{$CLEO .cs}
thread "SR_team"
wait 3000
wait 0
if and
key_down 81
00E1: player 0 pressed_key 6
0AD2: 1@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET
0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor 1@
not SAMP.ChatInputOpened
not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)
else_jump @SR_team_31
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(17, 255)
Actor.StorePos(1@, 13@, 14@, 15@)
0087: 12@ = 15@ // (float)
12@ += 0.5
0@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle(1@)
alloc 5@ 39
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 0 size 1 = 1
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 1 size 2 = 0@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 3 size 4 = 13@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 7 size 4 = 14@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 11 size 4 = 12@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 15 size 4 = 13@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 19 size 4 = 14@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 23 size 4 = 15@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 27 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 31 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 35 size 4 = 0.0
6@ = RakNet.NewBitStream()
BitStream.Write(6@, 224, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(6@, 5@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 39)
free 5@
SAMP.SetGameKeyState(17, 0)
jump @SR_team_31