Search results

  1. SobFoX

    Help imrp bypass

    The last time I checked, he was just downloading the Dll Theirs was mainly checking files in the folder and taking pictures on the screen, and Launcher which is written in C# He would do some file checks in the folder, checking all kinds of stupid things and checking the Hash samp.dll...
  2. SobFoX

    Help imrp bypass

    RUNPE into a process and they can search as much as they want, if they had a brain they would do like MTA which happens from the memory of each open process and searches for a sequence bytes You can also make them simple Patch And to end this long story, but the AC Theirs is really garbage, if...
  3. SobFoX

    Help imrp bypass

    "bypass" you will use the version they ask you, and you will use different CHEATS that way you won't get a penalty anymore. In any case, they take your screen when entering the game, so they can see your version in the chat, and their AC also checks your SAMP.DLL file, so trying to fake it is...
  4. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Custom Crypt - CLEO

    Do you suffer from a brain problem? It says to you that it is for Cleo Something else entirely why ask stupid questions? Check on Google, are you unable to write on Google?
  5. SobFoX

    Help C++ Cheat

    A great and wise man
  6. SobFoX

    m0d_sa Help Weapon spawner for samp 0.3dl or samp in general

    use /.weapon [idweapon]
  7. SobFoX

    Help help modificating this asi

    Use it, whatever you want it to be written in a bad and awkward way Try this You also have more options
  8. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    Stupid it's not encrypted
  9. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    wait 5000 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[UGBASE.EU] {FFFFFF}Player Finder made by {00DE21}TH3RM4L-" color 0x0095FF 0B34: samp register_client_command "cfind" to_label @start 0B34: samp register_client_command "myfind" to_label @my_find 0B34: samp register_client_command "stopfind" to_label...
  10. SobFoX

    Help RPC_ShowDialog

    use Sampfuncs api
  11. SobFoX

    Help help please

    0A8C: write_memory 0xB7CEE4 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
  12. SobFoX

    Help [CLEO] Bones vector3d offset

    Not rude, just explaining to you and you not referring to the information I gave is problematic I don't have a private tutor written on me
  13. SobFoX

    Help [CLEO] Bones vector3d offset

    It's already your problem, that you don't understand what it is at all Bulletdata
  14. SobFoX

    Help [CLEO] Bones vector3d offset

    bulletdata->center[x] = bonepos[x] - pedpos[x]; bulletdata->targetpos[x] = bonepos[x]; The API of SAMPFUNCS to CLEO is not so clear, to understand what center and TARGETPOS are, look at the structure of this STRUCTS In sobeit or Google samp.lua and you can see the structure of this package
  15. SobFoX

    Help [CLEO] Bones vector3d offset

    This should help you, you need to call the function
  16. SobFoX


    Download Discord Server
  17. SobFoX


    SobFoX submitted a new resource: MTA CHEATS SOBFOX PROJECT - SOBFOX Read more about this resource...
  18. SobFoX

    FiveM Release TriggerBot GTAV/FiveM/RageMP/AltV v1.3

    If you are playing on a server with an unsupported version, drop here the game building for example "FiveM_b2802_GTAProcess.exe" These versions are in this folder on the computer: "C:\Users\fenvi\AppData\Local\FiveM\\data\cache\subprocess"
  19. SobFoX

    Help rpc_showdialog issue

    You have already been answered on this, don't jump the topic or it will be deleted. Don't go head-to-head, you need to make a big change in raknet to solve this problem (doesn't work well either) and there is another option where you need to call functions in samp memory, learn reverse...
  20. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL
  21. SobFoX

    find wallhack

    Link in description, support for all versions
  22. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    First of all, will they even work, stupid, and if it's for mobile GTFO
  23. SobFoX

    triggerbot help

  24. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    Do you suffer from a brain problem that makes you dumb? These files are not encrypted
  25. SobFoX

    I need help to report this player

  26. SobFoX

    I need help to report this player

    You whistleblower should be executed here
  27. SobFoX

    Untagged Release cleo cryptor [Jul 2023 release]

    It works well but you can do a dump and everything comes out But it is good against removing the existing classic encryptions without runtime
  28. SobFoX

    Help HELP! Any working wh for r5?

  29. SobFoX

    camera lock detect

    Yes of course you can, with the RPC he gave you
  30. SobFoX

    camera lock detect

    I don't think you get this information about other players, but it's worth checking
  31. SobFoX

    camera lock detect

    You can check the camera of the players in your area, you can check if it doesn't change for a long time, so maybe he is in freeze or he doesn't touch his keyboard, usually freeze the player looks at the floor in front of him, but those who use sampaddon or different fixes in samp can move the...
  32. SobFoX

    Mexican skins
  33. SobFoX

    Help [REQ] weapon.dat with no spread that works in samp?

    use google and in your mind, write everything to you in this file
  34. SobFoX

    Auto Walk to check point
  35. SobFoX

    hide strings from inject ?

    This is why programs with "encryptions" that go through packing will always be hacked They work in the same way almost always, just inflate them and insert code that wraps them
  36. SobFoX

    hide strings from inject ?

    It will not help. Even if you put 200 encryptions, you will understand how software works first,
  37. SobFoX

    hide strings from inject ?

    I wrote to you earlier that this is not possible, if you want you can change the STRING yourself in the hexeditor and give new names to the cheat
  38. SobFoX

    hide strings from inject ?

    You can only if you are the one who creates the cheats, you actually have to make "string" go through some kind of mathematical calculation and not be the same BYTE all the time So if you program the same cheat you can, if not you can't
  39. SobFoX

    RAPE Call of Duty 5

  40. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    This is not the right forum for you
  41. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    No here no ugbase
  42. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    not here
  43. SobFoX

    suggestion regarding lev_m0ds

    @0x_ takeup good morning You have to go to school and then come back at noon to play SAMP!
  44. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    I don't know, I haven't played on this server that much, only trolling hacking :p
  45. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    It included the skins but did not curse the setplayerskin code itself Check for yourself Because the 03DL code itself is found believing that there you have the option to figure out for yourself which of them is SKIN
  46. SobFoX

    Untagged Release Translate Plus Plus for 0.3DL (TPP-Reloaded) [OPEN SOURCE]

    It hasn't worked at all for years, the api used to come is no longer available
  47. SobFoX

  48. SobFoX


  49. SobFoX

    Help Scripter for a server needed ♥

    I don't understand why even come to post here in the community of hacking games anyone who comes from here will destroy the server XD It is known that CHEATERS their RP level is usually low and they like to cause a lot of problems
  50. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    use your brain stupid
  51. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    on my YouTube channel
  52. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    Use the object stealer of my project, there you have an option to mark a distance that you want to steal from your xyz
  53. SobFoX

    Help Scripter for a server needed ♥

    Every place that tommyb enters is dead, he killed RCRP and now you within three months, first of all he closed your server with registration in an unbearable forum that doesn't even allow LSRP players with a high level to enter, let's not talk about the level of programming that he destroyed...
  54. SobFoX

    Help config

    You are using something old that no one uses today, and it is very detected, use it, it supports every version
  55. SobFoX

    Any SA-MP CRMP SA-MP 0.3.7 R* Reconnect for all SAMP versions 1.0

    Allows you to reconnect in all SAMP versions, using the 9+0 keyboard on the left side I built it separately at the request of a good friend from the community, If you want to enjoy many more options, you are welcome to subscribe to my channel and enjoy the content
  56. SobFoX

    CLEO Help How this thing called?

    RPC_EnterEditObject = 27 RPC_EditAttachedObject = 116 RPC_EditObject = 117 You can read the parameters here
  57. SobFoX

    Anti reset gun

    Why would it work for you? You run out of balls in the game, the server is not the one that deletes them for you
  58. SobFoX

    Anti reset gun

    I don't have time for these things, try to solve a request on the CLEO forum, maybe there will be able to help you
  59. SobFoX

    SA-MP 0.3.7 Fake version SA:MP 0.3.7-R4 for 0.3.7 sampfuncs plugin!

    Use samp version 0.3.7 + cleo + sampfuncs Throw the file in the folder of sampfuncs
  60. SobFoX

    SA-MP 0.3.7 FakeSAMPCAC PluginSF + FakeFile and text 0.3.7-R1

    FakeSAMPCAC.SF Fakes use of SAMPCAC.ASI What do you need for this? CLEO + SAMPFUNCS (always to the most up to date) CLEO: SAMPFUNCS: And of course SAMP 0.3.7 first version SAMP: Virus Scans: Virus...
  61. SobFoX

    SA-MP 0.3.7 [SAMP]PickUP other players + Bike InvisibleSF - Trolling !

    All rights to PICKUP Reserved to OPCODEXE invisible bike -> /.ib on/off download
  62. SobFoX

    SA-MP 0.3.7 Perfect Invisible v2

    - Perfect Inv - SAMP 0.3.7 R1 =====================Requires===================== Cleo Samp Funcs =====================Tutorial===================== Put the SF file into the samp funcs folder Enter the game On/Off Command : "/.ik" The point of this plugin is to make you...
  63. SobFoX

    LUA MOONLOADER - Radar Revealer

    Radar-Revealer.lua What do you need for this? ASI Loader ASI Loader: CLEO CLEO: SAMPFUNCS SAMPFUNCS: MoonLoader MoonLoader: Virus Scans...
  64. SobFoX

    APP LUA MOONLOADER - WTLS Auto Farmer + Activity Check Pass

    AutoFarmer.lua + ActivityCheckPass.lua What do you need for this? ASI Loader ASI Loader: CLEO CLEO: SAMPFUNCS SAMPFUNCS: MoonLoader MoonLoader...
  65. SobFoX

    RakSAMP [v0.8.6-0.3.7-R3]

    Hey, i've updated RakSAMP to 0.3.7 Server R3. RakSAMP is a fake client and server for SA-MP. Commands: !exit or !quit: exits client. !reconnect: reconnects the server. !reload: reloads settings. !runmode: sets current runmode. !stats: shows raknet statistics. !players: shows list of players...
  66. SobFoX

    Slapper Player [CLEO]

    I think I said this when Hon Riaso and now: D activation:AIM+X/Alt+X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project SobFoX Go!
  67. SobFoX

    SA-MP 0.3.7 [SA:MP 0.3.7] Kill All

    Description: A Cleo used for easy killing. Cleo is functional on servers that has Lag Comp ON. Video: Installation: Drop the file in the CLEO folder. Activation: Type in chat "/KillAll"
  68. SobFoX

    Custom Name Tags 2.0 [FPS UP]

    Description: The modification replaces the standard nicknames of the players with custom ones. Due to this, the FPS is significantly increased and the possibility of modification appears. This is a replacement for the first version - the LUA script, in contrast to it, the plugin is executed...
  69. SobFoX

    RinaRP AntiCheatSide Patched - Updated 19/2/22

    For all Players RINARP rina-rp Up to now there has been protection against wallhack.cs And now you can use Come Again, enjoy ;P Updated 19/2/22 The issues have been fixed and updated to a new version
  70. SobFoX


  71. SobFoX

    Anti reset gun

    what you want no reload ?
  72. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release
  73. SobFoX

    gta-chronicles map release

    MAP 2023 ServerIP: or Version: 0.3.DL info: How to install? You need to know this, in addition I added the code of the model files also in the txt file that contains the object, vehicle..etc And also in the artconfig.txt file In the models folder...
  74. SobFoX

    Teleport to nearest object using object id

    Use this, a very high-quality LUA API that supports every version.
  75. SobFoX


  76. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    Thx you bro
  77. SobFoX

    CLEO Help Any functional 0.3.7 WallHack?

    You can block wallhack nametag easily, and also cleo, so it is less recommended for you as a cheater
  78. SobFoX

    CLEO Help Any functional 0.3.7 WallHack?

    Use it, you have a lot of options, it's also bypass obs The link is in the description
  79. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    The code for this has been published by the developer himself, do some googling
  80. SobFoX

    Untagged Release [0.3.7 R2][v3.0] TrollBoss.cs

    This is for SAMP 0.3.7-R1, and requires SAMPFUNCS, CLEO
  81. SobFoX

    Help Press left mouse button

    Anticheat clientside? If so, attach a link to anticheat+server ip
  82. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    Not on the computer on a field trip for a few days, we'll see if something else can help you @Saam
  83. SobFoX

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    deal with it // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published on 2022-03-20 {$CLEO .cs} {$USE bitwise} {$USE CLEO+} {$USE file} {$USE ini} 0000: NOP not cleo_call -4988 1 -17 :NONAME_17 wait 0 0AFA: jf @NONAME_17 0C6A: hex 01 E1 FD FF FF 03 end 0C6A: hex 01 4B F5 FF FF 03 end...