* Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Not sure
* Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): Nope
* What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) Blocks one shot damage and then allows the second shot to do some damage more like 1 shot no damage 2shot damage I don't want it to give you 100hp I just want it to freeze your hp when it blocks the first shot and then allow the second shot to do some damage
* On/off key (specify it): anything
* Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): Nope
* What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) Blocks one shot damage and then allows the second shot to do some damage more like 1 shot no damage 2shot damage I don't want it to give you 100hp I just want it to freeze your hp when it blocks the first shot and then allow the second shot to do some damage
* On/off key (specify it): anything