Debate over religious beliefs

Feb 18, 2005
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cvnr0 link said:

"our Gurus, when they came on Earth, they were sent by the divine"
Sounds legit.
Did the Gurus came from outer space?  :ppffh:
Maybe that's why they wear that turban, to hide the second alien head  :lol:


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May 29, 2014
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springfield link said:
"our Gurus, when they came on Earth, they were sent by the divine"
Sounds legit.
Did the Gurus came from outer space?  :ppffh:
Maybe that's why they wear that turban, to hide the second alien head  :lol:
Sikhs wear turbans to differentiate themselves fromw others and to cover their uncut here.
There are thousands of planets in the universe the word of the gurus is true everywhere, the gurus did not come from outer space. They were born as humans and went away as humans, but they reflected god and were god on earth themselves.
The guru was sent by the divine lord when there was hue and cry for it. So god just sent down a wave, considering god as ocean on the earth
Feb 18, 2005
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cvnr0 link said:
:ugbase:Sikhs wear turbans to differentiate themselves fromw others and to cover their uncut here.
There are thousands of planets in the universe the word of the gurus is true everywhere, the gurus did not come from outer space. They were born as humans and went away as humans, but they reflected god and were god on earth themselves.
The guru was sent by the divine lord when there was hue and cry for it. So god just sent down a wave, considering god as ocean on the earth

I don't understand anymore.
You say gurus are 'god on earth themselves', this 'divine lord' is also a god but he's not a guru? And there's god who's god.

So when you say "To remember gods name , and to meditate upon. him" how can you remember his name if you don't even know it? What's his name?


Feb 18, 2013
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Guys, please stop!

and become an Pastafarian <3

Flying Spaghetti Monster for the WIN!


Jul 14, 2015
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Opcode.eXe link said:
Guys, please stop!

and become an Pastafarian <3

Flying Spaghetti Monster for the WIN!
XD what OPCODEXE you believe it lol


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2015
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Opcode.eXe link said:
Guys, please stop!

and become an Pastafarian <3

Flying Spaghetti Monster for the WIN!

:table_flip: :table_flip: :table_flip: :table_flip:


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May 29, 2014
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springfield link said:
I don't understand anymore.
You say gurus are 'god on earth themselves', this 'divine lord' is also a god but he's not a guru? And there's god who's god.

So when you say "To remember gods name , and to meditate upon. him" how can you remember his name if you don't even know it? What's his name?
Divine lord is guru, guru is lord, he resides in everyone and in every place, the gurus who came were like a wave in the sea (completely pure without any polutants).

Muslims call him allah, hindus call him ram, sikhs call him waheguru, allah, onkar etc.
All the names of the god are same, you can call him with any name, dosent make a difference, that dosent mean call him a dickhead etc. lol


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Jun 9, 2013
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if you are crishtian WATCH it :)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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Guys look, a personal god does not exist. that's it. it's impossible for a personal fucking god to exist ok?, that's it.

God has to be something irrational, and illogical, this only if we assume that a god really exists...
this is why most intelligently advanced human beings are choosing to stay as agnostic atheists, or spiritual.


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May 29, 2014
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T3K link said:
Guys look, a personal god does not exist. that's it. it's impossible for a personal fucking god to exist ok?, that's it.

God has to be something irrational, and illogical, this only if we assume that a god really exists...
this is why most intelligently advanced human beings are choosing to stay as agnostic atheists, or spiritual.
iF U ARE spiritual u are already connecting to the god


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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cvnr0 link said:
iF U ARE spiritual u are already connecting to the god
Yes, the god is inside us. the god is one, we are one, everything is one, we are nothing, the reality we think we perceived is nothing, we are not living the real life, we are striving to get what we want, even though that act itself is a suffering, it's all fucking obvious guys just think and open your mind... question everything. do you even exist... who are you. you're not the body, so don't blame YOURSELF on what the body does.


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm so curious to read your life story or at least some kind of personal statement. Someone who has balls to claim that our world isn't real or our bodies aren't ours shouldn't have a problem to produce one :p


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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monday link said:
I'm so curious to read your life story or at least some kind of personal statement. Someone who has balls to claim that our world isn't real or our bodies aren't ours shouldn't have a problem to produce one :p
In our lives, we make a lot of assumptions... like we often assume that we are these bodies that we are riding. as conscious units, this claim is false, because the body is to the spirit, just like, the bike is to the biker.
we often also assume that we are the MIND, but that's not it also, why?, close your eyes, try to quiet yourSELF(the mind), i bet you can't?, why?, because thoughts are not controllable! thus you're not the mind either...
The thing that perceives, cannot be perceived. The thing that sees cannot be seen...
if we continue asking this question, and if we are really focused on it, we might get an insight of who we really ARE, we might be scared afterwards just like I was scared...i felt like i'm not controlling anything... i kept asking myself when i was closing my eyes trying to sleep, asking myself who am I?, then the mind answers scared shitlessly ("IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! YOU'RE THE MIND!"), then I'M asking the question again ("BUT IT'S NOT ME WHO ANSWERED THIS QUESTION!, HOW COULD SOMEONE ASK A QUESTION AND ANSWER IT IN THE SAME TIME!!"), and i literally can't control it, the thing is answering itself i have no control over it, at one moment my eyes focused on the darkness that i see in my eyelids, and suddenly I realized ("I'M NOTHING.")  Trust me i'm fucking serious this shit scared the fuck out of me, i felt like anything that i hear from my mind is like an evil thing, i just realized that every single fucking thought, is not actually my thought, AND THESE THOUGHTS are playing a big role in influencing my life...

I Started doing investigations tomorrow, I DECIDED TO watch every single thought and examine it..., unfortunately i couldn't.. my mind was always making me think i am him... and look at the statement I DECIDED.. i DECIDED to do something ,but i couldn't do it...
How does this influence your life?, we always seem to get sad when something happens to us, we always seem to get ONLY happy if something that we want, happens..., why does it have to be this way?, if we are going to get sad and later on become happy why do we even have to be sad in the first place?, are you thinking that you're the body?, are you thinking that you are this "INSERT_NAME_HERE" guy?, no..., then why suffer the pain with him?, instead, every time when something bad happens to you, don't resist IT, this is what All the enlightened people teach (Buddha, Zen Master, etc...), Because when YOU resist something, you always go deeper inside the illusion of your mind's reality which is a reality constructed by your thoughts... you didn't choose to construct how to perceive things... your mind presented you a model and accepted it(because u didn't realize at first that you are not the mind, so you shouldn't take what he's giving you seriously...)
So instead of resisting, you should accept reality, Don't resist it with sadness, fear, anger, jealousy..., also laziness is explained here, when you WANTED to do something, but you got lazy to do it, and procrastinated, and later on you regretted NOT DOING IT, at the moment YOU said that, that's YOU. that's the real YOU who wanted to do that thing, and that was the EVIL MIND giving you shitty excuses for not doing them, if you just examine the reasons your mind gives you for not doing things, it's really gonna make you understand more.

When we talk about objects, it's easy to know their identity, but WE CAN'T know the identity of an object, if it has consciousness... the identity then starts to become the consciousness. WE are the consciousness, but we are not fully conscious, because we can't control our minds, and we can't control our cars(our bodies). When consciousness comes into the equation, everything becomes weird. And this is why we are ONE with reality..., Reality cannot exist, if consciousness does not exist. Why?, because it's impossible to perceive reality without consciousness. now here is the twist, even if you think that what i say is nonsense, or if you have logical counter-arguments, you have to know that language is nowhere capable to allow me to explain to you fully how you can accept this. you have to experiment with yourself to realize it, it has to be experienced not thought out. just sit with yourself, start questioning, and you'll draw conclusions.

After i found out about myself, i realized something again..., one of the forms of suffering, is living in the past, or in the future.
Why?, you keep yourself closed from reality, actually..., your mind does that, he hops out of nowhere to the past, starts showing u pictures of something happened to you..., or something that you want to happen in the future... and then you just get lost in thought, ignoring that YOU, the real YOU, can only exist, in the present.
This is why you should always focus on the present... that's where you can at least, manage to have more control over your life...

You should also know, that, we are actually ONE..., because, we were one TIME, one point of energy, one singularity, that exploded in the existence realm to form the universe... The universe is like a cosmic Tree, and life is like a bunch of leaves in the branches, bacteria has got its own branches, insects got their own, fish got their own, everything that evolved has got its own branch, WE have our own branches. but, here is the twist again, THE universe, developed consciousness... So we are literally looking at ourselves right now... we are the fucking universe. I know this sounds like a huge claim but if you come to think about it, it makes sense... Just like if your finger right now had consciousness, he would say that he is the body.

After the realization of that, we are something BIG, and we are ONE, we suddenly start caring about our real selves... we love to help people because we're helping ourselves, we help animals because they're part of us, we start appreciating nature more, because it's the beautiful part of us... we start realizing that war is only the destruction of one's self, even though this destruction can do nothing to the universe because it's infinite, we start loving our bodies, taking care of it, eating healthier so that we can live longer to continue experiencing ourselves...

There are 2 things that i noticed that CANNOT BE CONTROLLED EVER!, even with CONSCIOUSNESS, OUR YOUR REAL SELF, you cannot control these two things, and these two things are: LOVE, and BEAUTY.
These things, are what WE really need, we cannot control them... just like if you are attracted to a boy or a girl, you can't break this attraction, because LOVE is what moves you... and it's always gonna move you when you see this guy or girl again, It happened to me and i couldn't stop it either, i realized my stupid mind, didn't really care when he chose for me to get attracted to this girl, he didn't understand the consequences if it, but now when i realized that my stupid mind put me in this situation, every time i see this person, i lose awareness, my stupid mind goes on to imagine things about this person, thoughts of regret, and hate arise in me, they are strong ones, hating the reality, the reality of why can't i get this girl to be my girlfriend...,this is why i choose mostly to stay away from this person because it's some really really really strong shit.
BEAUTY has a very very strange force. for example i've been listening to flute music these days, and i've listened to a song that made me realize this here it is : "" make sure that you're sitting somewhere silent, and have headphones, close your eyes and Follow the song's rhyme. The first time i listened to this, i cried., and i couldn't control it, the second time i cried again, every time i listen to it, i realize there has been something called BEAUTY, and this BEAUTY is everywhere... but yet we leave it and abandon it, we don't understand the power that we get when we see the beauty in something, in a split second, it moves everything inside you, and shows you that you've been living life the wrong way...

I'm experimenting these days with meditation and yoga, and wow, the feeling you get when you complete a yoga session, is just amazing!, let alone meditation... it helps YOU to discipline the monkey mind that keeps jumping around and ruining your life...

My opinion on gods: I cannot say anything about the existence of a god. All i can say is, every single thing that has been taught in the books of religions, is complete, BULL... SHIT. these religions talk about a "Personal God", a god which has created you to have a relation with you, and to have you worship him, and if you don't believe that he exists, you're going to hell for eternity.
The problem here is that... It's not that we don't believe, it's that THERE is something in our minds, in our knowledge, that PUSHES us to not believe, to make it simple... we have reasons for not believing, It's not US who don't want to believe, We have REASONS for not believing... these reasons are convincing us, we have no control over that either..., so GOD don't go on punishing us for something that we can't CONTROL... even if OUR reasons are false, or Wrong, it's not our fault... we can't know the right information, we can't know everything like you. The problem with personal gods, is that... they say that they are merciful.. when in reality no, they are not... people are suffering for nothing, people are poor, sick, alone, hurt, raped, suffering disability for nothing.
There are a lot of personal gods... and we don't know the right one from them... every single religion claims to be the right one. but unfortunately every single one of them is mistaken, or, it has contradictions or scientific errors, or inhumanity, or evil, or superstitious bullshit inside of them, that MAKES you, ALMOST 100% sure that a PERSONAL GOD, cannot, exist.
However, the idea that a supernatural being, unfair, unjust, does not care about its creation, COULD actually exist, but to know this God, we have to know ourselves first.

PS: here is another one, this kind of music is very rare.


Jun 23, 2014
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it's probably the most interesting thing i've seen on this forum;d, your overthinking reminds me of myself some years ago. I'm not anywhere near to objectively give absolute advice on how people should live their life but I could share with you some of my thoughts/experiences which made my life better

You could check out Sigmund Freuds' psychoanalysis theory, especially what he classified as defence mechanism called "intellectualisation"

Something about women

Something about people in general's_hierarchy_of_needs

Maybe understanding the source of the problem and differentiate "spirit/you" from your personality/body/actions/self-perception is working for you, but in case if you'll someday wish for a change here's what I did:
started doing weight training and eating well to be stronger, physically and mentally. You're a good programmer, probably you spend a lot of time without movement, there's a big chance that you have testosterone-like hormones imbalance because of it which actually affects the way you think


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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monday link said:
it's probably the most interesting thing i've seen on this forum;d, your overthinking reminds me of myself some years ago. I'm not anywhere near to objectively give absolute advice on how people should live their life but I could share with you some of my thoughts/experiences which made my life better

You could check out Sigmund Freuds' psychoanalysis theory, especially what he classified as defence mechanism called "intellectualisation"

Something about women

Something about people in general's_hierarchy_of_needs

Maybe understanding the source of the problem and differentiate "spirit/you" from your personality/body/actions/self-perception is working for you, but in case if you'll someday wish for a change here's what I did:
started doing weight training and eating well to be stronger, physically and mentally. You're a good programmer, probably you spend a lot of time without movement, there's a big chance that you have testosterone-like hormones imbalance because of it which actually affects the way you think

[member=21092]monday[/member] Thank you :)

-Yes i've read many theories on neurosis check out *Alexander Lowen* he detailed everything for me, and i started understanding more about why i was failing at getting peace of mind...

-Something about women, i'll check that out, thank you :p

-Yeah me too!, since last July i started working out every 3 days in a week, and started eating a lot of food because i was actually under-weight... and i actually only program in the summer because i have school, and i have to study too instead of spending a lot of time in the computer, i only come here to socialize with faggits. >:)

PS: i thought for a long time that i was actually overthinking stuff, but no... it happens to be that this is actually a true concept, and a lot of people are getting to this stuff.. Google Science&Non-Duality or if you want watch this video :