Hi guys, Some camera rotation function by me to get camera rotation because CLEO dosent have it, With this you can make a aim slapper hax
With set you can do soething IDK but it is currently having problems the set camera rot one and it will eventually change ur keys layout to something like ADSW if u set it like 99.98
Get Camera Rotation
Set Camera Rotation
Special Weed Effects made by me using this snippet
I hope u enjoy, AND BEFORE you start saying that I am a noob and nub and nublord because of this:
Let me just tell you, I am playing with this and you shouldnt take it seriously.. I just made it for fun >v
With set you can do soething IDK but it is currently having problems the set camera rot one and it will eventually change ur keys layout to something like ADSW if u set it like 99.98
Get Camera Rotation
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0xB6F178 size 4 virtual_protect 0
0AB2: ret 1 0@
// Call like call @GetCameraRotation 0 4@
0A8C: write_memory 0xB6F178 size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 0
0AB2: ret 0
// Call like call @SetCameraRotation 1 4@ + 99.98
Special Weed Effects made by me using this snippet
{$CLEO .cs}
thread "0x32789"
0000: NOP
31@ = 0
wait 0
31@ == 1
then */
call @GetCameraRotation 0 4@
call @SetCameraRotation 1 4@ + 1
0003: shake_camera 4@ * 0.3
printf "Cam Rot 1: %f" 1000 4@
jump @LoopLoop
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0xB6F178 size 4 virtual_protect 0
0AB2: ret 1 0@
0A8C: write_memory 0xB6F178 size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 0
0AB2: ret 0
call @SetCameraRotation 1 4@ + 1
0003: shake_camera 4@ * 0.3