FleeXo said:
Isnt there a cleaner way?
I dont like to work with positive/negativ edges, in my eyes its a rly dirty and inaccurate programming style.
Man it's clean AF
Send any input (you have to, otherwise game will crash dunno why) then read pointer from 0xB6F3B8, offset it to 0x79C and simply write 0 into it
Triangle should disappear forever if you're not targeting at the enemy, and will rendered again if you are
I did it in C#, dunno how will you do it in C++ :surprised:
TargetCPed = _read(processHandleRead, TargetCPedPointer);
TargetCPed += 0x79C;
_writeInt(processHandleWrite, TargetCPed, 0);
There's some keystates I've found :
(4 bytes) B7347A left mouse state (set 255)
(4 bytes) B73476 shift state (set 00FF0000)
(4 bytes) B73492 right mouse state (16711680)
(4 bytes) B6F858 is aiming (53)
Or you can emulate left mouse click