// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
wait 0
else_jump @NONAME_2
wait 0
056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined
else_jump @NONAME_310
wait 0
0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 12010640 size 4 virtual_protect 0
29@ += 4
0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
30@ = 0
0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 0
29@ += 1
if and
31@ >= 0
128 > 31@
else_jump @NONAME_285
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)
if and
803B: not 31@ == $PLAYER_ACTOR // (int)
056D: actor 31@ defined
else_jump @NONAME_285
0@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle(31@)
8@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(0@)
9@ = SAMP.GetPlayerColor(0@)
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@, 3@)
Actor.StorePos(31@, 4@, 5@, 6@)
0509: 7@ = distance_between_XY 1@ 2@ and_XY 4@ 5@
not 7@ > 3.0
else_jump @NONAME_285
if and
not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
key_down 103
else_jump @NONAME_285
say "/bauda %d" 0@
wait 1000
30@ += 256
30@ > 35584
else_jump @NONAME_79
jump @NONAME_15