0
01B4: toggle_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
0881: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_shoot_weapons 1
Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True
0470: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon // inicio desbug
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 3@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@) //fin desbug
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_84

//wait 0
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate

if and
8AB0: not pressed_key 87  // W
8AB0: not pressed_key 83  // S
0AB0: key_down 32 // SPACE
Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "PYTHON_FIRE"
02D8: not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 24
82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 //deagle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 25 //  shotgun
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 27 //  combat shotgun                                                      
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 33 //  rifle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 34 //  sniper
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "IDLE_STANCE" // acción quieto
jf @LITEFOOT_160

0470: 5@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this

01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 0
//wait 50  //este configura la velocidad permitida para apuntar y empezar a ejecutar las animaciones
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 24.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0 // valores optimos 8.1
wait 150   //por defecto 160, para fast 100
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0    // valores optimos 5.1
wait 120
//inicio desbug
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)  //fin desbug
01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 5@
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
jump @LITEFOOT_235

/*0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUNCROUCHFWD" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "" at 100.0 times_normal_rate  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON */

//vainas innecesarias

//02E0:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//0AB0: key_down 65  //tecla A
//0AB0: key_down 68  //tecla D
//0AB0: pressed_key 68  //tecla D

//0AB0:   pressed_key 32  //tecla barra de espacio
//82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "python_fire"
//02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar

/*0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 1 times_normal_rate*/

/*0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "2guns_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchBwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchFwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_walk" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_wall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CrouchReload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SilenceCrouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Duck_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Gun_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Pose" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "lkup_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "panic_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_shout" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn05" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn105" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "crry_prtial" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gym_free_putdown" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Barcustom_get" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_O" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ped" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ply" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FF_Sit_Look" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointysfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot22_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybotb_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "on_lookers" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "cj_bag_reclaim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT_EAGLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "ABSEIL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump2fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump_B" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Pull" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gang_gunstand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand_finish" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_collapse" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_glide" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_land" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_skyDive" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Fight2Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Jetpack_Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stopR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_hand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_handP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "turn_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "XPRESSscratch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE_ARMED" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_bunnyhop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_drivebyFT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_LHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_RHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_fwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Left" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pedal" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pushes" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Ride" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Right" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_sprint" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_still" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FLAME_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate */
It's with rapidfire, it's not working... it's too bad


Oct 12, 2019
Reaction score
rio de janeiro
There was nothing to do so here's source

Activation: key 0, not numpad

To kinda get a litefoot, spam A / D while holding SPACE, and W / S when you don't want the deagle to switch

Credits go to author D4Rk$iD3

0000: NOP

0001: wait 5000 ms

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
print "Deagle Litefoot ~g~ON" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
//0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 1
0330: set_player_never_gets_tired $PLAYER_CHAR set 1
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_160

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
jf @LITEFOOT_235
jump @LITEFOOT_195

wait 0
print "Deagle Litefoot ~r~OFF" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
09E7:   player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
03EE:   player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0
01B4: toggle_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
0881: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_shoot_weapons 1
Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True
0470: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon // inicio desbug
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 3@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@) //fin desbug
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_84

//wait 0
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate

if and
8AB0: not pressed_key 87  // W
8AB0: not pressed_key 83  // S
0AB0: key_down 32 // SPACE
Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "PYTHON_FIRE"
02D8: not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 24
82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 //deagle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 25 //  shotgun
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 27 //  combat shotgun                                                      
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 33 //  rifle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 34 //  sniper
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "IDLE_STANCE" // acción quieto
jf @LITEFOOT_160

0470: 5@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this

01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 0
//wait 50  //este configura la velocidad permitida para apuntar y empezar a ejecutar las animaciones
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 24.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0 // valores optimos 8.1
wait 150   //por defecto 160, para fast 100
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0    // valores optimos 5.1
wait 120
//inicio desbug
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)  //fin desbug
01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 5@
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
jump @LITEFOOT_235

/*0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUNCROUCHFWD" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "" at 100.0 times_normal_rate  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON */

//vainas innecesarias

//02E0:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//0AB0: key_down 65  //tecla A
//0AB0: key_down 68  //tecla D
//0AB0: pressed_key 68  //tecla D

//0AB0:   pressed_key 32  //tecla barra de espacio
//82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "python_fire"
//02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar

/*0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 1 times_normal_rate*/

/*0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "2guns_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchBwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchFwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_walk" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_wall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CrouchReload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SilenceCrouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Duck_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Gun_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Pose" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "lkup_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "panic_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_shout" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn05" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn105" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "crry_prtial" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gym_free_putdown" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Barcustom_get" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_O" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ped" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ply" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FF_Sit_Look" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointysfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot22_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybotb_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "on_lookers" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "cj_bag_reclaim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT_EAGLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "ABSEIL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump2fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump_B" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Pull" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gang_gunstand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand_finish" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_collapse" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_glide" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_land" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_skyDive" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Fight2Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Jetpack_Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stopR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_hand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_handP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "turn_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "XPRESSscratch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE_ARMED" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_bunnyhop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_drivebyFT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_LHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_RHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_fwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Left" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pedal" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pushes" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Ride" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Right" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_sprint" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_still" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FLAME_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate */
Friend, can you do without rapidfire?


Mar 27, 2023
Reaction score
There was nothing to do so here's source

Activation: key 0, not numpad

To kinda get a litefoot, spam A / D while holding SPACE, and W / S when you don't want the deagle to switch

Credits go to author D4Rk$iD3

0000: NOP

0001: wait 5000 ms

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
print "Deagle Litefoot ~g~ON" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
//0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 1
0330: set_player_never_gets_tired $PLAYER_CHAR set 1
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_160

wait 0
if and
0ADC:   test_cheat "0"
jf @LITEFOOT_235
jump @LITEFOOT_195

wait 0
print "Deagle Litefoot ~r~OFF" 1000
0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
09E7:   player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
03EE:   player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0
01B4: toggle_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
0881: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_shoot_weapons 1
Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True
0470: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon // inicio desbug
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 3@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@) //fin desbug
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 1.05 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
015A: restore_camera
018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
jump @LITEFOOT_84

//wait 0
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PYTHON_FIRE" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TURN_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN2_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GANG_GUNSTAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND_FINISH" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GETUP_FRONT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate

if and
8AB0: not pressed_key 87  // W
8AB0: not pressed_key 83  // S
0AB0: key_down 32 // SPACE
Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "PYTHON_FIRE"
02D8: not is_char_holding_weapon $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 24
82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 //deagle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 25 //  shotgun
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 27 //  combat shotgun                                                      
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 33 //  rifle
//02D8:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 34 //  sniper
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar
not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "IDLE_STANCE" // acción quieto
jf @LITEFOOT_160

0470: 5@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this

01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 0
//wait 50  //este configura la velocidad permitida para apuntar y empezar a ejecutar las animaciones
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 24.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0 // valores optimos 8.1
wait 150   //por defecto 160, para fast 100
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 0 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0    // valores optimos 5.1
wait 120
//inicio desbug
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)
2@ += -1.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@, 1@, 2@)  //fin desbug
01B9: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon_to 5@
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
01B2: give_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 5@ ammo 0 // Load the weapon model before using this
jump @LITEFOOT_235

/*0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUNCROUCHFWD" IFP "PED" framedelta 4.1 loopA 1 lockX 1 lockY 1 lockF 1 time 0  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "" at 100.0 times_normal_rate  //of PED - CREAR HACK DESLIZAMIENTO CON LOOP ON */

//vainas innecesarias

//02E0:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//0AB0: key_down 65  //tecla A
//0AB0: key_down 68  //tecla D
//0AB0: pressed_key 68  //tecla D

//0AB0:   pressed_key 32  //tecla barra de espacio
//82E0: is_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aggressive
//Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "python_fire"
//02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
//not Actor.Animation($PLAYER_ACTOR) == "GUN_STAND" // accion apuntar

/*0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SPRINT_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 1 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 1 times_normal_rate*/

/*0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "WEAPON_CROUCH" at 1000.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CROUCH_ROLL_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "buddy_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "2guns_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "colt45_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchBwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunCrouchFwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GunMove_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_walk" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_wall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_fire_poor" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_reload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "python_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "RIFLE_crouchload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "shotgun_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CrouchReload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SilenceCrouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "TEC_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchfire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "UZI_crouchreload" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Duck_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Gun_Aim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_1H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_2H_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Lift_End" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Ar_Ret_S" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_G_Lift_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_In" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "SHP_Tray_Pose" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "lkup_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "panic_point" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Pointup_shout" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_in" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_loop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "point_out" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn05" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "putdwn105" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "crry_prtial" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gym_free_putdown" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Barcustom_get" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CHOPPA_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_O" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ped" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PASS_Rifle_Ply" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FF_Sit_Look" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointysfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot22_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybotb_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "pointybot_sfe" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "on_lookers" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "cj_bag_reclaim" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "DESERT_EAGLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "IDLE_STANCE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "ABSEIL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump2fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_jump_B" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Pull" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "gang_gunstand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "CLIMB_Stand_finish" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_collapse" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_fall" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_glide" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_land" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FALL_skyDive" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Fight2Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "getup_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Gun_2_IDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "GUN_BUTT_crouch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handscower" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "handsup" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_1" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_2" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HitA_3" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_behind" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_front" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_GUN_BUTT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "HIT_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Jetpack_Idle" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Run_stopR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_hand" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Tap_handP" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "turn_180" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_L" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "Turn_R" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "XPRESSscratch" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MUSCLEIDLE_ARMED" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_back" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_bunnyhop" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_drivebyFT" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_LHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_driveby_RHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_fwd" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffBACK" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffLHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_getoffRHS" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponL" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_jumponR" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Left" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pedal" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_pushes" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Ride" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_Right" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_sprint" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "MTB_still" at 100.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "FLAME_fire" at 100.0 times_normal_rate */
bro can u give me sniper litefoot
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