I need an automatic admin report. I need to read from chat <id> and then use / spec <id>.Give me more details
Do you have any photos of report? Because this information is not worth shitI need an automatic admin report. I need to read from chat <id> and then use / spec <id>.
this is the text that the admins receive in the report. NaughtSPT(8) nivelul 10 raportat pentru deathmatch de ValentinAdvREGELEAi fotografii cu raportul? Pentru că această informație nu merită un rahat
Based on information you have given. Here you go. Dependancies r1 samp, moonloader and its libraries.this is the text that the admins receive in the report. NaughtSPT(8) nivelul 10 raportat pentru deathmatch de ValentinAdvREGELE
Thank you very much for your helpPe baza informațiilor pe care le-ați oferit. Poftim. Dependențe r1 samp, moonloader și bibliotecile sale.