Need help with external aimbot


New member
Jun 17, 2023
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Dont ask why i need this, i want to do external mouse aimbot.
The problem is that my cursor is spinning.
World to screen function
    BOOL world_to_screen(vec3& vec_world, vec3& vec_screen) {
        D3DXMATRIX matrix = memory::read<D3DMATRIX>(0xB6FA2C);

        if (matrix != NULL) {
            vec_screen.x = (vec_world.z * matrix._31) + (vec_world.y * matrix._21) + (vec_world.x * matrix._11) + matrix._41;
            vec_screen.y = (vec_world.z * matrix._32) + (vec_world.y * matrix._22) + (vec_world.x * matrix._12) + matrix._42;
            vec_screen.z = (vec_world.z * matrix._33) + (vec_world.y * matrix._23) + (vec_world.x * matrix._13) + matrix._43;

            double recip = (double)(1.0 / vec_screen.z);

            vec_screen.x *= (float)(recip * (vars::process_resolution.x));
            vec_screen.y *= (float)(recip * (vars::process_resolution.y));

            return TRUE;

        return FALSE;
Aimbot function
void main_thread() {
    while (TRUE) {
        if (vars::aim_enable && is_window_active(vars::process_window)) {
            DWORD ped = memory::read<DWORD>(0xB6F5F0);
            if (ped != NULL) {
                DWORD ped_matrix = memory::read<DWORD>(ped + 0x14);
                vec3 ped_pos =
                { memory::read<float>(ped_matrix + 0x30),
                  memory::read<float>(ped_matrix + 0x34),
                  memory::read<float>(ped_matrix + 0x38) };

                DWORD target = memory::read<DWORD>(ped + 0x79C);
                if (target != NULL) {
                    DWORD target_matrix = memory::read<DWORD>(target + 0x14);
                    vec3 target_pos =
                    { memory::read<float>(target_matrix + 0x30),
                      memory::read<float>(target_matrix + 0x34),
                      memory::read<float>(target_matrix + 0x38) };

                    float target_health = memory::read<float>(target + 0x540);
                    if (target_health > 0) {
                        vec3 target_screen_pos = { 0, 0, 0 };
                        if (utils::world_to_screen(target_pos, target_screen_pos)) {
                            if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) && vars::aim_mode == 1) {
                                if (vars::debug) {
                                    std::cout << crypt("  [debug] target screen position: x=").decrypt() << target_screen_pos.x << crypt(" y=").decrypt() << target_screen_pos.y << crypt(" z=").decrypt() << target_screen_pos.z << std::endl;
                                mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, target_screen_pos.x, target_screen_pos.y, 0, 0);
                            if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) && vars::aim_mode == 2) {
                                if (vars::debug) {
                                    std::cout << crypt("  [debug] target screen position: x=").decrypt() << target_screen_pos.x << crypt(" y=").decrypt() << target_screen_pos.y << crypt(" z=").decrypt() << target_screen_pos.z << std::endl;
                                mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, target_screen_pos.x, target_screen_pos.y, 0, 0);