I posted here in CLEO REQUESTS because nobody checks "HELP"
You get no reply, because almost nobody knows (including me). In fact, all of the posts are being checked, but since there isn't any notification about who checked which forum, who not, you can never know it.
"Nobody checks HELP"
If you say so, just click on CLEO > HELP, and scroll down the page, see how many topics have a tag called [SOLVED]i it might not be so much, but everybody does his best to help. Also how can you be so sure ? You didn't make a topic in CLEO > HELP even once.
EDIT : I think your problem would get solved if you got rid of a part of the code. Example ;
The code is this :
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "%d + %d = %d" color 0xFF61BB 4 6 10
You do this only :
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "small text and BIG TEXT HERE"
I haven't tried, but maybe you should give it a shot.
Moved to CLEO > HELP.