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m0d_sa Release Red Eclipse V15 Private by MasterZer0


Active member
Aug 21, 2017
Reaction score
seems like the english version is out, after 2 years, link is down

Hello, first of all this is NOT my s0beit. I copied it from from a user called -_- Gigant -_-
I only translated the hack (with google translator) from russian to english.
So some sentences may not be accurate. Haven't tested it yet.

================================================== =
Red Eclipse Version 15 [Short for REV15]
================================================== =

Replaced Function [Spavner] on [Whip]!
Strengthened almost all functions with Auto 4 times!
Almost all functions with Auto!
Added function [Whip (reverse)] [Rain]!
Function Loading Back to the Build!
================================================== =
So, you put REV15 and went to the server:
Enable / disable the [end] key or in the file along the path: /RedEclipseMod/eclipse_mod.ini,
In the line key_menu = end can change to any other, Depends on your Fantasy!
Also in this file you can set Any Other hotkeys to remove the key - put & 0
================================================== =============
Management \ Hot Keys
Arrow keys on the keyboard \ mouse - navigation
Enter - on / off \ switch function
Get / Change Machine - Left Ctrl + C
Antilag - U + 7
To get in the nearest car by the driver - left CTRL + D [if there is a player, it throws it out]
To sit in the nearest car by the passenger - left CTRL + A
Riding / walking upside down - X + i
Fly - Z + C
Invisibility - X + 8
================================================== =============
[Section] Cheats:
================================================== =============
[Cheats / Sub-section] General: [Here cheats that are not part of any category are used on foot \ in Auto].

Rwanka - teleports the skin of the player in a certain radius, thereby - kills, discards the player.
Slapper on id // slap id - write to chat // slap [id player] - same as function above, only on the key and beats the player from the bottom up [if on the ground] and aside [if in the air].
Flight [Fly] - Standard Gokowski Flight, now with Anime and more bespalevny for antiichitov.
Inverted on foot / in auto-riding / walking upside down.
Invisibility - Hides you from the Stream, At the same time, you can safely kill, Fly and use the God of Machines.
Health and Armor Pulsator - Adds \ Reduces HP \ Allows faster sync with auto.
AntiAFK - Do You Want to Retire, But You Know What Kicks You. No Problem, Turned on and stand how much it will fit!
Coord Master - Teleport on the map by small Step-by-step Teleports with Delay, Height, Distance.
Spammer [with Settings] - Flood in Chat Text entered in Settings.
Adherence to id // stick id - write to the chat // stick [id of the player] and turn on the function and we are stuck to it.
Airbrick - Navigation by coordinates (In the car You can rotate the mouse).
Respawn Auto - Returns the transport in the stream zone to the spawn point [in sync].
Removing Auto [from the Stream Zone] - Removes the Transport in the stream zone behind the Map.

[Cheats / Subdivisions] Player: [Uses Interaction with his player (Actor)].

Ghost [through the skins of the players] - Learning through the skins of other players.
Anti-Passage [Shoot-Anime] - Knocks down the Animation of the Fall, lets Go immediately.
AntiDivka [When the car hits] - Does not allow you to get under the wheels of Auto.
Quick Spawn - Disables the Tedious Video when the camera goes up at death.
BunnyHop [RP] - Allows juzat running with a jump on rp servers.
FakeAFC | Ghost AFC - Care in Afk, while you can kill those who are in the stream, read the chat.
Invalid Aim - Removes your body when aiming.
Shaking the Camera - When you shoot at others, shots the sight, effectively with the M4, and so with any firearms.

[Cheats / Subsections] To Auto: [Functions that are used Only in Auto]

Arson Auto
Flower Pulsator Auto
Speedhack [on / off] - which is on alt.
Spider [on / off] - which is on numpad5 (the numbers on the right)
Beat by Machine [on sync] - Hot Keys LShift + R
Bespalevaya Fixing - recovery only HP car, others see the broken transport, on your part it is repaired.
Flood parts Auto [causes Lagi]
[Section] God Machines: [Previous: God Of Cars]
[God Machines / Subdivision] Highlights: [Basic Functions of GoD Of Cars (God Machine)]

SuperGan - Shooting with Cars.
Lagger | The Sun - Gathering Machines into a Heap | Scatter around like the rays of the sun.
Tornado | Magnet - Creates a Tornado from Machines | Magnetic Storm from Machines, around you.
StreamGrabber | MapGrabber - Collects Auto From Stream on the Mark on the map | Collects Auto from the All Map on the Mark.
Line | Anti-Gravity - Builds Machines in the Line to where you are looking | Rises into the sky.
Whip | Chaos - Chop all the Double Whip! | | Arrange the Chaos in Sampa!
Whip (reverse) | Rain - The same Whip in One Line and in the opposite direction | Arrange a real rain of cars!

[God Machine / Subdivision] Interacting with Players: [These Functions Are Created in Purposes to Harm Other Players, where forced or incar is the recommended synchronization].

Impact by the Machine [incar | forced] - Beat by Your Player Machine
Upgrade Up [incar | forced] - Hitting your Player's Machine Bottom Up
Destructor [incar | forced] - Sends Packages of damage to the nearest player from the firearms that you hold in your hands.
Loading [conditions: You are in the Auto | Goal | forced] - Sends the Player to the Download, it leaves in Afk.
Teleport to Himself [incar | forced] - The player's teleport to Himself.
Blinding machines [incar | forced] - Teleport transport from the stream to the nearest player.
Killer [incar | forced] - beats the player from all sides.
Random Apple Teleport [incar] - Teleports the nearest player to Random Coordinates.
Teleport Up [incar] - Teleport of the nearest player Up.
Teleport on the Card [incar] - Teleport the nearest player to the mark on the map.
Super Cast [Only on the players in the Auto] - Throws the player high in the sky.
Teleport to Magnet [SF port] [incar] - Teleports the player to Magnet in Port San-Fierro.
Teleport to Magnet [Quarry] [incar] - Teleports player to Magnet in Quarry Near Las-Venturas.
Auto deformer [incar | forced] - Set Auto Side, because of the colossus auto becomes a huge [wall of cars].
Remote Control Auto [incar | forced] - Manage the transport of the nearest player.
Hitting the Machine Bottom Up [incar | forced] - Hitting the nearest player with a machine from the stream.
Fake Shooting Auto [incar | forced] - Shooting Cars from the nearest player to the side where his skin turns.

[God Machines / Subsection] TC Synchronization Types: [Designed to bypass anti-cheats]

Incar - Usual Sinhra, is used by default, uses a teleport in auto.
Existed - After exiting the car, there is time to fling the cars.
Ectopic - Visual Synchronization, i.e. Only you can see.
Forced - Use Empty Transport.
Current [only for Basic] - Ruled incar Sinhra, the functions with the players do not work with it.
Passenger - uses a seat on the passenger seat [the same forced, only on the server side does not take into account the speed and position of the player].
[Section] Necessary:
[Required / Subsection] Necessities:

Invisibility in the REV15 Panel - players do not see you in the panel on the left [above the radar].
Protection from Alien Functions to Auto [Full] - protects from teleport functions in your transport.
Anti-selection of vehicles - Protects against Transport Selection by ejecting you teleport.
Theft of the Mapping - Steals the Mapping from the Server, The files are saved to the StealingData folder.
Invalid Restart - Restart with the use of a bug, which allows you to run not zaspavnennym from the server.
Auto-reconnect - Auto-reset on the server when kicking.
Teleport on the Mark - On \ Off. Teleport on the marker on the map by pressing PKM.
Anti-Download - Protects from Attempting to Load you into the Download.
AntiCrackers - Protects against Some Kinds of Crushers.

Managing the Render: [All that is visible on the screen]:

Nicky Players
Names Auto
Smart ESP
Mega ESP
Player in the Square
Status of Doors [auto]
Lines to Players
Wallhack [Skeleton]
Ping Point

Various Informers: [incl. Information on the screen]:

Checker Friends
Checker Admin
[Section] Crushers:
Skin Crusher [180 degrees]
Crusher Machine [if the goals in the Auto] - The main thing is for the player to go out / sit in the car
BulletCracker - Conditions: in the stream an empty machine, you must have a gunshot.
[Section] Miscellaneous / For DM
Functions with Weapons:

Free Camera
Dean.GodMod [Do not Rob If You Worth]
Auto + C
Auto Scroll [click on PCM]
No Border Stitch [if lagcomp On]
Fixed Players
Through the Walls


Skin Aim
Silent Aym
[Section] Settings
[Section] Bots:
Bots [Connection]:

Connect Connect Bot
Disconnect Last Bot
Connect 10 Bots
Disconnect all Bots

Bots [Management]:

Behind me
By Passenger
Attack of the Entrance
[Section] Holder's Panel:
Hooks: [on / off] - Responsible for controlling incoming Incoming Packets from Red Eclipse / Blue Eclipse calls.

Enable Send Hook Packages.
Ignore Players with BE \ RE - on / off. It is possible to attack a player with the same set.
================================================== =========================================
Chat Commands: [via double slash // warp]:
/ Warp id - mp to the player on the go.
/ Adm id - add the player to the list of admins.
/ Friend id - add the player to your friends list.
/ Rename nick - change nickname without leaving the game.
/ Slap id - select the target for Slapper.
/ Stick id - Select the target for Adhesion.
/ Skin id - change your skin.
Commands below with one / bot_connect botZ123 !!! :
/ Bot_connect name - connect a bot with a specific nickname.
/ Bot_disconnect - disable the last running bot.
================================================== =========================================

Virustotal: Scan it by yourself

Author: masterzero and krakazabra

Menu is activated by pressing END

If you need help I can't help because it's NOT my s0beit

English version:


  • Red Eclipse V15 by MasterZer0.rar
    1.3 MB · Views: 2,841
Last edited:


Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Seems pretty pointless for someone who doesn't understand Russian


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2017
Reaction score
Zin said:
Seems pretty pointless for someone who doesn't understand Russian

its same as blue eclipse v7. nothing new, just translated to russian


Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Except that DL got removed


New member
Aug 21, 2017
Reaction score
Very Nice! :) Update (!!!!!!!!!!!! GoCMainSET  Do not touch, with this setting temporarily crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

English Version GoC In Development --- On that page click DOWNLOAD



Well-known member
Mar 21, 2017
Reaction score
MasterZer0 said:
Very Nice! :) Update (!!!!!!!!!!!! GoCMainSET  Do not touch, with this setting temporarily crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

English Version GoC In Development   --- On that page click DOWNLOAD


i want yellow eclipse v16 please in english if possible  :)
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
Well btw I don't mind spending some time on translating something from Russian to English, feel free to contact me any time, think it is much better than the google translate :)


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
well you can post the topic , but ensure to add the proper credits , because is not only MasterZer0 wich is also wrong too.....its also in develop group krakazabra's nick name....
-_-Gigant-_- user from blasthack and from ugbase too , asked to the original developers about permisions to release red eclipse, but forgot to add krakazabra's nick name too.
I request to be rectified those 2 errors!


Active member
Aug 21, 2017
Reaction score
_=Gigant=_ said:
Aimbot.exe said:
Hello, first of all this is NOT my s0beit. I copied it from from a user called -_- Gigant -_-

private version includes bot funcs from overlight, masterzero won't spend his time on just changing color of the mod and funcs names this is posted by some russian who got the be source... im currently working on be v8 as i promised and the test version will come out soon  :cool:

P.S "I copied it from from a user called -_- Gigant -_-" it seems like he likes my name xD

Alright :>


Aug 2, 2015
Reaction score
I get this crash when i put this sob in

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x991C2535
Base: 0x03C00000

EAX: 0x991C2535 EBX: 0x776F29E0 ECX: 0x0177F5CC EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x0177F5D0 ESP: 0x0177F5BC
EFLAGS: 0x00010286

+0000: 0x094C8249 0x0177F5CC 0x00000000 0x8D34A22E
+0010: 0x00000000 0x0177F608 0x094D440A 0x09517674
+0020: 0x096931C8 0x00000000 0xE6095E62 0x09517C48
+0030: 0x096931C8 0x8D34A22E 0x09517674 0x00000000
+0040: 0x000002F6 0x09517674 0x986BD33D 0x0177F824
+0050: 0x094C8B3C 0x096931C8 0x09517C48 0x00012010
+0060: 0x00000000 0x09587A18 0x00000012 0x00000010
+0070: 0x00000001 0x0177F6F4 0x0177F6F8 0x776F64D7
+0080: 0x0177F670 0x0177F670 0x01780000 0x775A7654
+0090: 0x00000011 0x00000011 0x01000011 0x0177F624
+00A0: 0x0177F628 0x00000000 0x0000000C 0x90065B32
+00B0: 0xFFFFFFFE 0x0177F694 0x776B0331 0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x01A031F8 0x6EFEA51F
+00D0: 0xFE70759D 0x0177F7D0 0x01A031F8 0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000001 0x0177F7D0 0x6EFE9F90 0x6F032660
+00F0: 0xFE7074DD 0x6EFE9CF0 0x00000000 0x6EFE9FA8
+0100: 0x0177F810 0x0944804E 0x0000000C 0x90060010
+0110: 0x0000004F 0x01A03930 0x00000000 0x00000001
+0120: 0x0000004F 0x01A031F8 0x00000005 0x0177F6F8
+0130: 0x0177F754 0x01420000 0x6EFE9FC4 0x776D9F0A
+0140: 0x775A9861 0x76B451C4 0x692BB004 0x692BAFD2
+0150: 0x692B78E1 0x692DEB14 0x6EFE89AB 0x776E1194
+0160: 0x776E1A1D 0x776C59DF 0x776CC910 0x776DDD3D
+0170: 0x776E03FE 0x775A7654 0x6EFE9FC4 0x00000000
+0180: 0x776D9F0A 0x00000000 0x775A9861 0x00000000
+0190: 0x76B451C4 0x00000000 0x692BB004 0x00000000
+01A0: 0x692BAFD2 0x00000000 0x692B78E1 0x00000000
+01B0: 0x692DEB14 0x00000000 0x6EFE89AB 0x00000000
+01C0: 0x776E1194 0x00000000 0x776E1A1D 0x00000000
+01D0: 0x776C59DF 0x00000000 0x776CC910 0x00000000
+01E0: 0x776DDD3D 0x00000000 0x776E03FE 0x00000000
+01F0: 0x775A7654 0x00000000 0xFE7074DD 0x0177F6AC
+0200: 0x00000000 0x0177FA60 0x6EFF3DD0 0x90055E65
+0210: 0xFFFFFFFE 0x0177F8CC 0x776D9F0A 0x0177F810
+0220: 0x01B8A590 0x0944804E 0x00000000 0x692BB004
+0230: 0x0000FFFF 0x00000001 0x776D9EBE 0x776D9EBE
+0240: 0x0177F8FC 0x0177F900 0x09527C86 0x00000011
+0250: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000009 0x09420000
+0260: 0x00000007 0x986BDD11 0x0177F858 0x094C6728
+0270: 0x0000001E 0x986BDD6D 0x09587A18 0x00000012

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0


Active member
Aug 21, 2017
Reaction score
stiffidy said:
I get this crash when i put this sob in

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x991C2535
Base: 0x03C00000

EAX: 0x991C2535 EBX: 0x776F29E0 ECX: 0x0177F5CC EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x0177F5D0 ESP: 0x0177F5BC
EFLAGS: 0x00010286

+0000: 0x094C8249   0x0177F5CC   0x00000000   0x8D34A22E
+0010: 0x00000000   0x0177F608   0x094D440A   0x09517674
+0020: 0x096931C8   0x00000000   0xE6095E62   0x09517C48
+0030: 0x096931C8   0x8D34A22E   0x09517674   0x00000000
+0040: 0x000002F6   0x09517674   0x986BD33D   0x0177F824
+0050: 0x094C8B3C   0x096931C8   0x09517C48   0x00012010
+0060: 0x00000000   0x09587A18   0x00000012   0x00000010
+0070: 0x00000001   0x0177F6F4   0x0177F6F8   0x776F64D7
+0080: 0x0177F670   0x0177F670   0x01780000   0x775A7654
+0090: 0x00000011   0x00000011   0x01000011   0x0177F624
+00A0: 0x0177F628   0x00000000   0x0000000C   0x90065B32
+00B0: 0xFFFFFFFE   0x0177F694   0x776B0331   0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000   0x00000001   0x01A031F8   0x6EFEA51F
+00D0: 0xFE70759D   0x0177F7D0   0x01A031F8   0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000001   0x0177F7D0   0x6EFE9F90   0x6F032660
+00F0: 0xFE7074DD   0x6EFE9CF0   0x00000000   0x6EFE9FA8
+0100: 0x0177F810   0x0944804E   0x0000000C   0x90060010
+0110: 0x0000004F   0x01A03930   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0120: 0x0000004F   0x01A031F8   0x00000005   0x0177F6F8
+0130: 0x0177F754   0x01420000   0x6EFE9FC4   0x776D9F0A
+0140: 0x775A9861   0x76B451C4   0x692BB004   0x692BAFD2
+0150: 0x692B78E1   0x692DEB14   0x6EFE89AB   0x776E1194
+0160: 0x776E1A1D   0x776C59DF   0x776CC910   0x776DDD3D
+0170: 0x776E03FE   0x775A7654   0x6EFE9FC4   0x00000000
+0180: 0x776D9F0A   0x00000000   0x775A9861   0x00000000
+0190: 0x76B451C4   0x00000000   0x692BB004   0x00000000
+01A0: 0x692BAFD2   0x00000000   0x692B78E1   0x00000000
+01B0: 0x692DEB14   0x00000000   0x6EFE89AB   0x00000000
+01C0: 0x776E1194   0x00000000   0x776E1A1D   0x00000000
+01D0: 0x776C59DF   0x00000000   0x776CC910   0x00000000
+01E0: 0x776DDD3D   0x00000000   0x776E03FE   0x00000000
+01F0: 0x775A7654   0x00000000   0xFE7074DD   0x0177F6AC
+0200: 0x00000000   0x0177FA60   0x6EFF3DD0   0x90055E65
+0210: 0xFFFFFFFE   0x0177F8CC   0x776D9F0A   0x0177F810
+0220: 0x01B8A590   0x0944804E   0x00000000   0x692BB004
+0230: 0x0000FFFF   0x00000001   0x776D9EBE   0x776D9EBE
+0240: 0x0177F8FC   0x0177F900   0x09527C86   0x00000011
+0250: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000009   0x09420000
+0260: 0x00000007   0x986BDD11   0x0177F858   0x094C6728
+0270: 0x0000001E   0x986BDD6D   0x09587A18   0x00000012

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

Sorry, can't help you there.. As I said: I don't own this cleo


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Aimbot.exe said:
stiffidy said:
I get this crash when i put this sob in

SA-MP 0.3.7
Exception At Address: 0x991C2535
Base: 0x03C00000

EAX: 0x991C2535 EBX: 0x776F29E0 ECX: 0x0177F5CC EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x00000000 EBP: 0x0177F5D0 ESP: 0x0177F5BC
EFLAGS: 0x00010286

+0000: 0x094C8249   0x0177F5CC   0x00000000   0x8D34A22E
+0010: 0x00000000   0x0177F608   0x094D440A   0x09517674
+0020: 0x096931C8   0x00000000   0xE6095E62   0x09517C48
+0030: 0x096931C8   0x8D34A22E   0x09517674   0x00000000
+0040: 0x000002F6   0x09517674   0x986BD33D   0x0177F824
+0050: 0x094C8B3C   0x096931C8   0x09517C48   0x00012010
+0060: 0x00000000   0x09587A18   0x00000012   0x00000010
+0070: 0x00000001   0x0177F6F4   0x0177F6F8   0x776F64D7
+0080: 0x0177F670   0x0177F670   0x01780000   0x775A7654
+0090: 0x00000011   0x00000011   0x01000011   0x0177F624
+00A0: 0x0177F628   0x00000000   0x0000000C   0x90065B32
+00B0: 0xFFFFFFFE   0x0177F694   0x776B0331   0x00000000
+00C0: 0x00000000   0x00000001   0x01A031F8   0x6EFEA51F
+00D0: 0xFE70759D   0x0177F7D0   0x01A031F8   0x00000000
+00E0: 0x00000001   0x0177F7D0   0x6EFE9F90   0x6F032660
+00F0: 0xFE7074DD   0x6EFE9CF0   0x00000000   0x6EFE9FA8
+0100: 0x0177F810   0x0944804E   0x0000000C   0x90060010
+0110: 0x0000004F   0x01A03930   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0120: 0x0000004F   0x01A031F8   0x00000005   0x0177F6F8
+0130: 0x0177F754   0x01420000   0x6EFE9FC4   0x776D9F0A
+0140: 0x775A9861   0x76B451C4   0x692BB004   0x692BAFD2
+0150: 0x692B78E1   0x692DEB14   0x6EFE89AB   0x776E1194
+0160: 0x776E1A1D   0x776C59DF   0x776CC910   0x776DDD3D
+0170: 0x776E03FE   0x775A7654   0x6EFE9FC4   0x00000000
+0180: 0x776D9F0A   0x00000000   0x775A9861   0x00000000
+0190: 0x76B451C4   0x00000000   0x692BB004   0x00000000
+01A0: 0x692BAFD2   0x00000000   0x692B78E1   0x00000000
+01B0: 0x692DEB14   0x00000000   0x6EFE89AB   0x00000000
+01C0: 0x776E1194   0x00000000   0x776E1A1D   0x00000000
+01D0: 0x776C59DF   0x00000000   0x776CC910   0x00000000
+01E0: 0x776DDD3D   0x00000000   0x776E03FE   0x00000000
+01F0: 0x775A7654   0x00000000   0xFE7074DD   0x0177F6AC
+0200: 0x00000000   0x0177FA60   0x6EFF3DD0   0x90055E65
+0210: 0xFFFFFFFE   0x0177F8CC   0x776D9F0A   0x0177F810
+0220: 0x01B8A590   0x0944804E   0x00000000   0x692BB004
+0230: 0x0000FFFF   0x00000001   0x776D9EBE   0x776D9EBE
+0240: 0x0177F8FC   0x0177F900   0x09527C86   0x00000011
+0250: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000009   0x09420000
+0260: 0x00000007   0x986BDD11   0x0177F858   0x094C6728
+0270: 0x0000001E   0x986BDD6D   0x09587A18   0x00000012

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0 LastRendObj: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

Sorry, can't help you there.. As I said: I don't own this cleo

Cleo :facepalm:


Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
ini said:
well you can post the topic , but ensure to add the proper credits , because is not only MasterZer0 wich is also wrong too.....its also in develop group krakazabra's nick name....
-_-Gigant-_- user from blasthack and from ugbase too , asked to the original developers about permisions to release red eclipse, but forgot to add krakazabra's nick name too.
I request to be rectified those 2 errors!

I am allow do anything with blue eclipse source))0))
You can ask now krakazabra, but I am sure at 90%, that aswer will be positive


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
MasterZero said:
ini said:
well you can post the topic , but ensure to add the proper credits , because is not only MasterZer0 wich is also wrong too.....its also in develop group krakazabra's nick name....
-_-Gigant-_- user from blasthack and from ugbase too , asked to the original developers about permisions to release red eclipse, but forgot to add krakazabra's nick name too.
I request to be rectified those 2 errors!

I am allow do anything with blue eclipse source))0))
You can ask now krakazabra, but I am sure at 90%, that aswer will be positive

Yes bus when i asked to erehon he told me nope :/