Hi guys today I present my new cleo, called "NoDriving", This cleo ejects everyone who is driving within the stream range and they wont be able to drive a car, If they get in a car, They will be automatically kicked out
Its a good troll for weak RP servers such as fake IM etc. It was also tested on xSF and was working fine
/nodrive - Toggle - Toggles whether you want players to drive or not - Default: Disabled
/nodrive_looplength - Syntax - Sets the highest id to eject players from 0-number e.g. Max players - Default: 2000 (Dosen't lag you, but might lag in very much much weak PCs)
UGBASE.EU for being a great community
Opcode.eXe for his SYNC_VEHICLE snippet
TehArgis for being a great buddy and telling me about the sync_vehicle snippet from opcode(didnt knew about it) and telling me how to use it
Important Note(s)
Teleportation and Changing Vehicles and Position by the script will be disabled when this NoDrive is enabled!
To be teleported or be put in a vehicle, You will have to disable NoDrive, then do whatever you want then re-enable(if you want)
And yeah, I forgot to mention this wont eject if you use it while in a car instead it will semi-freeze the player's car and not let him drive, if you accelerate, his car will accelerate like laggy and if you drive around for a longer the result will be mad bull car.
In attachment
Sorry for my bad grammar about the nodrive_looplength command, I couldn't find the way to explain it properly (loops)
Hi guys today I present my new cleo, called "NoDriving", This cleo ejects everyone who is driving within the stream range and they wont be able to drive a car, If they get in a car, They will be automatically kicked out
Its a good troll for weak RP servers such as fake IM etc. It was also tested on xSF and was working fine
/nodrive - Toggle - Toggles whether you want players to drive or not - Default: Disabled
/nodrive_looplength - Syntax - Sets the highest id to eject players from 0-number e.g. Max players - Default: 2000 (Dosen't lag you, but might lag in very much much weak PCs)
UGBASE.EU for being a great community
Opcode.eXe for his SYNC_VEHICLE snippet
TehArgis for being a great buddy and telling me about the sync_vehicle snippet from opcode(didnt knew about it) and telling me how to use it
Important Note(s)
Teleportation and Changing Vehicles and Position by the script will be disabled when this NoDrive is enabled!
To be teleported or be put in a vehicle, You will have to disable NoDrive, then do whatever you want then re-enable(if you want)
And yeah, I forgot to mention this wont eject if you use it while in a car instead it will semi-freeze the player's car and not let him drive, if you accelerate, his car will accelerate like laggy and if you drive around for a longer the result will be mad bull car.
In attachment
Sorry for my bad grammar about the nodrive_looplength command, I couldn't find the way to explain it properly (loops)