I want to code a mod(hack) fot GTA:SA-MP, but the cleo library is too hard, it seems like assembly. Is there a way I can code my own code in C++, or other static strongly typed language?
#SingleInstance Force
#Include SAMP.ahk
#IfWinActive GTA:SA:MP
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines -1
SendMode Input
settimer, Aktywacja, 500
if (count = 1)
toggle := !toggle
ShowGameText("~w~LSS Mechanik ~g~Wlaczony", 1337, 5)
SetTimer, LSS_Mechanik, 500
ShowGameText("~w~LSS Mechanik ~r~Wylaczony", 1337, 5)
SetTimer, LSS_Mechanik, Off
count := 0
ShowGameText("~y~1: wchodze do auta", 137, 5)
SendInput {f down}
Sleep 30
SendInput {f up}
Sleep 5000
ShowGameText("~y~2: wpisuje felgi", 137, 5)
SendInput {f6}/p felgi{enter}
Sleep 2000
ShowGameText("~y~3: wpisuje id i kwote", 137, 5)
SendInput 101 0{enter}
Sleep 2000
ShowGameText("~y~4: akceptuje dialog", 137, 5)
SendInput {enter}
Sleep 3000
ShowGameText("~y~5: obracam kamere i ustawiam sie", 137, 5)
MouseMove -7.0, -2.0, 0, R
Sleep 100
MouseMove 0, 0, 0, R
Sleep 100
SendInput {d down}
Sleep 450
SendInput {d up}
Sleep 100
SendInput {d down}
Sleep 400
SendInput {d up}
ShowGameText("~y~6: czekam 195 sekund", 137, 5)
Sleep 200000
ShowGameText("~y~7: akceptuje dialog", 137, 5)
SendInput {enter}
Sleep 5000
ShowGameText("~y~8: otwieram pojazd", 137, 5)
SendInput {f6}/v z{enter}
Sleep 3000
ShowGameText("~y~9: wsiadam do pojazdu", 137, 5)
SendInput {f down}
Sleep 30
SendInput {f up}
Sleep, 5000
ShowGameText("~y~10: otwieram dodatki", 137, 5)
SendInput {f6}/v{enter}
Sleep 3000
SendInput {Down}
Sleep 100
SendInput {Down}
Sleep 100
SendInput {Down}
Sleep 100
SendInput {Down}
Sleep 100
SendInput {Down}
Sleep 3000
ShowGameText("~y~11: demontuje kurestwo", 137, 5)
SendInput {enter}
Sleep 3000
ShowGameText("~y~12: testowo naciskam enter", 137, 5)
SendInput {enter}
Sleep 4000
ShowGameText("~y~13: wychodze z auta", 137, 5)
SendInput {f down}
Sleep 30
SendInput {f up}
Sleep 5000