Hi everyone, I want to make a script that drives the boat to marker, I used this snippet, but I don't manage to get it working.
So I told myself it should be outdated and tried to update it using this release but failed again.
I also tried to display player position using printf "%d %d %d" 1@ 2@ 3@ but it don't worked =/
here an image of the marker the marker position is random this is why I need to get it
So I would like to know why my printf don't work and what I missed when making this snippet with this release.
Thanks for help
So I told myself it should be outdated and tried to update it using this release but failed again.
I also tried to display player position using printf "%d %d %d" 1@ 2@ 3@ but it don't worked =/
here an image of the marker the marker position is random this is why I need to get it
So I would like to know why my printf don't work and what I missed when making this snippet with this release.
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 20@, 21@, 22@)
printf "PLAYER POS:~B~ %d, %d", %d 1000 20@ 21@ 22@
wait 0
if and
0AB0: key_pressed 80
04A7: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat
else_jump @fish_0
03C0: 30@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
02DB: set_boat 30@ speed_to 40.0
wait 500
for 13@ = 1 to 31
if 0AB1: @GetMarkerPosition 1 13@ 14@ 15@ 16@
02D3: boat 30@ sail_to 14@ 15@ 0.0
jump @fish_0
0085: 0@ = 13@
0@ *= 160
0@ += 13098328
0@ += 48
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0@ += 4
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0@ += 4
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 0@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
0@ += 28
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 0@ size 2 virtual_protect 0
if and
8043: 1@ == 0.0
8043: 2@ == 0.0
8043: 1@ == 1099.551025
8043: 2@ == 1601.496948
8043: 1@ == 2695.624023
8043: 2@ == -1704.687988
4@ == 1
0485: return_true
059A: return_false
0AB2: ret 3 1@ 2@ 3@
Thanks for help
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