M M Mare20052005 Fr0z3n Mare20052005 wrote on Fr0z3n's profile. Apr 2, 2020 E Buraz Kako da udejm na server opet ako su me stavili na blek listuservra. msm kako da promenim ip servera i to da mogu opet da udejm
E Buraz Kako da udejm na server opet ako su me stavili na blek listuservra. msm kako da promenim ip servera i to da mogu opet da udejm
V V vierchas Parazitas vierchas wrote on Parazitas's profile. Apr 2, 2020 Imanoma butu padaryt scripta kad lsg serve automatiskai parasytu event ir skaicius ?
E E edin_skaljo Fr0z3n edin_skaljo wrote on Fr0z3n's profile. Apr 1, 2020 Moze link object findera za paketice Ali da mi kazes na kojom clientu sampa ne crasha.
T T Talimaagod1337 Opcode.eXe Talimaagod1337 wrote on Opcode.eXe's profile. Apr 1, 2020 Hey, wanted to ask if your cheat called OPHax is still usuable and UD?
H H Happy456 Fr0z3n Happy456 wrote on Fr0z3n's profile. Mar 30, 2020 Mozes li mi dati link WH za CS:GO, onaj u klipu je blokiran
M M Mare20052005 Fr0z3n Mare20052005 wrote on Fr0z3n's profile. Mar 30, 2020 Jos jedno pitanje dal mozes da napravis da nebude 300m nego 1000m ako to moze da se napravi?
M M Mare20052005 Fr0z3n Mare20052005 wrote on Fr0z3n's profile. Mar 29, 2020 Dal mozes da mi kazes Modele paketica na Balkan School serveru?
D D dazzu Zin dazzu wrote on Zin's profile. Mar 23, 2020 Hi! Is there a corrected version of this? Can you help me with this if it is not avaible? Don't want to get caught for chainsaw :) http://ugbase.eu/index.php?threads/anti-chainsaw-xzytro-crashing.5045/
Hi! Is there a corrected version of this? Can you help me with this if it is not avaible? Don't want to get caught for chainsaw :) http://ugbase.eu/index.php?threads/anti-chainsaw-xzytro-crashing.5045/
L L Leon1339 Parazitas Leon1339 wrote on Parazitas's profile. Mar 21, 2020 can u link me ver4.asi if u have it thanks
D D dazzu Opcode.eXe dazzu wrote on Opcode.eXe's profile. Mar 20, 2020 Hi! Is there a corrected version of this? Can you help me with this if it is not avaible? Don't want to get caught for chainsaw :) http://ugbase.eu/index.php?threads/anti-chainsaw-xzytro-crashing.5045/
Hi! Is there a corrected version of this? Can you help me with this if it is not avaible? Don't want to get caught for chainsaw :) http://ugbase.eu/index.php?threads/anti-chainsaw-xzytro-crashing.5045/
L L Leon1339 Fr0z3n Leon1339 wrote on Fr0z3n's profile. Mar 16, 2020 Dal je moguće da WH radi na r4 verziji?