- Joined
- Aug 28, 2018
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Hello! I use cruise control without activation on the "=" key, that is, after I take my finger on "W" it goes alone at constant speed, well I want to make a cruise control that goes with the back (to give the car back) I go to "S" and when I take the finger on the button to go back.
I made this code:
I mean, in a nutshell I changed the start key, the problem is the next, after taking the finger on the "S" it instead of continuing to go back with the same speed, the car catches the speed with the front, and continues to go with speed which I went last time on "S", I briefly want to go with the car in the back when I press "S".
an you help me make this cruise control go the car with your back?
Another question would be, how can I make cruise control for flying machines? example for helicopters or planes?
I know it can but I have no idea how.
I made this code:
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0AA9: is_game_version_original
else_jump @NONAME_30
7@ = 5503856
jump @NONAME_40
7@ = 5505040
0AA7: call_function 7@ num_params 1 pop 1 0 10@
wait 0
if and
84C8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle
else_jump @NONAME_558
1@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_127
key_down 83
else_jump @NONAME_120
1@ = 1
jump @NONAME_308
1@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_174
not key_down 83
else_jump @NONAME_167
1@ = 2
jump @NONAME_308
2@ == 0
else_jump @NONAME_294
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16
else_jump @NONAME_287
1@ = 0
0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
02E3: 4@ = car 0@ speed
4@ > 1.0
else_jump @NONAME_287
4@ += 0.25
2@ = 1
wait 100
03CC: enable_car 0@ stuck_check_distance_to 1.0 time_to 500
jump @NONAME_308
1@ = 0
gosub @NONAME_590
2@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_551
83CE: not car 0@ stuck
else_jump @NONAME_544
02E3: 3@ = car 0@ speed
0087: 5@ = 4@ // (float)
0063: 5@ -= 3@ // (float)
0 > 5@
else_jump @NONAME_398
6@ = 28
jump @NONAME_405
6@ = 32
if and
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 14
80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16
else_jump @NONAME_530
0097: make 5@ absolute_float
5@ *= 10.0
5@ > 90.0
else_jump @NONAME_474
5@ = 90.0
02F6: 8@ = sine 5@ // (float)
8@ *= 255.0
0092: 9@ = float 8@ to_integer
0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 6@ // int
0A8C: write_memory 11@ size 2 value 9@ virtual_protect 0
jump @NONAME_537
gosub @NONAME_590
jump @NONAME_551
gosub @NONAME_590
jump @NONAME_583
2@ == 1
else_jump @NONAME_583
gosub @NONAME_590
jump @NONAME_55
wait 100
2@ = 0
03CD: disable_car 0@ stuck_check
I mean, in a nutshell I changed the start key, the problem is the next, after taking the finger on the "S" it instead of continuing to go back with the same speed, the car catches the speed with the front, and continues to go with speed which I went last time on "S", I briefly want to go with the car in the back when I press "S".
an you help me make this cruise control go the car with your back?
Another question would be, how can I make cruise control for flying machines? example for helicopters or planes?
I know it can but I have no idea how.