:sweet_jesus: okay guys for the ones asking for a tutorial to install MG function here it goes...
1. download it ofcouse...

2. Open it via Winrar or Winzip :me_gusta:
3. Open cleo folder from the zip archive :sweet_jesus:
4. copy all the contents and drag and drop em into your GTA SA CLEO folder. :yesyes:
5. And open the game :sweet_jesus:
6. and type /inv in chat and booom no crashes :looky:
Tutorial for installing SAMP Functions?
Okay here it goes too..
1.download it ofcouse...

2.open it via Winrar or winzip :me_gusta:
3. Except for CLEO folder drag every content from the zip file and drag it into GTA SA not GTA SA CLEO FOLDER!!!!!!! :sweet_jesus:
4. now open CLEO folder in the samp functions zip file copy everything and drag and drop them into GTA SA cleo folder and boom..... :yesyes:
You have it niggers

SAMP Function can be downloaded easily so wont give out any links
I GOT THIS WORKING AND YOU CAN KILL PEOPLE WITH IT, but drops you're FPS little bit even if you have a fuckin awesome PC thats the only problem.
EPIC NOTE: I got it working in Crazybobs server too, I robbed a casino and easily ran past a copy, he did not notice me and earned easy 500k so suddenly they added protection to it, from now on if you use /inv after 10 seconds Server closed connection.