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  1. dphome

    Sobeit help

    max value is defined on server gamemode.amx or server.cfg public OnGameModeInit() { SetNameTagDrawDistance(300.0); } stream_distance 300.0 use like player_tags_dist = 599
  2. dphome

    Untagged Release [0.3.7/0.3.DL/Source] mod_sa s0beit DP Light PL 3.1

    light_sa\light_sa.ini key_new_menu = F2
  3. dphome

    Sobeit help

    Windows 10 Fix 1. Change gta_sa.exe to gta.exe 2. Create fix.bat in GTA dir 3. Edit fix.bat on notepad 4. Paste and save @echo off taskkill /f /im "samp.exe" reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAMP /v gta_sa_exe /f reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAMP /v gta_sa_exe /t REG_SZ /d...
  4. dphome

    AHK to CLEO

    Thank you!
  5. dphome

    AHK to CLEO

    I need this func from AHK to CLEO getChatLineEx(line := 0) { ; 0x152 - offset for first message ; 0xFC - size of a message ; 99 - max count of a messages if(!checkHandles()) return dwPtr := dwSAMP + 0x2ACA10 dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, dwPtr) if(ErrorLevel)...
  6. dphome

    CLEO Help need help i cant find no fall damage scripts

    install latest cleo
  7. dphome

    CLEO Help need help i cant find no fall damage scripts

    @neophyte944 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'DROP' wait 0 0A8C: write_memory 0x5696DA size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1 0A8C: write_memory 0x5696D6 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1 :DROP_53 wait 0 player.InfiniteRun($PLAYER_CHAR) = true...
  8. dphome

    CLEO Help How I Can Fps Limit With Ini For Samp 0.3.DL

    any samp version has command /fpslimit <20-90>
  9. dphome

    CLEO Help Help cleo spawn NRG-500

    Working any SA:MP version. Activation: NIG. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 :NRGUN wait 0 if and Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR) 0ADC: test_cheat "NIG" else_jump @NRGUN Model.Load(522) 038B: load_requested_models 04C4: store_coords_to 27@ 28@ 29@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 -1.0...
  10. dphome

    Untagged Release [0.3.7/0.3.DL/Source] mod_sa s0beit Blue Eclipse 8.1

    SA:MP 0.3.7 SA:MP 0.3.DL...
  11. dphome

    Untagged Release [0.3.7/0.3.DL/Source] mod_sa s0beit DP Light PL 3.1

    SA:MP 0.3.7[0.3.7] SA:MP 0.3.DL...
  12. dphome

    [C++/LUA] Help needed

    look at in src BE: search: bemod->RakNet.params.copy_chat maybe help
  13. dphome

    Untagged Release FastMap

    0.3.7-R1 0.3.DL-R1
  14. dphome

    CLEO Help what mod is this

    /recon sec /name /connect ip:port /disconnect /servers
  15. dphome

    CLEO Help C++ to CLEO

    void DM_Noreload() { if (set.dmnoreload) { actor_info *info = actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, 0); if (info && ACTOR_IS_DEAD(info)) return; int weapon_id = info->weapon[info->weapon_slot].id; if (weapon_id >= 22 && weapon_id <= 42) { if...
  16. dphome


    what is script
  17. dphome

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    Nope, sanny builder error.
  18. dphome

    CLEO Help Nametag (Hidden on OBS) - 0.3DL

    glance_mod 0.3.7 had this feature but 0x_ did not publish it
  19. dphome

    CLEO Help Damage Informer 0.3DL dont work for me

    You're an idiot? I can't help you anymore.
  20. dphome

    CLEO Help Damage Informer 0.3DL dont work for me

    You didn't fix anything.
  21. dphome

    CLEO Help Damage Informer 0.3DL dont work for me

    I don't know... Need address for 0.3.DL from 0.3.7 only this: :kmf_dmg_1498 {I don't know...} 0AB1: @kmf_dmg_1806 0 1@ 1@ += 0x161 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 2 virtual_protect 0 0AB1: @kmf_dmg_1635 1 2@ 3@ 3@ += 0x0 0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 3@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 4@ += 0x1BC 0A8D: 5@ =...
  22. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    Final project for 0.3.7-R1 and 0.3.DL-R1 with source code. New functions: - Admins online. - Enemies online. - Server logs. - Server logs txt. - Info bar. - ESP Bone. - ESP Tracers. - ESP Weapons. - DM No reload. - DM No spread. - DM No stuns. - DM Fast crosshair. Screenshots: Credits and...
  23. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1
  24. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    Cry kiddie and use infected project Johnny Project or RapidFire's Project Attack^^
  25. dphome

    CLEO Help Damage Informer 0.3DL dont work for me

    I try rewrite for 0.3.DL but i don't what is: 1@ += 0x161 and don't know how search it address for 0.3.DL Four headers for SA:MP (now is for 0.3.7-R1): :kmf_dmg_1498 call @kmf_dmg_1806 0 1@ 1@ += 0x161 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 2...
  26. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    The project will no longer be developed. I will add a light version to all versions and close.
  27. dphome

    CLEO Help 0BC9 w/o SAMPFUNCS

    by Parazitas :CLOSE_DIALOG { 0.3.DL 0AB1: @CLOSE_DIALOG 1 Button 0 // 0 = Left , 1 = Right } IF 0AA2: 10@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 0x2AC9E0 // SAMP_DIALOG_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 12@ = readMem 11@ sz 4 vp 0 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 0x700D0 //SAMP_DIALOG_CLOSE 0AA8...
  28. dphome

    CLEO Help Help me /settime /setweather

    SA:MP 0.3.7-R4 SetTime.cs {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 00BF: 7@ = current_time_hours, 6@ = current_time_minutes while true wait 0 if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined then 0AB1: @GetLastSentTextFromChatBox 0 _Return: Command 0@ Text 1@ if 0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 1@...
  29. dphome

    CLEO Help Help me /settime /setweather

    Server IP?
  30. dphome

    GTA:SA Multiprocess (Updated)

    Asi Of The Year
  31. dphome

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    @pinyon Activation: SPREAD {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 8500 0A8D: 10@ = read_memory 7603296 size 1 virtual_protect 1 // Read default spread memory while true wait 0 if 0ADC: test_cheat "SPREAD" then if 8@ == false then 8@ = true 0A8C: write_memory 7603296...
  32. dphome

    CLEO Help Help me with coding

  33. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Reconnect Fix 0.3.DL

    Working on 0.3.DL USAGE: /reconnect
  34. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Reconnect Fix 0.3.DL

  35. dphome

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    Press W+Z for all motors, thank you Parazitas. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 if or 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model 581 // BF-400 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model 462 // Faggio 00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model...
  36. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    03.11.2020 Update 5. 04.11.2020 Update 5.1
  37. dphome

    [C++/CLEO] Name Tag Hack

  38. dphome

    [C++/CLEO] Name Tag Hack

    01.11.2020 Update.
  39. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [Mod Sobeit] Blue Eclipse
  40. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] espBox1, espBox2, espSkelet, espTracers install Microsoft Visual Studio and open source\src\mod_sa_VS2015.sln and compile or look at source\src\proxyIDirect3DDevice9.cpp
  41. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] espBox1, espBox2, espSkelet, espTracers

    update espSkelet from Stealth Remastered
  42. dphome

    CLEO Help Need help to make a Fake FPS for 0.3DL

    Yeah, not working. I'll try fix it.
  43. dphome


    SA:MP Version?
  44. dphome


    It's beautiful now! People are helpful to each other.
  45. dphome

    CLEO Help Need help to make a Fake FPS for 0.3DL

    F11 -> Cheats -> Fake FPS (press enter) and under Num+ for more or less /.fps <value>
  46. dphome

    CLEO Help Need help to make a Fake FPS for 0.3DL possible)) I will try to add only this function to s0beit
  47. dphome

    CLEO Help Need help to make a Fake FPS for 0.3DL

    fuck off with scammer distributing infected software. @thieuthienthan we have to wait for sampfuncs for 0.3dl.
  48. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    This is a very amateur project. Don't expects much. Currently I am fixing bugs and will publish then version for 0.3DL only.
  49. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Fast Respawn, Fast Crosshair, Fake Skills, NoSpread, NoFall, NoReload, Auto CBUG, Auto 2-2, NoStun, etc...

    void FastRespawn() { static bool fastrespawn = false; if (set.fastrespawn) { struct actor_info *me = actor_info_get(ACTOR_SELF, NULL); if (me->hitpoints == 0) me->hitpoints = 99; fastrespawn = true; } else if (fastrespawn) {...
  50. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] HandleRPCPacketFunc

    All in one. RPC_ServerJoin RPC_ServerQuit RPC_SetPlayerName RPC_WorldPlayerDeath RPC_ShowTextDraw RPC_ShowDialog case RPC_ServerJoin: { BitStream bsData(rpcParams->input, rpcParams->numberOfBitsOfData / 8, false); short int p_id; D3DCOLOR...
  51. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Weapon Informer

    27.09.2020 update.
  52. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Info bar

    27.09.2020 update.
  53. dphome

    Player Finder with ahk udf

    MegaESP? It's func from Blue Eclipse Source Code and works when the server has PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL
  54. dphome

    How to edit S0beit.

    this is source mod_s0beit_sa-1-\src\mod_sa_VS2015.sln
  55. dphome

    How to edit S0beit.

    mod_sa.v4.4.2.0.SA-MP.v0.3.DL-R1 source code: mod_sa.v4.4.1.3.SA-MP.v0.3.7 R1 source code:
  56. dphome


  57. dphome

    How to edit S0beit.

    Hello. Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional (en_visual_studio_professional_2015_x86_x64_dvd_6846629.iso) and install DirectX Software Development Kit My discord: SuperDP#8982
  58. dphome

    [REQUEST] ANTI-AFK 0.3DL samp

    if 30@ == true then if 33@ > 10000 // here your time then 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AD3: 0@ = format "/g" // here command format 0AB1: @SEND_CMD 1 0@ // here send command 33@ = 0 // reset timer end end
  59. dphome

    CLEO Help CLEO R4

    give me IP server, i try
  60. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    Big update 5 is comming
  61. dphome

    [mod_sa C++] Problem with tracers when red marker is exist

    Hi, i have problem with espTracers when red marker is exist then it doesn't appear. Anyone know how fix it? void espTracers() { traceLastFunc("espTracers()"); if (gta_menu_active()) return; if (cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled) return; // Exit this...
  62. dphome

    Rewrite lua to C++

    PROBLEM SOLVED new_cheats.h bool quickLoadPatches(); new_cheats.cpp #define patch(a, v, s) _patch((void*)(a), (void*)(v), (s)) void _patch(void*, void*, int); #define nop(a, s) _nop((void*)(a), (s)) void _nop(void*, int); bool check(void*, unsigned char, const char*, bool); bool _check(void*...
  63. dphome

    [C++/CLEO] Name Tag Hack

    C++ #include <windows.h> #define SAMP_INFO 0x2ACA24 #define SAMP_SETTINGS 0x3D5 //DWORD* pChat = NULL; DWORD* pInfo = NULL; BYTE* ThroughWalls = NULL; BYTE* ShowNameTags = NULL; float* fDistance = NULL; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool...
  64. dphome

    CLEO Help Help Wallhack new 2020

    0.3.7-R1 {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 1000 0A8D: 0@ = readMem 0xA444A0 sz 4 vp 0 UNTIL 0@ == 1 // SAMP_IS_READY 0AB1: @SAMP_GetNameTagSettings params 0 NameTagsDistance 0@ NoNametagsBehindWalls 1@ byteShowNameTags 2@ WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: test_cheat "1" THEN IF 31@ ==...
  65. dphome

    CLEO Help [HELP] Remove text and audio

    it is it aimbot: I deleted for you: 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "~r~[~w~~h~Aimbot~r~] ~w~~h~:: Activated" time 3000 018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 018C: play_sound 1057 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 018C: play_sound 1058 at 0.0...
  66. dphome

    CLEO Help [Help] FastMap.cs for 0.3.7

    Greetings for Parazitas
  67. dphome


  68. dphome

    Get Game Text

    case RPC_DisplayGameText: { BitStream bsData(rpcParams->input, rpcParams->numberOfBitsOfData / 8, false); char szMessage[400]; int iType, iTime, iLength; bsData.Read(iType); bsData.Read(iTime); bsData.Read(iLength)...
  69. dphome

    CLEO Help [Help] FastMap.cs for 0.3.7

    Done, working perfectly)) Useful memory address for 0.3DL/0.3.7:
  70. dphome

    CLEO Help Question - manual siren

    //edited :)
  71. dphome

    CLEO Help Question - manual siren

    0.3.7-R1: 0x21A0E8 0.3DL: 0x2ACA14 For you 0.3DL (YelpManual.cs, WailManual.cs, SIRENAMANUAL.ini)
  72. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Play_Sound

    ok, 1 st published WORKING PERFECTLY snippet for mod_sa project.
  73. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Play_Sound

    what I've published is a breakthrough that doesn't exist on the internet, really. I want to help others develop and I care about it. Together, we can share useful things to create something fantastic! If you shared your project glance_mod code, thousands of players would be grateful))
  74. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Play_Sound

    cheat_samp.cpp typedef int(__thiscall *tPlaySound)(void* _this, int sound_id, float x, float y, float z); tPlaySound SAMP_PlaySound; void Play_Sound(int sound_id, float x, float y, float z) { SAMP_PlaySound = reinterpret_cast<tPlaySound>((PVOID)(g_dwSAMP_Addr + 0xA20E0))...
  75. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    Update 4 source&realase.
  76. dphome


  77. dphome

    [C++] SetGameKeyState

  78. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] Weapon Informer

    proxyIDirect3DDevice9.cpp here: if (set.weaponinformer) { char bufdwa[256]; for (int i = 1; i < 45; i++) { if (getPlayerState(iSAMPID) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {...
  79. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] espBox1, espBox2, espSkelet, espTracers

    //update: espBox1, espBox2, espSkelet, espTracers
  80. dphome

    Rewrite lua to C++

    Hi, I need the help of a person who would rewrite the script lua to C++: local memory = require 'memory' function main() wait(-1) end function patch() if memory.getuint8(0x748C2B) == 0xE8 then memory.fill(0x748C2B, 0x90, 5, true) elseif memory.getuint8(0x748C7B) == 0xE8 then...
  81. dphome

    [C++ mod_sa] espBox1, espBox2, espSkelet, espTracers

    void espBox1() { if (cheat_state->_generic.cheat_panic_enabled) return; if (gta_menu_active()) return; if (!g_dwSAMP_Addr || !g_SAMP || !g_Players) return; if (!pGameInterface) return; if (isBadPtr_GTA_pPed(pPedSelf)) return; for...
  82. dphome


  83. dphome

    CLEO Help Nametag not working

    u use mod_sa s0beit too? I am asking because I have noticed a problem with displaying at a distance with s0b
  84. dphome


  85. dphome

    need stealth_renderer

    You wrote two messages in my subject that don't help. Get out of here. Anyone could help? I would like to create it and join the project
  86. dphome

    need stealth_renderer

    I share everything I have and I would like to ask for the same. Does anyone have it?
  87. dphome


  88. dphome


  89. dphome

    CLEO Help 0.3DL address updates

    ^up working perfectly :ok_hand:
  90. dphome

    m0d_sa Release [SA-MP 0.3.DL] s0beit by Dawcy Poziomu Update 5.1

    shows player connected/disconnected from server ;p if you want english version then download, edit in source file and compile))
  91. dphome


  92. dphome


  93. dphome

