Rotation: Convertion between Quaternion and 3D Angles

I noticed that using these Opcodes gives inaccurate rotation values:
    // Objects: no opcode to get X and Y rotation values
0176: 13@ = object 0@ Z_angle

    // Vehicles
077D: 1@ = car 0@ x_angle
06BE: 2@ = car 0@ y_angle
0174: 3@ = car 0@ Z_angle

Luckily, there are Quaternion Opcodes in cleo which gives accurate results:
    // objects
07C3: get_object 0@ quaternion_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@
07C4: set_object 0@ quaternion_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@
    // vehicles
07C5: get_car 0@ quaternion_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@
07C6: set_car 0@ quaternion_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@

So a convertion between Quaternion and 3D-Angles is possible with:
Notice about the Rotation Values:
  1. Input Angles is assumed to have the same rotation direction of the Game:
    • Pitch: -X Rotating Downwards , +X Rotating Upwards
    • Roll: -Y Rotating Rightwards , +Y Rotating Leftwards
    • Yaw: -Z Rotating Rightwards , +Z Rotating Leftwards
  2. Informal angles can be used as inputs. Eg. 847.33, -392.9
  3. Returns a formal quaternion value.
:AnglesToQuaternion // 0AB1: @AnglesToQuaternion 3 _Pitch_X 0@ _Roll_Y 1@ _Yaw_Z 2@ _ReturnQuaternion: _X 31@ _Y 30@ _Z 29@ _W 28@
// Taint Bryan Angles(ZXY Order) into Quaternion using Hamilton Product:
    0@ *= 0.5
    1@ *= -0.5 // GTA SA Roll direction is inverted for some reason... So we put negative sign to convert into standard roll direction
    2@ *= 0.5
    02F6: 31@ = sine 0@ // (float)
    02F6: 30@ = sine 1@ // (float)
    02F6: 29@ = sine 2@ // (float)
    02F7: 28@ = cosine 0@ // (float)
    02F7: 27@ = cosine 1@ // (float)
    02F7: 26@ = cosine 2@ // (float)
        // qX = (sin(X/2)*cos(-Y/2)*cos(Z/2)) - (cos(X/2)*sin(-Y/2)*sin(Z/2))
    0087: 24@ = 31@
    006B: 24@ *= 27@  // (float)
    006B: 24@ *= 26@  // (float)
    0087: 25@ = 28@
    006B: 25@ *= 30@  // (float)
    006B: 25@ *= 29@  // (float)
    0063: 24@ -= 25@  // (float)
        // qY = (cos(X/2)*sin(-Y/2)*cos(Z/2)) + (sin(X/2)*cos(-Y/2)*sin(Z/2))
    0087: 23@ = 28@
    006B: 23@ *= 30@  // (float)
    006B: 23@ *= 26@  // (float)
    0087: 25@ = 31@
    006B: 25@ *= 27@  // (float)
    006B: 25@ *= 29@  // (float)
    005B: 23@ += 25@  // (float)
        // qZ = (cos(X/2)*cos(-Y/2)*sin(Z/2)) + (sin(X/2)*sin(-Y/2)*cos(Z/2))
    0087: 22@ = 28@
    006B: 22@ *= 27@  // (float)
    006B: 22@ *= 29@  // (float)
    0087: 25@ = 31@
    006B: 25@ *= 30@  // (float)
    006B: 25@ *= 26@  // (float)
    005B: 22@ += 25@  // (float)
        // qW = (cos(X/2)*cos(-Y/2)*cos(Z/2)) - (sin(X/2)*sin(-Y/2)*sin(Z/2))
    0087: 21@ = 28@
    006B: 21@ *= 27@  // (float)
    006B: 21@ *= 26@  // (float)
    0087: 25@ = 31@
    006B: 25@ *= 30@  // (float)
    006B: 25@ *= 29@  // (float)
    0063: 21@ -= 25@  // (float)
0AB2: cleo_return 4 24@ 23@ 22@ 21@
Notice about the rotation values:
  1. Returns Formal 3D-Angles. Specifically:
    • Pitch(X) is bounded between -180°(Downwards) to +180°(Upwards)
    • Roll(Y) is bounded between -90°(Rightwards) to +90°(Leftwards)
    • Yaw(Z) is bounded between -180°(Rightwards) to +180°(Leftwards)
  2. It is recommended to use formal quaternion values as inputs. This is to prevent any unexpected rotation values returned. Although the formula have some checks in it, it's good to be safe.
:QuaternionToAngles // 0AB1: @QuaternionToAngles 4 _qX 0@ _qY 1@ _qZ 2@ qW 3@ _ReturnAngles: _Pitch_X 31@ _Roll_Y 30@ _Yaw_Z 29@
// Formula Used Based on:
// Used        m11 = 1-(2*(pow(y,2)+pow(z,2)));
// Used        m21 = 2*((x*y)+(w*z));
// Used        m31 = 2*((x*z)-(w*y));
// Used        m12 = 2*((x*y)-(w*z));
// Used        m22 = 1-(2*(pow(x,2)+pow(z,2)));
// Used        m32 = 2*((y*z)+(w*x));
// Not Used m13 = 2*((x*z)+(w*y));
// Not Used m23 = 2*((y*z)-(w*x));
// Used        m33 = 1-(2*(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)));
// this._x = Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,m32))
// if ( Math.abs( m32 ) < 0.9999999 ) {
//     this._y = Math.atan2(-m31, m33 );
//     this._z = Math.atan2(-m12, m22 );
// } else {
//     this._y = 0;
//     this._z = Math.atan2( m21, m11 );
// }
    0087: 28@ = 1@
    006B: 28@ *= 2@  // (float)
    0087: 27@ = 0@
    006B: 27@ *= 3@  // (float)
    005B: 28@ += 27@  // (float)
    28@ *= 2.0
        // Pitch_X
    if 28@ >= 1.0
    then 31@ = 1.0
    else if 28@ <= -1.0
    then 31@ = -1.0
    else 0087: 31@ = 28@
    0AA5: _asin | 0x4207A0 1 1 | _value 31@
    0AE9: pop_float 31@ // store result from above operation
    0097: make 28@ absolute_float
    if 28@ < 0.9999999
            // Roll_Y
        0087: 30@ = 1@
        006B: 30@ *= 3@  // (float)
        0087: 27@ = 0@
        006B: 27@ *= 2@  // (float)
        0063: 30@ -= 27@  // (float)
        30@ *= 2.0
        0AEE: 28@ = 0@ pow 2.0 //all floats
        0AEE: 27@ = 1@ pow 2.0 //all floats
        005B: 28@ += 27@  // (float)
        28@ *= -2.0
        28@ += 1.0
        0AA5: _atan2 | 0x4207C0 2 2 | _X 28@ _Y 30@
        0AE9: pop_float 30@ // store result from above operation
        30@ *= -1.0
            // Yaw_Z
        0087: 29@ = 2@
        006B: 29@ *= 3@  // (float)
        0087: 27@ = 0@
        006B: 27@ *= 1@  // (float)
        0063: 29@ -= 27@  // (float)
        29@ *= 2.0
        0AEE: 28@ = 0@ pow 2.0 //all floats
        0AEE: 27@ = 2@ pow 2.0 //all floats
        005B: 28@ += 27@  // (float)
        28@ *= -2.0
        28@ += 1.0
        0AA5: _atan2 | 0x4207C0 2 2 | _X 28@ _Y 29@
        0AE9: pop_float 29@ // store result from above operation
        30@ = 0.0 // Roll_Y
            // Yaw_Z
        0087: 29@ = 0@
        006B: 29@ *= 1@  // (float)
        0087: 27@ = 2@
        006B: 27@ *= 3@  // (float)
        005B: 29@ += 27@  // (float)
        29@ *= 2.0
        0AEE: 28@ = 1@ pow 2.0 //all floats
        0AEE: 27@ = 2@ pow 2.0 //all floats
        005B: 28@ += 27@  // (float)
        28@ *= -2.0
        28@ += 1.0
        0AA5: _atan2 | 0x4207C0 2 2 | _X 28@ _Y 29@
        0AE9: pop_float 29@ // store result from above operation
        // Radians to Degrees
    31@ *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105
    30@ *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105
    29@ *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105
0AB2: cleo_return 3 31@ 30@ 29@

3D Rotation Debugger
  • Requires SAMPFUNCS though.
  • Command: /rotator <BasePitchAngle> <BaseRollAngle> <BaseYawAngle> <IncrementPitchAngle> <IncrementRollAngle> <IncrementYawAngle>

    wait 0
until 0AFA:  is_samp_available

14@ = -1

0B34: samp register_client_command "rotator" to_label @setuprotationparameters

while true
    wait 0
    if and
        14@ <> -1 // not disabled
        0449: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
        03C0: 20@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
        0AB1: @cheat_car_teleport 4 _car 20@ _XYZ 7@ 8@ 9@
        07DB: set_car 20@ rotation_velocity_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0 through_center_of_mass
        04BA: set_car 20@ speed_to 0.0

        005B: 14@ += 17@  // (float)
        if 14@ > 180.0
        then 14@ -= 360.0
        else if 14@ <= -180.0
        then 14@ += 360.0
        005B: 15@ += 18@  // (float)
        if 15@ > 180.0
        then 15@ -= 360.0
        else if 15@ <= -180.0
        then 15@ += 360.0
        005B: 16@ += 19@  // (float)
        if 16@ > 180.0
        then 16@ -= 360.0
        else if 16@ <= -180.0
        then 16@ += 360.0
        0AB1: @AnglesToQuaternion 3 _Pitch_X 14@ _Roll_Y 15@ _Yaw_Z 16@ _ReturnQuaternion: _X 10@ _Y 11@ _Z 12@ _W 13@
        07C6: set_car 20@ quaternion_xyzw_to 10@ 11@ 12@ 13@

        077D: 0@ = car 20@ x_angle
        06BE: 1@ = car 20@ y_angle
        0174: 2@ = car 20@ Z_angle
        0AB1: @QuaternionToAngles 4 _qX 10@ _qY 11@ _qZ 12@ qW 13@ _ReturnAngles: _Pitch_X 3@ _Roll_Y 4@ _Yaw_Z 5@

        0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "Correct:%f %f %f {ffff00}, Opcodes:%f %f %f {00ffff}, Snippet:%f %f %f" color 0xFF00FF00 14@ 15@ 16@ 0@ 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@

    0A97: 4@ = vehicle 0@ struct
    4@ += 20
    0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 4@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
    4@ += 48 // X
    0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 4 value 1@ virtual_protect 0 // X
    4@ += 4 // Y
    0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 4 value 2@ virtual_protect 0 // Y
    4@ += 4 // Z
    0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 4 value 3@ virtual_protect 0 // Z
0AB2: cleo_return 0

    if 0449: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
        0B35: samp 0@ = get_last_command_params
        if 0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%f %f %f %f %f %f" 1@ 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@ 6@
            03C0: 20@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
            00AA: store_car 20@ position_to 7@ 8@ 9@
            0087: 14@ = 1@
            0087: 15@ = 2@
            0087: 16@ = 3@
            0087: 17@ = 4@
            0087: 18@ = 5@
            0087: 19@ = 6@
            0AF8: chatmsg "bX:%f bY:%f bZ:%f {00ffff}dX:%f dY:%f dZ:%f" 0xFFFFFF00 14@ 15@ 16@ 17@ 18@ 19@
            0B43: samp cmd_ret
    14@ = -1
    0AF8: chatmsg "Rotator:{ff0000}Disabled" -1
0B43: samp cmd_ret