CanUslu055 link said:Whither I will paste SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.ini?
Please answer my question
me too bro.Kid Ink link said:I had fun using this while it was private
I think it's an selfmade overlay or just a watermark edited with sony vegas or whatever.Forever15 link said:opcode i see like a little ugbase logo in bottom right can you give me that ugbase logo ?h_stop_it_u:
just pm me if you want to give it :urtheman: :lol:
downloadstuff link said:how do you add friends? to avoid shooting them
That was me, why do you ask?Forever15 link said:nicehey opcode you play at gamerx ? then your username is auxiliuM??
i wouldn't say it was cheap.afasfasfasfaf link said:me too bro.
it was actually cheap for what it did.
headlockdriver link said:What does position do?
Gta San Andreas\SAMPFUNCS\CanUslu055 link said:[member=42464]GaLaXy[/member] Aynen kanka türkler de geziyor buralarda, ya Åu SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS.ini dosyasını nereye atcam aq ya