Yo, whatsup? Im new in this community, i got no idea how to work in c++, i wanna learn how to make scripts like a aimbot/wallhack and more.
Can someone help me up?
Can someone help me up?
monday said:you could check this out
Code://By Opcode.eXe #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> using namespace std; int main() { SetConsoleTitle("FreezeRotation.eXe by Opcode.eXe"); cout << "FreezeRotation - makes your car hard like 0x688 nipples!" << endl; cout << "Looking for GTA:SA:MP window." << endl; // MA VARIABLES DWORD pId; DWORD dwOldProtect = 0; HANDLE pHandle; HWND hWnd = 0; DWORD vpointer = 0; DWORD collflags; DWORD spin; BYTE inair; float zero = 0.0; while(hWnd == 0){ hWnd = FindWindow(0, "GTA:SA:MP"); Sleep(100); } cout << "Just found the window. FreezeRotation has been started." << endl; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &pId); pHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS|PROCESS_VM_OPERATION, TRUE, pId); while(true){ ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, (LPCVOID)0xBA18FC, &vpointer, 4, 0); if(vpointer >= 1) { collflags = vpointer + 185; ReadProcessMemory(pHandle, (LPCVOID)collflags, &inair, 1, 0); if(inair == false){ WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, (LPVOID)(vpointer + 0x50), (LPVOID)&zero, 4, NULL); WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, (LPVOID)(vpointer + 0x50 + 4), (LPVOID)&zero, 4, NULL); WriteProcessMemory(pHandle, (LPVOID)(vpointer + 0x50 + 8), (LPVOID)&zero, 4, NULL); } } Sleep(10); } CloseHandle(pHandle); return 0; }
The code above changes gta_sa memory from the other process. The code below does it from the "inside":
Code://by springfield #include <windows.h> #define SAMP_INFO 0x212A80 #define SAMP_SETTINGS 0x3D5 DWORD* pInfo = NULL; BYTE* ThroughWalls = NULL; float* fDistance = NULL; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool KeyPressed(BYTE key) { return ((GetAsyncKeyState(key)&(1<<16))!=0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Thread() { DWORD SampDLL = (DWORD)GetModuleHandleA("samp.dll"); if(SampDLL) { pInfo = (DWORD*)(SampDLL+SAMP_INFO); while(*pInfo==0) Sleep(1000); while(*(DWORD*)(*pInfo + SAMP_SETTINGS) == 0) Sleep(1000); ThroughWalls = (BYTE*)(*(DWORD*)(*pInfo + SAMP_SETTINGS) + 0x2F); fDistance = (float*)((DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)(*pInfo + SAMP_SETTINGS) + 0x27)); Sleep(14000); DWORD OldProt; VirtualProtect((LPVOID)ThroughWalls, 0x100, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProt); VirtualProtect((LPVOID)fDistance, 0x100, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProt); for(;;) { do { Sleep(100); } while(!KeyPressed(VK_MENU) || !KeyPressed(VK_F3)); do { Sleep(50); } while(KeyPressed(VK_F3)); *ThroughWalls = 0; *fDistance = 1500.0; do { Sleep(100); } while(!KeyPressed(VK_MENU) || !KeyPressed(VK_F3)); do { Sleep(50); } while(KeyPressed(VK_F3)); *ThroughWalls = 1; *fDistance = 50.0; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved) { if(reason==DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Thread, 0, 0, 0); } return 1; }
MrChristmas said:Xamarin Studio is pretty good too but limited
0x32789 said:MrChristmas said:Xamarin Studio is pretty good too but limited
only suitable for java and android projects..
or even if I'm wrong, I use Xamarin for java while MS visual studio for windows apps..