️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

Here you can send files and they will be decrypted(cleo/lua/ahk) !

CLEO / LUA / AHK files can have their encryption removed
In full / in part

The SF / ASI / DLL file will be mainly tested
It is not possible to extract code in an orderly manner from files programmed in C ++
Here you will find out if a file is safe and what it does.
Last edited:


Active member
Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score
Can you please decrypt this and tell me if it's safe?
{$CLEO .cs}

0@ = 0
6@ = 0

  not SAMP.Available
goto_if_false @Noname_37
wait 400
goto @Noname_16

wait 1000
chatmsg "{A3E900}[Teleport | Advance-Rp]: {FFFFFF}Óñïåøíî çàãðóæåí. Àâòîð: {A3E900}Niko" color -1
chatmsg "{A3E900}[Teleport | Advance-Rp]: {FFFFFF}Ñïåöèàëüíî äëÿ ñàéòà: {A3E900}SAmods.ru" color -1
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(1@, 83520, 2)
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(2@, 19728, 2)
0B34: samp register_client_command "atp" to_label @Noname_471

wait 0
  6@ == 1
goto_if_false @Noname_464
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(83520, 50064, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(19728, 50064, 2)
wait 150
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 3@, 4@, 5@)
wait 0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 3@, 4@, -999.0)
wait 2000
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(83520, 1@, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(19728, 2@, 2)
chatmsg "{A3E900}[Teleport | Advance-Rp]: {FFFFFF}Âû áûëè òåëåïîðòèðîâàííû!" color -1
add_one_off_sound 1058 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
6@ = 0

goto @Noname_248

  get_target_blip_coords 3@ 4@ 5@
goto_if_false @Noname_536
  0@ == 0
goto_if_false @Noname_522
0@ = 1

6@ = 1
goto @Noname_614

chatmsg "{A3E900}[Teleport | Advance-Rp]: {FFFFFF}Íå ïîñòàâëåííà ìåòêà íà êàðòå!" color -1



Active member
Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score
stealer, clean code here:
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP
04ED: load_animation "CRACK"
04EE:   animation "CRACK" loaded
04ED: load_animation "CRACK"
04EE:   animation "CRACK" loaded
04ED: load_animation "CRACK"
04EE:   animation "CRACK" loaded
04ED: load_animation "DEALER"
04EE:   animation "DEALER" loaded
04ED: load_animation "LOWRIDER"
04EE:   animation "LOWRIDER" loaded
04ED: load_animation "GANGS"
04EE:   animation "GHANDS" loaded
04ED: load_animation "GHANDS"
04EE:   animation "GHANDS" loaded
04ED: load_animation "RIOT"
04EE:   animation "RIOT" loaded
04ED: load_animation "MISC"
04EE:   animation "MISC" loaded
04ED: load_animation "MISC"
04EE:   animation "MISC" loaded

wait 0
if and
0AB0:   key_pressed 17
0AB0:   key_pressed 70
   not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
else_jump @NONAME_187
wait 0
0605: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "PRTIAL_GNGTLKG" IFP "LOWRIDER" framedelta 4.0 loop 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time 1
jump @NONAME_187


Active member
Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score
decrypting this, idk if has stealers

{$CLEO .cs}

write_debug "==============================================================="
write_debug "My VK: vk.com/id138101483"
write_debug "My Skype: hackes8"
write_debug "Group VK: vk.com/by_air"
write_debug "My YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/spacebmxair"
write_debug "All rights reserved ©"
write_debug "==============================================================="

wait 0
goto_if_false @Noname_287
0@ = 1
3@ = 0
9@ = 0
get_game_timer 10@
get_game_timer 11@
10@ -= 3333
0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook -552
0BE1: raknet setup_outcoming_rpc_hook -749
0B34: samp register_client_command "amade" to_label @Noname_371
0BDE: pause_thread 0

3@ = 0
9@ = 0
get_game_timer 10@
get_game_timer 11@
10@ -= 3333
  0@ == 0
goto_if_false @Noname_488
0@ = 1
print_formatted "~b~AntiDeathMatch ~r~by AIR~b~:~n~~g~Actived!" time 2000
goto @Noname_550

0@ = 0
print_formatted "~b~AntiDeathMatch ~r~by AIR~b~:~n~~p~Deactived!" time 2000

if and
  0@ == 1
  not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
  is_button_pressed 0 pressed_key 17
goto_if_false @Noname_745
0BE5: raknet 1@ = get_hook_param 1
  1@ == 207
goto_if_false @Noname_745
0BE5: raknet 2@ = get_hook_param 0
2@ = BitStream.GetDataPtr(2@)
imgui_text_disabled 3@ = struct 2@ offset 5 size 2
get_game_timer 11@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 11@ -= 10@
get_current_char_weapon 12@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
if and
  3@ > 0
  11@ > 3333
  not 12@ >= 16
goto_if_false @Noname_745
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 9@ = 3@
3@ -= 4
  not Actor.Stopped($PLAYER_ACTOR)
goto_if_false @Noname_733
imgui_text_wrapped 2@ offset 3 size 2 = 65408

imgui_text_wrapped 2@ offset 5 size 2 = 3@

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
if and
  0@ == 1
  not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
goto_if_false @Noname_931
0BE5: raknet 4@ = get_hook_param 1
  4@ == 115
goto_if_false @Noname_931
0BE5: raknet 5@ = get_hook_param 0
6@ = BitStream.Read(5@, 1)
BitStream.IgnoreBits(5@, 48)
12@ = BitStream.Read(5@, 3)
if and
  6@ == 0
  not 12@ >= 16
goto_if_false @Noname_931
get_game_timer 10@
allocate_memory 7@ = allocate_memory_size 68
8@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($PLAYER_ACTOR)
0BBA: samp store_player 8@ onfoot_data 7@
imgui_text_wrapped 7@ offset 4 size 2 = 9@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
0BC0: samp send_onfoot_data 7@
free_memory 7@

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1


Active member
Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score
decrypt please
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE bitwise}

write_debug "==============================================================="
write_debug "My VK: vk.com/id138101483"
write_debug "My Skype: hackes8"
write_debug "Group VK: vk.com/by_air"
write_debug "My YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/spacebmxair"
write_debug "All rights reserved ©"
write_debug "==============================================================="

wait 0
goto_if_false @Noname_287
0@ = 0
21@ = 0
0BE1: raknet setup_outcoming_rpc_hook -713
0B34: samp register_client_command "damag" to_label @Noname_569
0B34: samp register_client_command "kdamag" to_label @Noname_641

wait 0
  0@ == 1
goto_if_false @Noname_562
1@ = 0

goto_if_false @Noname_540
1@ = SAMP.GetActorHandleByPlayerID(2@)
  does_char_exist 2@
goto_if_false @Noname_540
if and
8B5C:   not samp is_player 1@ paused
  not Actor.Dead(2@)
  locate_char_any_means_char_2d 2@ near_actor $0[3] radius 2.0 2.0 0
goto_if_false @Noname_540
0BCB: samp send_give_damage playerid 1@ damage 6.6 weapon 0 bodypart 5
print_formatted "~b~FistDamager_v2 (1) ~r~by AIR~w~~n~~b~Damage: %d" time 300 1@
wait 350

1@ += 1
  1@ > 1000
goto_if_false @Noname_379

goto @Noname_350

0@ = 0@ ^ 1
print_formatted "~b~FistDamager_v2 (1) ~r~by AIR~w~~n~~b~State: %d" time 1000 0@

21@ = 21@ ^ 1
print_formatted "~b~FistDamager_v2 (2) ~r~by AIR~w~~n~~b~State: %d" time 1000 21@
  21@ == 1
goto_if_false @Noname_939
0BE5: raknet 14@ = get_hook_param 1
  14@ == 115
goto_if_false @Noname_939
0BE5: raknet 15@ = get_hook_param 0
16@ = BitStream.Read(15@, 1)
17@ = BitStream.Read(15@, 2)
18@ = BitStream.Read(15@, 3)
19@ = BitStream.Read(15@, 3)
20@ = BitStream.Read(15@, 3)
if and
  16@ == 0
  19@ == 0
goto_if_false @Noname_939
8B5C:   not samp is_player 17@ paused
goto_if_false @Noname_939
0BCB: samp send_give_damage playerid 17@ damage 6.6 weapon 0 bodypart 20@
print_formatted "~b~FistDamager_v2 (2) ~r~by AIR~w~~n~~b~Damage: %d" time 1000 17@
0BE0: raknet hook_ret 0

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1


Active member
Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score
decrypt ty
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE bitwise}
{$USE file}
{$USE ini}
{$USE newOpcodes}

script_name '{@:ISKV'

wait 0
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13
  not does_file_exist "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_603
  write_int_to_ini_file 300 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "DIALOG" key "X"
  write_int_to_ini_file 300 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "DIALOG" key "Y"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Vardas"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Pavarde"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Random"
  write_int_to_ini_file 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "DetiTarpa"
  write_string_to_ini_file "/vaziuoju" to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
  write_int_to_ini_file 1200 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasNuo"
  write_int_to_ini_file 1500 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasIki"
  write_int_to_ini_file 3 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesNuo"
  write_int_to_ini_file 5 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesIki"

  read_int_from_ini_file 1@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "DIALOG" key "X"
  read_int_from_ini_file 2@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "DIALOG" key "Y"
Dialog.Create(0@, "{03a672}Iðkvietimø botas V3 | © Krc")
Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 1@, 2@, 210, 301)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 1, "{03a672}__________________________", 1, -15, 300, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 2, "{03a672}Vardas", 8, 6, 80, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 3, "{03a672}Pavardë", 8, 26, 90, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 4, "{03a672}Random", 98, 6, 90, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 5, "{03a672}Dëti tarpà", 98, 26, 104, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 6, "{03a672}__________________________", 1, 32, 300, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 7, "{03a672}Komanda:", 10, 55, 70, 20)
Dialog.AddEditBox(0@, 8, "", 77, 47, 130, 36)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 9, "{03a672}__________________________", 1, 66, 300, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 10, "{03a672}Laikas:", 105, 85, 45, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 11, "{03a672}Nuo:", 10, 105, 35, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 12, 52, 105, 150, 20, 10000)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 13, "{03a672}Iki:", 17, 125, 20, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 14, 52, 125, 150, 20, 10000)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 15, "", 84, 145, 40, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 16, "{03a672}|", 123, 143, 5, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 17, "", 131, 145, 40, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 18, "{03a672}__________________________", 1, 147, 300, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 19, "{03a672}Raidës:", 102, 166, 50, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 20, "{03a672}Nuo:", 10, 186, 35, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 21, 52, 186, 150, 20, 12)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 22, "{03a672}Iki:", 17, 206, 20, 20)
Dialog.AddSlider(0@, 23, 52, 206, 150, 20, 12)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 24, "", 107, 226, 40, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 25, "{03a672}|", 123, 224, 5, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 26, "", 131, 226, 40, 20)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 27, "{03a672}__________________________", 1, 228, 300, 20)
Dialog.AddButton(0@, 28, "{BFBFBF}Ok", 20, 248, 70, 30)
Dialog.AddButton(0@, 29, "{BFBFBF}Help", 120, 248, 70, 30)
Dialog.AddStatic(0@, 30, "{03a672}__________________________", 1, 264, 300, 20)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 98, "", -9999, -9999, 0, 0)
Dialog.AddCheckBox(0@, 99, "", -9999, -9999, 0, 0)
Dialog.SetBackgroundColor(0@, -15658735)
Dialog.SetVisible(0@, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 2, -13750994)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 3, -13750994)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 4, -13750994)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 5, -13750994)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 12, -16537998)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 14, -16537998)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 21, -16537998)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxColor(0@, 23, -16537998)
4@ = -10467
  read_int_from_ini_file 3@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Vardas"
cleo_call 4@ 3 0@ 2 3@
  read_int_from_ini_file 3@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Pavarde"
cleo_call 4@ 3 0@ 3 3@
  read_int_from_ini_file 3@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Random"
cleo_call 4@ 3 0@ 4 3@
  read_int_from_ini_file 3@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "DetiTarpa"
cleo_call 4@ 3 0@ 5 3@

wait 0
5@ = -10806
6@ = -15126
cleo_call 6@ 0
goto_if_false @___ISKV_2161
cleo_call 5@ 1 0@

goto @___ISKV_2107
allocate_memory 2@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
allocate_memory 6@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
allocate_memory 7@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
allocate_memory 8@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
1@ = 96

SAMP.GetChatString(1@, 2@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 2@ format "{%x}[racija]{%x}"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 2@ format "{%x}[operatorius]{%x}"$0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6511
12@ = -9096
13@ = -9859
cleo_call 12@ 1 2@
cleo_call 13@ 4 2@ 123 125 6@
if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s %s k%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s %s K%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s %s i%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s %s I%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_2888
call_function 8528045 num_params 4 pop 4 8@ 7@ "[racija] %s %s" 6@
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_2888
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_2888
15@ = -9556
cleo_call 15@ 1 7@
cleo_call 15@ 1 8@
imgui_pop_item_width 7@ out 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 8@ out 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s %s k%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s %s K%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s %s i%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s %s I%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_3446
call_function 8528045 num_params 4 pop 4 8@ 7@ "[operatorius] %s %s" 6@
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_3446
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_3446
15@ = -9556
cleo_call 15@ 1 7@
cleo_call 15@ 1 8@
imgui_pop_item_width 7@ out 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 8@ out 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s - %s k%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s - %s K%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s - %s i%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s - %s I%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_3989
call_function 8528045 num_params 4 pop 4 8@ 7@ "[racija] %s - %s" 6@
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_3989
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_3989
15@ = -9556
cleo_call 15@ 1 7@
cleo_call 15@ 1 8@
imgui_pop_item_width 7@ out 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 8@ out 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s - %s k%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s - %s K%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s - %s i%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s - %s I%s"$0[4] $0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_4557
call_function 8528045 num_params 4 pop 4 8@ 7@ "[operatorius] %s - %s" 6@
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_4557
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_4557
15@ = -9556
cleo_call 15@ 1 7@
cleo_call 15@ 1 8@
imgui_pop_item_width 7@ out 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 8@ out 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s k%s"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s K%s"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s i%s"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[racija] %s I%s"$0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5090
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5090
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5090
imgui_collapsing_header 9@ = stristr string1 6@ string2 "[racija]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5090
17@ = -8234
18@ = -8674
19@ = -9401
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 17@ 1 9@ 7@
cleo_call 18@ 1 9@ 8@
cleo_call 19@ 1 7@
cleo_call 19@ 1 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

if or
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s k%s"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s K%s"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s i%s"$0[4] $0[4]
  scan_string $0[4]  = scan_string 6@ format "[operatorius] %s I%s"$0[4] $0[4]
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5648
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "Ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5648
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5648
imgui_collapsing_header 9@ = stristr string1 6@ string2 "[operatorius]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_5648
17@ = -8234
18@ = -8674
19@ = -9401
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 17@ 1 9@ 7@
cleo_call 18@ 1 9@ 8@
cleo_call 19@ 1 7@
cleo_call 19@ 1 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

imgui_collapsing_header 9@ = stristr string1 6@ string2 "[racija]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6077
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6077
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6077
21@ = -9246
22@ = -7774
23@ = -10414
cleo_call 21@ 1 6@
cleo_call 22@ 1 9@ 10@
cleo_call 23@ 1 10@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6077
24@ = -10036
25@ = -10173
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 24@ 1 10@ 8@ 11@
cleo_call 25@ 2 10@ 11@ 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 7@ out 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 8@ out 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

imgui_collapsing_header 9@ = stristr string1 6@ string2 "[operatorius]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6511
14@ = -9711
cleo_call 14@ 1 6@
if or
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "kvieia"
imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6511
if and
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ataukikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "nebevaiuojupas"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "ikvietimaspaimtasper"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "reikiaperimtiikvietim"
  not imgui_collapsing_header $0[4] = stristr string1 6@ string2 "pastiprinim"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6511
21@ = -9246
22@ = -7774
23@ = -10414
cleo_call 21@ 1 6@
cleo_call 22@ 1 9@ 10@
cleo_call 23@ 1 10@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6511
24@ = -10036
25@ = -10173
16@ = -10324
cleo_call 24@ 1 10@ 8@ 11@
cleo_call 25@ 2 10@ 11@ 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 7@ out 7@
imgui_pop_item_width 8@ out 8@
add_one_off_sound 1138 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
cleo_call 16@ 1 1
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, True)

1@ += 1
  1@ > 99
goto_if_false @___ISKV_2207
free_memory 2@
free_memory 6@
cleo_return 2 7@ 8@
9@ = -2168
cleo_call 9@ 1 0@ 1@ 2@
  read_int_from_ini_file 3@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasNuo"
  read_int_from_ini_file 4@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasIki"
generate_random_int_in_range 5@ = random_int_in_ranges 3@ 4@
if and
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 99)
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 2)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6916
10@ = -7614
cleo_call 10@ 1 1@ 6@
wait 5@
allocate_memory 8@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
  read_string_from_ini_file 8@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 5)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_6848
say "%s %s" 8@ 6@
goto @___ISKV_6863

say "%s%s" 8@ 6@

11@ = -10324
cleo_call 11@ 1 0
chatmsg "" color 251723520
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 98, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, False)
free_memory 8@

if and
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 99)
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 3)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7137
10@ = -7614
cleo_call 10@ 1 2@ 6@
wait 5@
allocate_memory 8@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
  read_string_from_ini_file 8@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 5)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7069
say "%s %s" 8@ 6@
goto @___ISKV_7084

say "%s%s" 8@ 6@

11@ = -10324
cleo_call 11@ 1 0
chatmsg "" color 251723520
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 98, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, False)
free_memory 8@

if and
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 99)
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 4)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7599
generate_random_int_in_range 7@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 3
  7@ == 1
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7385
10@ = -7614
cleo_call 10@ 1 1@ 6@
wait 5@
allocate_memory 8@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
  read_string_from_ini_file 8@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 5)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7317
say "%s %s" 8@ 6@
goto @___ISKV_7332

say "%s%s" 8@ 6@

11@ = -10324
cleo_call 11@ 1 0
chatmsg "" color 251723520
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 98, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, False)
free_memory 8@

  7@ == 2
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7599
10@ = -7614
cleo_call 10@ 1 2@ 6@
wait 5@
allocate_memory 8@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
  read_string_from_ini_file 8@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 5)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7531
say "%s %s" 8@ 6@
goto @___ISKV_7546

say "%s%s" 8@ 6@

11@ = -10324
cleo_call 11@ 1 0
chatmsg "" color 251723520
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 98, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 99, False)
free_memory 8@

free_memory 1@
free_memory 2@
cleo_return 0
  read_int_from_ini_file 2@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesNuo"
  read_int_from_ini_file 3@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesIki"
generate_random_int_in_range 4@ = random_int_in_ranges 2@ 3@
allocate_memory 1@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_spacing 1@ source 0@
imgui_selectable 1@ source 1@ size 4@
cleo_return 1 1@
free_memory 1@
cleo_return 0
allocate_memory 4@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_spacing 4@ source 0@
imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[racija]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7896
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "kvieia"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_7896
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 8
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[racija]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8002
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8002
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 8
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[operatorius]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8113
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "kvieia"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8113
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 13
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[operatorius]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8224
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8224
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 13
cleo_return 1 5@

free_memory 4@
cleo_return 0
allocate_memory 4@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_spacing 4@ source 0@
imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[operatorius]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8356
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "-"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8356
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 13
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[racija]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8457
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "-"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8457
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 8
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[operatorius]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8563
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "_"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8563
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 13
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "[racija]"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8664
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "_"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8664
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 8
cleo_return 1 5@

free_memory 4@
cleo_return 0
allocate_memory 4@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_spacing 4@ source 0@
imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "-"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8789
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "kvieia"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8789
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 1
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "-"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8888
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8888
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 1
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "_"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8987
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "kvieia"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_8987
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 1
cleo_return 1 5@

imgui_collapsing_header 5@ = stristr string1 4@ string2 "_"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9086
get_framerate 6@ = strlen 5@
imgui_collapsing_header 7@ = stristr string1 5@ string2 "ikviet"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9086
get_framerate 8@ = strlen 7@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 6@ -= 8@
imgui_selectable 5@ source 5@ size 6@
5@ += 1
cleo_return 1 5@

free_memory 4@
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 28@ = 0@
add_int_lvar_to_int_lvar 28@ += 31@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 27@ = 0@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 30@ = 0@

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 30@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if and
  29@ >= 128
  not 29@ > 255
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9189
goto @___ISKV_9208

write_memory 27@ size 1 value 29@ virtual_protect 1
27@ += 1

30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 28@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9143
write_memory 27@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 28@ = 0@
add_int_lvar_to_int_lvar 28@ += 31@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 27@ = 0@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 30@ = 0@

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 30@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if or
  29@ == 58
  29@ == 45
  29@ == 95
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9344
goto @___ISKV_9363

write_memory 27@ size 1 value 29@ virtual_protect 1
27@ += 1

30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 28@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9293
write_memory 27@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 28@ = 0@
add_int_lvar_to_int_lvar 28@ += 31@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 27@ = 0@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 30@ = 0@

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 30@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if or
  29@ == 58
  29@ == 95
  29@ == 32
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9499
goto @___ISKV_9518

write_memory 27@ size 1 value 29@ virtual_protect 1
27@ += 1

30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 28@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9448
write_memory 27@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 28@ = 0@
add_int_lvar_to_int_lvar 28@ += 31@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 27@ = 0@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 30@ = 0@

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 30@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if or
  29@ == 58
  29@ == 45
  29@ == 95
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9654
goto @___ISKV_9673

write_memory 27@ size 1 value 29@ virtual_protect 1
27@ += 1

30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 28@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9603
write_memory 27@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 28@ = 0@
add_int_lvar_to_int_lvar 28@ += 31@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 27@ = 0@
set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 30@ = 0@

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 30@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if or
  29@ == 32
  29@ == 58
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9802
goto @___ISKV_9821

write_memory 27@ size 1 value 29@ virtual_protect 1
27@ += 1

30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 28@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9758
write_memory 27@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
cleo_return 0
5@ = 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
30@ = 0

set_lvar_int_to_lvar_int 29@ = 0@
add_int_lvar_to_int_lvar 29@ += 30@
read_memory 28@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
  is_int_lvar_equal_to_int_lvar 28@ == 1@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9935
5@ = 1

  5@ == 0
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9972
write_memory 3@ size 1 value 28@ virtual_protect 1
3@ += 1

  is_int_lvar_equal_to_int_lvar 28@ == 2@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9998
5@ = 0

30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 31@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_9881
write_memory 3@ size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
30@ = 0

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if and
  29@ >= 65
  not 29@ > 90
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10139
1@ += 1
  1@ == 2
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10139
get_framerate 28@ = strlen 0@
cleo_return 2 0@ 28@

0@ += 1
30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 31@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10058
cleo_return 0
get_framerate 31@ = strlen 0@
31@ -= 1
30@ = 0

read_memory 29@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if and
  29@ >= 65
  not 29@ > 90
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10290
get_framerate 28@ = strlen 0@
sub_int_lvar_from_int_lvar 28@ -= 1@
allocate_memory 27@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_sameline 27@ value 0 size 1024
imgui_selectable 27@ source 0@ size 28@
cleo_return 1 27@
free_memory 27@

0@ += 1
30@ += 1
  is_int_lvar_greater_than_int_lvar 30@ > 31@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10195
cleo_return 0
  load_dynamic_library 10@ = load_dynamic_library "samp.dll"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10409
int_add 11@ = 10@ + 2203916
read_memory 12@ = read_memory 11@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
int_add 11@ = 10@ + 638256
call_method_return 11@ struct 12@ num_params 2 pop 0 1 0@ 6@

cleo_return 0
read_memory 29@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 1
if and
  29@ >= 65
  not 29@ > 90
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10460
goto @___ISKV_10462


cleo_return 0
  2@ == 1
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10496
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 1@, 2@)

cleo_return 0
if and
0C89:  key_just_pressed 122
  not Dialog.IsVisible(0@)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10611
Dialog.SetVisible(0@, True)
allocate_memory 1@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_sameline 1@ value 0 size 1024
  read_string_from_ini_file 1@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 8, 1@)
free_memory 1@

if and
0C89:  key_just_pressed 123
  not Dialog.IsVisible(0@)
  not SAMP.IsDialogActive(-1)
 21 8B D5 8B
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10684
  not Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 98)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10675
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 98, True)
goto @___ISKV_10684

Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 98, False)

if and
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 98)
  not Dialog.IsVisible(0@)
  not SAMP.IsDialogActive(-1)
 21 8B D5 8B
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10769
print_formatted_now "~Y~LAUKIAMAS ISKVIETIMAS" time 1
2@ = -6553
cleo_call 2@ 1 0@

cleo_return 0
if and
0C89:  key_just_pressed 119
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 98)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_10801
wait 1000

cleo_return 0
3@ = -10874
cleo_call 3@ 1 0@
4@ = -10501
cleo_call 4@ 1 0@
5@ = -10774
cleo_call 5@ 1 0@
cleo_return 0
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13661
allocate_memory 6@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
if and
  not Dialog.IsMinimized(0@)
  is_key_pressed 2
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11038
0B5E: get_cursor_pos 1@ 2@
Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 1@, 2@, 210, 301)
  write_int_to_ini_file 1@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "DIALOG" key "X"
  write_int_to_ini_file 2@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "DIALOG" key "Y"

  Dialog.PopEvent(0@, 3@, 4@)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13328
  3@ == 1025
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11396
  4@ == 2
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11396
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 4@)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11315
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 3, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 4, False)
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Random"
  write_int_to_ini_file 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Vardas"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Pavarde"
print_string_now "PASIRINKTAS: ~G~VARDAS" time 1000
goto @___ISKV_11396

  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Vardas"
print_string_now "PASIRINKIMAS: ~R~ATSAUKTAS" time 1000

  3@ == 1025
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11734
  4@ == 3
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11734
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 4@)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11652
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 2, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 4, False)
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Random"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Vardas"
  write_int_to_ini_file 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Pavarde"
print_string_now "PASIRINKTAS: ~G~PAVARDE" time 1000
goto @___ISKV_11734

  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Pavarde"
print_string_now "PASIRINKIMAS: ~R~ATSAUKTAS" time 1000

  3@ == 1025
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12070
  4@ == 4
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12070
  Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(0@, 4@)
goto_if_false @___ISKV_11989
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 2, False)
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(0@, 3, False)
  write_int_to_ini_file 1 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Random"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Vardas"
  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Pavarde"
print_string_now "PASIRINKTAS: ~G~RANDOM" time 1000
goto @___ISKV_12070

  write_int_to_ini_file 0 to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Random"
print_string_now "PASIRINKIMAS: ~R~ATSAUKTAS" time 1000

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12190
  4@ == 12
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12190
Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 4@, 5@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 5@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 15, 6@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasNuo"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12308
  4@ == 15
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12308
Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 4@, 7@)
imgui_set_cursor_visible 5@ = atoi 7@
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 12, 5@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasNuo"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12428
  4@ == 14
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12428
Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 4@, 5@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 5@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 17, 6@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasIki"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12546
  4@ == 17
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12546
Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 4@, 7@)
imgui_set_cursor_visible 5@ = atoi 7@
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 14, 5@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasIki"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12666
  4@ == 21
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12666
Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 4@, 5@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 5@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 24, 6@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesNuo"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12784
  4@ == 24
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12784
Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 4@, 7@)
imgui_set_cursor_visible 5@ = atoi 7@
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 21, 5@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesNuo"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12904
  4@ == 23
goto_if_false @___ISKV_12904
Dialog.SliderGetValue(0@, 4@, 5@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 5@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 26, 6@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesIki"

  3@ == 1281
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13022
  4@ == 26
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13022
Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 4@, 7@)
imgui_set_cursor_visible 5@ = atoi 7@
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 23, 5@)
  write_int_to_ini_file 5@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesIki"

  4@ == 28
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13134
allocate_memory 9@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_sameline 9@ value 0 size 1024
Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 8, 9@)
  write_string_to_ini_file 9@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
free_memory 9@
Dialog.SetVisible(0@, False)

  4@ == 29
goto_if_false @___ISKV_13328
allocate_memory 9@ = allocate_memory_size 1024
imgui_sameline 9@ value 0 size 1024
Dialog.GetControlText(0@, 8, 9@)
  write_string_to_ini_file 9@ to_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "Komanda"
free_memory 9@
Dialog.SetVisible(0@, False)
30@ = -13666
get_label_pointer 10@ = label 30@
SAMP.ShowDialog(7312, "{969696}Iðkvietimø botas V3 pagalba", 10@, "{969696}Gerai", "", 0)

  read_int_from_ini_file 8@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasNuo"
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 12, 8@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 8@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 15, 6@)
  read_int_from_ini_file 8@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "LaikasIki"
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 14, 8@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 8@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 17, 6@)
  read_int_from_ini_file 8@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesNuo"
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 21, 8@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 8@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 24, 6@)
  read_int_from_ini_file 8@ = read_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\IskvietimaiV3.ini" section "NUSTATYMAI" key "RaidesIki"
Dialog.SliderSetValue(0@, 23, 8@)
imgui_get_frame_height 6@ = itoa 8@ radix 10
Dialog.SetControlText(0@, 26, 6@)
free_memory 6@

cleo_return 0
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 0A 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E
 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E
 3E 3E 3E 3E 3E 20 49 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D F8
 20 62 6F 74 6F 20 56 33 20 70 61 67 61 6C 62 61
 20 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C
 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 0A 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 0A 46 31 31 20 2D 20 C1 6A 75
 6E 67 74 69 20 6C 65 6E 74 65 6C 65 20 73 75 20
 6E 75 73 74 61 74 79 6D 61 69 73 2E 0A 46 31 32
 20 2D 20 C1 6A 75 6E 67 74 69 20 2F 20 69 F0 6A
 75 6E 67 74 69 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D F8
 20 62 6F 74 E0 2E 0A 50 75 6E 6B 74 61 73 20 27
 56 61 72 64 61 73 27 20 2D 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65
 74 69 6D 75 73 20 69 6D 73 20 74 69 6B 20 70 61
 67 61 6C 20 FE 61 69 64 EB 6A 6F 20 76 61 72 64
 E0 2E 0A 50 75 6E 6B 74 61 73 20 27 50 61 76 61
 72 64 EB 27 20 2D 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D
 75 73 20 69 6D 73 20 74 69 6B 20 70 61 67 61 6C
 20 FE 61 69 64 EB 6A 6F 20 70 61 76 61 72 64 E6
 2E 0A 50 75 6E 6B 74 61 73 20 27 52 61 6E 64 6F
 6D 27 20 2D 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D 75 73
 20 69 6D 73 20 72 61 6E 64 6F 6D 20 62 FB 64 75
 20 70 61 67 61 6C 20 76 61 72 64 E0 20 61 72 62
 61 20 70 61 76 61 72 64 E6 2E 0A 50 75 6E 6B 74
 61 73 20 27 4B 6F 6D 61 6E 64 61 3A 27 20 2D 20
 70 61 73 69 72 69 6E 6B 74 69 20 73 75 20 6B 6F
 6B 69 61 20 6B 6F 6D 61 6E 64 61 20 69 6D 74 69
 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D 75 73 2E 0A 50 75
 6E 6B 74 61 73 20 27 44 EB 74 69 20 74 61 72 70
 E0 27 20 2D 20 70 6F 20 70 61 73 69 72 69 6E 6B
 74 6F 73 20 6B 6F 6D 61 6E 64 6F 73 20 70 61 64
 EB 73 20 74 61 72 70 E0 2E 0A 4B 61 64 20 69 F0
 73 61 75 67 6F 74 69 20 6B 6F 6D 61 6E 64 61 2C
 20 74 75 72 69 74 65 20 70 61 73 70 61 75 73 74
 69 20 27 4F 4B 27 20 61 72 62 61 20 27 48 45 4C
 50 27 20 6D 79 67 74 75 6B E0 2E 0A 50 61 73 69
 72 69 6E 6B 75 73 20 6C 61 69 6B E0 20 6E 75 6F
 20 2F 20 69 6B 69 2C 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69
 6D 75 73 20 69 6D 73 20 72 61 6E 64 6F 6D 20 6C
 61 69 6B 75 20 70 61 67 61 6C 20 70 61 73 69 72
 69 6E 6B 74 E0 20 6C 61 69 6B E0 2E 0A 50 61 73
 69 72 69 6E 6B 75 73 20 72 61 69 64 65 73 20 6E
 75 6F 20 2F 20 69 6B 69 2C 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65
 74 69 6D 75 73 20 69 6D 73 20 72 61 6E 64 6F 6D
 20 72 61 69 64 FE 69 F8 20 6B 69 65 6B 69 75 20
 70 61 67 61 6C 20 70 61 73 69 72 69 6E 6B 74 61
 73 20 72 61 69 64 65 73 2E 0A 4E 75 73 74 61 74
 79 6D F8 20 6C 65 6E 74 65 6C EB 73 20 70 6F 7A
 69 63 69 6A 61 20 67 61 6C 69 74 65 20 6B 65 69
 73 74 69 20 74 65 6D 70 64 61 6D 69 20 70 65 6C
 E6 20 69 72 20 6C 61 69 6B 79 64 61 6D 69 20 64
 65 F0 69 6E E1 20 70 65 6C EB 73 20 6D 79 67 74
 75 6B E0 2E 0A 20 0A 41 50 53 41 55 47 4F 53 3A
 0A 49 6D 61 6E 74 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D
 E0 2C 20 61 75 74 6F 6D 61 74 69 F0 6B 61 69 20
 75 FE 62 6C 6F 6B 75 6F 73 20 6B 6C 61 76 69 61
 74 FB 72 E0 20 69 6B 69 20 6B 6F 6C 20 70 61 69
 6D 73 20 69 F0 6B 76 69 65 74 69 6D E0 2E 0A 52
 61 F0 61 6E 74 20 FE 69 6E 75 74 E6 20 61 72 20
 62 FB 6E 61 6E 74 20 61 74 73 69 64 61 72 69 75
 73 20 62 65 74 20 6B 6F 6B E1 20 64 69 61 6C 6F
 67 2C 20 73 63 6F 72 65 62 61 72 2C 20 6E 75 73
 74 61 74 79 6D 75 73 20 2D 20 62 6F 74 61 73 20
 6E 65 72 65 61 67 75 6F 73 2E 0A 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
 2D 2D
  is_int_lvar_greater_or_equal_to_int_lvar 2.765827E-40 >= -15304
  load_dynamic_library 0@ = load_dynamic_library "kernel32.dll"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_15294
  get_dynamic_library_procedure 1@ = get_dynamic_library_procedure "GetVolumeInformationA" library 0@
goto_if_false @___ISKV_15294
get_var_pointer 2@ = var 2@
call_function 1@ num_params 8 pop 0 0 0 0 0 2@ 0 0 0
  2@ == -1708713892
goto_if_false @___ISKV_15294
cleo_call 3@ 0
goto_if_false @___ISKV_15292
goto @___ISKV_15294


free_dynamic_library 0@
cleo_return 0
0@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3])
1@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(0@)
imgui_separator 1@ string2 "Brandintas_Viskis"
goto_if_false @___ISKV_15364
goto @___ISKV_15366


cleo_return 0


Oct 22, 2022
Reaction score
@Saam thank you very much for decrypting that file. Can you please decrypt this one too? (I am looking for a fast respawn cleo, but I cant find a consistent and good one)


  • fastrespawn.cs
    17.3 KB · Views: 5