It record nothing when i start /maprecord on
If server down go
But on other servers work.
Good work but it need thing to stop recording to record new map
I always get crash /mapsave when there is little more objects.. Texture's is not saving right just some, few. Recording is not good i'am standing and that object's not recording need to go back and comeback
I wanna record the map on LyD Server IP:
registration goes until 1 minute. Its a german Server but the Map is very nice.
After going near of LSPD the Samp crashes and if I save map it does crash too.
It generates a file with some Objects, but the half is missing because of crash.
Im running SAMP and GTA SA as Admin and the newest cleo version.
Some other server does not crash and it works great.
It would be good that is saves every 10 seconds automatically the maps, like an backup.
I hope you can help me and I can help you explaining the problem.
I play in a server first time. i like the maps but i cant record some areas correctly. i want to record bank's map which is in /telebank.... When i try to record that part. I only get 1 or 2 objects in list.
This mod is insanely broken due to the rush of development.
Maybe I'll update this in the future (especially because people think they're smart with moving objects which actually just harms the players experience) but at the moment I see no point in spending time updating it don't need to harm these ugly ass maps unnecessary don't we?
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