i have watched a Tutorial from Flook Hacks and do it step by step.
This is my Script, if i want to Include the Hackprocess i become a Error like this.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
//#include "HackProcess.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
// Engine.dll+0x76F0A0
const DWORD dw_vMatrix = 0x76F0A0;
const DWORD dw_AntiFlick = 0x76EEFE;
HWND TargetWnd;
HWND Handle;
COLORREF = SnapLineColor;
typedef struct
float flMatrix[4][4];
float Get3dDistance(float * myCoords, float * enemyCoords)
return sqrt(
pow(double(enemyCoords[0]), 2.0) +
pow(double(enemyCoords[1]), 2.0) +
pow(double(enemyCoords[2]), 2.0));
void SetupDrawing(HDC hDesktop, HWND handle)
HDC_Desktop = hDesktop;
Handle = handle;
Enemybrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));
SnapLineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0);
TextColor = RGB(0, 255, 0);
/*----------------AIMBOT RELATED CODE------------------*/
//Create our 'hooking' and process managing object
CHackProcess fProcess;
using namespace std;
//We use F6 to exit the hack
#define F6_Key 0x75
//right click
#define RIGHT_MOUSE 0x02
//Here we store the num of players and update it regularly to know how many enemies we are dealing with
//this saves us doing loops unless their necessary e.g. we have 12 players and still loop 32 times wasting our great resources
//This makes our triggerbot MUCH faster in general
int NumOfPlayers = 32;
const DWORD dw_PlayerCountOffs = 0x5CE10C;//Engine.dll
//The player base is VERY important so we know where our player info is at
//including current jump status so we can use force jumping making our bHop
const DWORD Player_Base = 0x53FB04;//0x00574560;
const DWORD dw_mTeamOffset = 0x98;//client
const DWORD dw_Health = 0x90;//client
//FOR the x coord we can use cl_pdump for m_vecOrigin Vector or just move around the map looking for different values
//e.g. to find y coordinate walk up ladder search up, walk down search down etc.
const DWORD dw_Pos = 0x25C;//client
//Enemy Vars including the enemy loop
const DWORD EntityPlayer_Base = 0x54D324;
//How far in memory is each enemy data
const DWORD EntityLoopDistance = 0x10;
//We find these by moving our mouse around constantly looking for changed/unchanged value,
//the alternative is to use cl_pdump 1 and search for the value assigned to m_angRotation vector
const DWORD dw_m_angRotation = 0x461A9C;
RECT m_Rect;
//Set of initial variables you'll need
//Our desktop handle
HDC HDC_Desktop;
//Brush to paint ESP etc
HBRUSH EnemyBrush;
HFONT Font; //font we use to write text with
//We will use this struct throughout all other tutorials adding more variables every time
struct MyPlayer_t
DWORD CLocalPlayer;
int Team;
int Health;
WorldToScreenMatrix_t WorldToScreenMatrix;
float Position[3];
int flickerCheck;
void ReadInformation()
// Reading CLocalPlayer Pointer to our "CLocalPlayer" DWORD.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordClient + Player_Base), &CLocalPlayer, sizeof(DWORD), 0);
// Reading out our Team to our "Team" Varible.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CLocalPlayer + dw_mTeamOffset), &Team, sizeof(int), 0);
// Reading out our Health to our "Health" Varible.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CLocalPlayer + dw_Health), &Health, sizeof(int), 0);
// Reading out our Position to our "Position" Varible.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CLocalPlayer + dw_Pos), &Position, sizeof(float[3]), 0);
//Here we find how many player entities exist in our game, through this we make sure to only loop the amount of times we need
//when grabbing player data
//Note that this call could be even better at a regular 15 or so seconds timer but performance shouldn't vary a great deal
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordEngine + dw_PlayerCountOffs), &NumOfPlayers, sizeof(int), 0);
//anti flicker
// ReadProcessMemory(fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordEngine + dw_vMatrix), &flickerCheck, sizeof(int), 0);
//if (flickerCheck = 0)
// {
ReadProcessMemory(fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordEngine + dw_vMatrix), WorldToScreenMatrix, sizeof(WorldToScreenMatrix), 0);
// }
//ENemy struct
struct PlayerList_t
DWORD CBaseEntity;
int Team;
int Health;
float Position[3];
float AimbotAngle[3];
char Name[39];
void ReadInformation(int Player)
// Reading CBaseEntity Pointer to our "CBaseEntity" DWORD + Current Player in the loop. 0x10 is the CBaseEntity List Size
//"client.dll"+00545204 //0x571A5204
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(fProcess.__dwordClient + EntityPlayer_Base + (Player * EntityLoopDistance)),&CBaseEntity, sizeof(DWORD), 0);
// Reading out our Team to our "Team" Varible.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CBaseEntity + dw_mTeamOffset), &Team, sizeof(int), 0);
// Reading out our Health to our "Health" Varible.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CBaseEntity + dw_Health), &Health, sizeof(int), 0);
// Reading out our Position to our "Position" Varible.
ReadProcessMemory (fProcess.__HandleProcess, (PBYTE*)(CBaseEntity + dw_Pos), &Position, sizeof(float[3]), 0);
bool WorldToScreen(float * from, float * to)
float w = 0.0f;
to[0] = MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][0] * from[0] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix[0][1] * from[1] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][2] * from[2] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[0][3];
to[1] = MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][0] * from[0] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix[1][1] * from[1] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][2] * from[2] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[1][3];
w = MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][0] * from[0] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix[3][1] * from[1] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][2] * from[2] + MyPLayer.WorldToScreenMatrix.flMatrix[3][3];
if (w < 0.01f)
return false;
float invw = 1.0f / w;
to[0] *= invw;
to[1] *= invw;
int width = (int)(m_Rect.right - m_Rect.left);
int heighth = (int)(m_Rect.bottom - m_Rect.top);
float x = width / 2;
float x = height / 2;
x += 0.5 * to[0] * width + 0.5;
y -= 0.5 * to[1] * height + 0.5:
to[0] = x + m_Rect.left;
to[1] = y + m_Rect.top;
return true;
//We receive the 2-D Coordinates the colour and the device we want to use to draw those colours with
//HDC so we know where to draw and brush because we need it to draw
void DrawFilledRect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
//We create our rectangle to draw on screen
RECT rect = { x, y, x + w, y + h };
//We clear that portion of the screen and display our rectangle
FillRect(HDC_Desktop, &rect, EnemyBrush);
void DrawBorderBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int thickness)
//Top horiz line
DrawFilledRect(x, y, w, thickness);
//Left vertical line
DrawFilledRect( x, y, thickness, h);
//right vertical line
DrawFilledRect((x + w), y, thickness, h);
//bottom horiz line
DrawFilledRect(x, y + h, w+thickness, thickness);
//Here is where we draw our line from point A to Point B
void DrawLine(float StartX, float StartY, float EndX, float EndY, COLORREF Pen)
int a,b=0;
// penstyle, width, color
HPEN hNPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, Pen);
hOPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(HDC_Desktop, hNPen);
// starting point of line
MoveToEx(HDC_Desktop, StartX, StartY, NULL);
// ending point of line
a = LineTo(HDC_Desktop, EndX, EndY);
DeleteObject(SelectObject(HDC_Desktop, hOPen));
//Draw our text with this function
void DrawString(int x, int y, COLORREF color, const char* text)
void DrawESP(int x, int y, float distance)
int width = 100; //18100 / distance;
int height = 150; //36000 / distance;
DrawBorderBox(x - (width / 2), y - height, width, height, 1);
DrawLine((m_Rect.Right - m_Rect.left)/2),
m_Rect.bottom - m_Rect.top), x, y, SnapLineCOLOR);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << (int)distance;
char * distanceInfo = new char[ss.str().size() + 1];
strcpy(distanceInfo, ss.str().c_str());
DrawString(x, y, TextCOLOR, distanceInfo);
delete[] distanceInfo;
void ESP()
GetWindowRect(FindWindow(NULL,"gta_sa.exe"), &m_Rect);
for (int i = 0; 1 < NumOfPLayers; i++)
if (PLayerList[o].Health < 2)
if (PLayerList[o].Team == MyPLayer.Team)
float EnemyXY[3]
if (WorldToScreen(PLayerList.Position, EnemyXY))
DrawESP(EnemyXY[0] - m_Rect.left, EnemyXY[1] - m_Rect.top, Get3dDistance(Myplayer.Position, PLayerList.Position));
int main()
//Do we have OUR CSS GAME?
showWindow(FindWindowA"ConsoleWindowClass", NULL), false);
TargetWnd = FindWindow(0, "gta_sa.exe");
HDC HDC_Desktop = GetDC(targetWnd);
SetupDrawing(HDC_Desktop, TargetWnd);
//Our infinite loop will go here
for (;
return 0;