Search results

  1. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release PickUP.cs - teleport other players to you.

    Enable: Write /pickup into the chat to toggle it. Enter a vehicle and hold rightclick to choose a player. Then hold leftclick to pick them up. Requires: SAMPFUNCS, CLEO 4.1, ASI LOADER
  2. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release New OP-HaX for 0.3.7

    OP-HaX Install & Download: 1.) Get a clean GTA_SA US/EU v1.00 2.) Install SAMP 0.3.7: 3.) Install CLEO 4.1: 4.) Download OP-HaX: 5.) Put the OP-HaX files into your GTA SA main...
  3. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release OP-HaX - legit MultiHack

    NEW VERSION: A Public version of OP-HaX. [video=youtube] OTHER VIDEOS: Triggerbot: FastAimbot: SilentAim and Trigger: Keys: Press MINUS to open the menu. AutoSave: All settings get saved automaticly inside of...
  4. Opcode.eXe

    8 ways ugbase can be used as a weapon

    :facepalm: nice clickbait
  5. Opcode.eXe


  6. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] ReadStringFromList

    Lets you read a string from a list by id. Useful for advanced shit. 0AB1: @ReadStrFromList 2 at @STRINGS with_id 3 save_into 0@ :ReadStrFromList 0AC6: 0@ = label 0@ offset 000A: 0@ += 0x4    0006: 2@ = 0 WHILE 001D:   1@ > 2@     0006: 3@ = 1     WHILE 3@ <> 0            0A8D: 3@ =...
  7. Opcode.eXe

    OP-HaX | Premium GIVEAWAY to one person

    OP-HaX for one Person! - The Menu - (Make sure that this works, if not gtfo.): How to join the giveaway :oh_stop_it_u: Simply write an nice text about 0x688, the nicest one will...
  8. Opcode.eXe


    Instead of using this shitty long function for an aimbot which was made by some russian: :AIM var 1@ :float 2@ :float 3@ :float 4@ :float 5@ :float 6@ :float 7@ :float 8@ :float 9@ :float 10@ :float 11@ :float 12@ :float 13@ :float 14@ :float 15@ :float end 0087: 4@ = 1@ // (float) 0087: 5@ =...
  9. Opcode.eXe

    Untagged Release Triggerfinger.eXe - it's better than an Aimbot!

    Triggerfinger.eXe Install: Place the folder "Triggerfinger" into your "C:\" drive. So the file path will look like: "C:\Triggerfinger" How to use it: 1.) Start your game and spawn. 2.) Open Triggerfinger.eXe, and wait till it's loaded. 3.) Press...
  10. Opcode.eXe

    Untagged Release OP-HaX for 0.3z fixed a bit for 0.3.7

    OP-HaX 0.3z version for 0.3.7. The RED functions dont work! How to use it? Learn 2 inform yourself. (Readme.txt or Video desc.) Filepassword:
  11. Opcode.eXe

    Untagged Release [PRIVATE] Vehicle Path Recording RELEASE

    Hey  :ppffh: Today i'll release my private Vehicle Path Recording mod. Keys & Commands: You press O to start recording and to stop recording. You press P to play or stop the recording. using /VehicleRecordingLoop will make the bot drive the route without...
  12. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] SetWindowPosAndSize

    Sets a new position and size of the minimized gta_sa window handle. ( I need it for my AntiAfk :D ) 0AB1: @SET_WINDOW_POS_AND_SIZE 4 pos_x 50 pos_y 40 width 400 width 400 :SET_WINDOW_POS_AND_SIZE 0A8D: 31@ = 0xC9C060 4 0 IF 31@ == TRUE THEN       0AA2: 30@ = load_library "User32.dll"      ...
  13. Opcode.eXe

    CPP RELEASE FreezeRotation.exe - disable Spin And Rotation Matrix

    FreezeRot I got so bored that i made it in c++. Maybe someone needs it. Just keep the hack open to freeze the rotation. --------------------------------- ------- Video of it: -------- Virustotal...
  14. Opcode.eXe


    So... im wondering: [size=12pt] On which resolution do you play GTA SA? How much Frames Per Second do you have? I am playing on 1600x900 with more than 150 FPS.
  15. Opcode.eXe

    RAPE Call of Duty 5

    Staff members of this server: HostName: • Call Of Duty 5 • Resurrection • Address: used pictures in their signature to log the users ip's. We decided to visit the server. Advertising a bit: Killing People with a minigun:
  16. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Convert 3D position to 2d Radar screen pos

    Function: 0AB1: @POSITION_TO_RADAR 7 XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0 RADAR_POS 400 400 DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER 1.5 MAX_DISTANCE 300.0 _STORE_TO 1@ 2@ This function converts 3D position to 2D Radar position like on the Minimap. You can make things like this: Source: {$CLEO .cs}...
  17. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release LagTroll.cs - troll other players With this mod you can troll other players who are in a car. That video explains how to use it. This mod copy's the incar data of the target player and sends them again to the server so that it looks like laggs. It also...
  18. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] GetCurrentPcUserName

    With this function u can get the current Username of the Computer  :imoverit: //0AB1: @GetCurrentPcUserName 0 0@ :GetCurrentPcUserName IF 0AA2: 31@ = load_library "Advapi32.dll" THEN      0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260     IF     0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetUserNameA" library 31@...
  19. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Get Z/Y Angle Between Points

    :getYAngleBetweenPoints {   Parameters:     Passed:       0@ - origin X       1@ - origin Y       2@ - origin Z       3@ - destination X       4@ - destination Y       5@ - destination Z     Result:       7@ - absolute Y angle   Example:     0AB1: call_scm_func @getYAngleBetweenPoints 6...
  20. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Move Crosshair/Camera

    With these functions you can move the Gta Sa Camera. 0AB1: @MouseMOVE_DOWN 0 0AB1: @MouseMOVE_UP 0 0AB1: @MouseMOVE_LEFT 0 0AB1: @MouseMOVE_RIGHT 0 I already made a Aimbot with these things and its really cool. :MouseMOVE_RIGHT 0AA2: 31@ = load_library "user32.dll" 0AA4: 30@ =...
  21. Opcode.eXe


    With this function you can create beeps with frequency. //0AB1: @MAKE_BEEP 2 FREQUENCY 0x25 TIME 1000 :MAKE_BEEP IF 0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" THEN     IF     0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "Beep" library 31@     THEN         0AA5: _CALL_ 30@ num_params 2 pop 0 1@ 0@     END     0AA3...
  22. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Pessenger Sync Packet

    This sends an packet to the server that says: I'm in that car as a pessanger. So if you wanna trollsomeones car onfoot: Just send this packet first and then driver sync^^ 0AB1: @PACKET_PASSENGER_SYNC 1 CAR_HANDLE 0@ :PACKET_PASSENGER_SYNC IF 0B2C: samp 30@ = get_vehicle_id_by_car_handle 0@...
  23. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] GET/SET Vehicle Handling Values

    So you wanna edit a vehicle's handling value? Like make a car go faster? With these two snippets you can do it! 0AB1: @GET_HANDLING 3 FROM_VEHICLE_MODEL #SULTAN OFFSET 0x1C SIZE 4 _TO: 0@ //0AB1: @GET_HANDLING 3 FROM_VEHICLE_MODEL #SULTAN OFFSET 0x1C SIZE 4 _TO: 0@ :GET_HANDLING 0@ *= 4 0@ +=...
  24. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Sync Car with Packets

    Wanna make a iTroll mod without using "put_actor_in_car"? Wanna make Car Teleport hacks so everyone can see it? Here you go: const PACKET_VEHICLE_SYNC = 219 BS_TYPE_BYTE = 0 BS_TYPE_ARRAY = 5 end //0AB1: @SYNC_VEHICLE 1 HANDLE 0@ :SYNC_VEHICLE IF 0B2C: 1@ = get_vehicle_id_by_car_handle 0@...
  25. Opcode.eXe

    HAHAH Unknownxd

    I was so bored that i took a look at StyleRxd's channel! Some time ago he tired to connect to our ts3 server all the time, but got banned. and now look: HAHAAHAH Thats the truth about our mr. styler. He also likes my videos and listens to anonymous rap  :ohgodwhy: Heres the proof ( he...
  26. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Hide Samp Chat

    You can hide the chat completly with this: 0AB1: @HideSAMPChat 1 TRUE :HideSAMPChat IF 0@ == TRUE THEN     0B2D: write_samp_memory offset 0x7A710 value 0xC3 size 1 ELSE     0B2D: write_samp_memory offset 0x7A710 value 0x56 size 1 END 0AB2: 0 but you can still type into the chat^^ by...
  27. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Is dialog button pressed

    0B82: dialog 1@ add_button id 3 text "Authenticate" pos_XY 115 50 size 110 25 So you created a dialog with sampfuncs opcode, but dont know howto check if button is pressed? //IF //0AB1: @BUTTON_CLICKED 1 ON_DIALOG 1@ control_id 3 //THEN //** :BUTTON_CLICKED 0B81: dialog 0@ pop_event_to 2@...
  28. Opcode.eXe


    This gets the closest player to your crosshair instandly, not like the old version. example:         IF         0AB1: @GET_TARGET_ACTOR 0 0@         THEN             04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor 0@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0                                    END :GET_TARGET_ACTOR...
  29. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release Fugga for 0.3z - KILLAAHH BOTS

    :bawww: I'm so lazy to write this. This is fugga for 0.3z. You have to type 'FUNNEL' to activate it. After activating it switch to your fist and aim(rightclick) on a player and then press attack(leftclick) to kill him.You can mark more than 4 players! Make sure you're close to him, otherwise he...
  30. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Restart cleo

    So.. you're making a CLEO and hate it to restart your Gta Sa all the time to test the new .cs? Well, here's the solution: 0AB1: @RESTART 1 WITH_KEY 88 // KEY_X Paste that function in the main loop of your cleo, now when u press X ingame, the new .cs gets loaded. ++ RENAME YOUR CLEO MOD TO...
  31. Opcode.eXe

    Me Gusta

    :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta: :me_gusta...
  32. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release 3D-ESP-BOX.cs - 3D boxes around players

    Here are some screenshots: a VIDEO: More screenshots: SHIFT + E = ON / OFF IT NEEDS CLEO 4.1 + ATLEAST SAMPFUNCS v3.1.2
  33. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release [ESP-BOX] See players with an box around them.

    :urtheman: Write "ESP" to activate and deactivate it. does not need sampfuncs fits to distanced Use these if you like... Thanks to 0x688 for forcing me to make it  :yuno:
  34. Opcode.eXe


    :hellno: But that line will be strange when its moving  :okey: //0AB1: @DRAW_LINE 9 POS 10.0 10.0 _TO_ 200.0 310.0 RGBA 255 0 0 255 THICKNESS 1.0 :DRAW_LINE 0087: 11@ = 2@ // (float) 0087: 12@ = 3@ // (float) 0509: 10@ = distance_between_XY 0@ 1@ and_XY 2@ 3@ 10@ -= 37.0 {REMOVE STRANGE OFFSET...
  35. Opcode.eXe


    This took me a while to make... and its really useful for me. 0AB1: @DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 9 POS 300.0 300.0 SIZE 50.0 50.0 RGBA 255 0 0 255 You can make hacks like this with it: //0AB1: @DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 9 POS 300.0 300.0 SIZE 50.0 50.0 RGBA 255 0 0 255 THICKNESS 0.5 :DRAW_OUTLINED_BOX 0087...
  36. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] GetBonePosition from Actor

    With this snippet you can read out the positions of bones in an actor! Here are the bone-ids: (picture not by me) and heres the function: { GET BONE POSITION: 0AB1: call_scm_func @GET_BONE_POS 2 FROM_ACTOR $PLAYER_ACTOR BONE 6 _STORE_TO 1@ 2@ 3@  // HEAD }    :GET_BONE_POS 0085: 10@ =...
  37. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] get3DXYZInFrontOf

    :get3DXYZInFrontOf{X,Y,Z,ZA,YA,Distance} {        Return:         PosX-InFrontOf         PosY-InFrontOf         PosZ-InFrontOf             Example: 0AB1: call_scm_func @get3DXYZInFrontOf 6 XYZ 1@ 2@ 3@ Z_Angle 4@ Y_Angle 5@  Distance 7.0 Return_XYZ_To 6@ 7@ 8@ } 3@ *= -1.0 02F6: 6@ = sine 3@...
  38. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Get Target CAR

    { EXAMPLE:     if     0AB1: @GET_TARGET_CAR 0 _STORE_TO 0@     then         0186: 1@ = create_marker_above_car 0@         wait 500         0164: disable_marker 1@     end     by OpcodeXe }    :GET_TARGET_CAR 8@ = 0 {GOT_CAR?,FALSE} if 0AE2: 0@ = random_vehicle_near_point 0.0 0.0 0.0 in_radius...
  39. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Get Aim Target Actor

    This is a old version. Use the new one which i will post later. This function has useless loops and lags ur game. This gets the first player, who is the closest to your crosshair. You can add your own filters to skip some players. //0AB1: @GET_AIM_TARGET_ACTOR 1 IN_RADIUS_FROM_CROSSHAIR 400.0...
  40. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release Poor Aim - (detected) but still works on some servers

    Hi, Video: - ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE IT BY TYPING 'AIM' LIKE A CHEAT. AIM AT A PLAYER AND TAPP SHOT ( DONT HOLD SHOOT FOR THE LEGIT EFFECT) + you do NOT need sampfuncs. PS: made me not forget about this. K, now download...
  41. Opcode.eXe

    My Grandma took a selfie!

  42. Opcode.eXe


  43. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release AutoCmdSenderv2.0 - UNLIMITED KEYBINDS!

    Hai, here's an simple CLEO-Keybinder which can handle unlimited keybinds! You add commands/text's , how much delay you want and which key to press to send it. (KeyBinder.ini): IF_I_PRESS_VIRTUAL_KEY 49 DELAY 1000 THEN_SAY /ENGINE ON IF_I_PRESS_VIRTUAL_KEY 50 DELAY 1000 THEN_SAY /ENGINE OFF...
  44. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Car Sync onfoot

    { EXAMPLE: 0@ = CAR_HANDLE 0AB1: @SYNC_INN 1 HANDLE 0@ WAIT 0 0224: set_car 0@ health_to 0 WAIT 0 0AB1: @SYNC_OUT 0 - YOU HAVE TO BE ONFOOT. } //0AB1: @SYNC_INN 1 HANDLE 0@ :SYNC_INN 0A97: 2@ = car 0@ struct 0A96: 3@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct 3@ += 1328 0A8C: write_mememory 3@ size 4...
  45. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] OffsetDesdePuntoConAngulo

    :dont_care: I dont know what the fuck this is.. i niggered it from gtag :OffsetDesdePuntoConAngulo {Params -OrigenX      0@ -OrigenY      1@ -OrigenZ      2@ -Distancia    3@ -AnguloZ      4@ -InclinacionY  5@ } 02F6: 33@ = sine 4@ // (float) 02F7: 32@ = cosine 4@ // (float) 02F6: 31@ =...
  46. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release [/.SPEC] Spectate Players

    With this mod you'll be able to spectate players like an admin. Just type /.spec ID to start spectating. Type /.spec to stop spectating. You will need SAMPFUNCS 3.0
  47. Opcode.eXe


    //0AB1: @CREATE_VELOCITY_IN_LOOKING_DIRECTION 1 POWER 1.0 _STORE_TO 4@ 5@ 6@ :CREATE_VELOCITY_IN_LOOKING_DIRECTION 0087: 13@ = 0@ // (float) Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 20@, 21@, 22@) 068D: get_camera_position_to 24@ 25@ 26@ 0063: 20@ -= 24@ // (float) 0063: 21@ -= 25@ // (float) 0063: 22@...
  48. Opcode.eXe


    //0AB1: @CREATE_VELOCITY_PUSH 4 FROM ACTOR $PLAYER_ACTOR _TO_OFFSET 0.0 0.0 0.0 STORE_TO 4@ 5@ 6@ :CREATE_VELOCITY_PUSH 04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor 0@ with_offset 1@ 2@ 3@ Actor.StorePos(0@, 7@, 8@, 9@) 0063: 4@ -= 7@ // (float) 0063: 5@ -= 8@ // (float) 0063: 6@ -= 9@ // (float)...
  49. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Remove Velocity Limit + Disable ground collision

    //0AB1: @DISABLE_VELOCITY_Z_LIMIT 1 FALSE //0AB1: @DISABLE_VELOCITY_Z_LIMIT 1 TRUE :DISABLE_VELOCITY_Z_LIMIT if 0@ == 1 then     0A8C: write_memory 0x5E91CE size 1 value 0x90 virtual_protect 1     0A8C: write_memory 0x5E91CF size 1 value 0x90 virtual_protect 1     0A8C: write_memory 0x5E91D0...
  50. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Send KeyPress via Gta

    0AB1: @FAKE_KEYPRESS 1 _OFFSET_KEY_ 0x3 {W} :FAKE_KEYPRESS 1@ = 0xB73458 005A: 1@ += 0@  // (int) 0A8C: write_memory 1@ size 1 value 255 virtual_protect 0 0AB2: ret 0 { Offset     Slot + 0x0 Right + 0x1 Left + 0x2 Backwards + 0x3 Forward + 0x4 Look right...
  51. Opcode.eXe


    Ma ladies, post pictures or videos of you cheating in samp-servers in this topic! Lets see how much we can collect... I wanna see funny shit  :dont_care:
  52. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release AFK-GHOST.cs - leave your body...

    HELLO. With this mod you can leave your body and be invisible or whatever you call it. Other's will see you standing there with the 'AFK' icon -> (found dat pic on google) Press R to leave your body, Press R again to enter it..
  53. Opcode.eXe

    Private Hack

    Press F10 to crash the server. Download: Sorry, you are not allowed to see this part of the text. Please or
  54. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release Skin-Aimbot.cs - without 180° spin

    Skin-Aimbot.cs Just place it into your CLEO folder. This does not need any other .cleo's. [SAMP 0.3z]Skin-Aimbot.cs - without 180° spins! Credits: Daniel, FYP, dk22pac, and OpcodeXe maybe and all russians :forever_hurra: (+ Springfield, he niggered some aimbot movement calculations, without...
  55. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release [0.3z]Rapid Fire - still working right now on some servers!

    Go abuse this before it gets fixed.  :omg_run: [SAMP 0.3z]Rapid Fire - its working on some servers! dicker mit pistole Type 'RAPID' to activate this. Made by FYP
  56. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release noSpread.cs - shoot without bullets spreading 0.3z

    Type "SPREAD" to activate/deactivate this ingame. [SAMP 0.3z]noSpread/Recoil - shoot without weapon bullet spread
  57. Opcode.eXe


    :angry: :kidding: :bawww: :celeral_guy: :celeral_spitting: :challenge_accepted: :challenge_completed: :computer_guy: :dont_care: :excited_troll: :face_palm: :forever_opcode_alone: :forever_hurra: :fuck_yea: :fuck_you: :hellno: :iknowwhatyoudid: :imoverit: :lol: :looky: :me_gusta: :motherofgod_...
  58. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] WeaponDaT function

    {   Change's the Weapon.dat value of Weapon ID to your custom one.   0AB1: @WEAPON_DAT 4 | -> Change Weapon 24 DAT 0x20 VALUE_TO 45 SIZE_OF_DAT 4 // MaxAmmo in Clip   Get DAT'S from } :WEAPON_DAT 0@ += 0x24 //+0x0 - no skill +0x19 - 50% skill +0x24 - 100% skill...
  59. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release iTroll.cs - Troll Players

    With this mod you can troll players with different modes which can be selected in the menu. This is somehow undetected on every single server i tested it on. To open the menu press T, then RIGHTCLICK on the RADAR. Now you can select a mode. Press RIGHTCLICK to select a mode, or slide the...
  60. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] ForAllPeds

    // FOR ALL PEDS    0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74490 size 4 virtual_protect 0 000A: 29@ += 0x4 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 for 30@ = 0 to 35584 step 0x100     0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 0     000A: 29@ += 0x1     if and         0029:  31@ >= 0x00...
  61. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Send KeyPress

    :keyPress // 0@ - key, 1@ - time // Example: 0AB1: call @keyPress 2 key 0@ time 1@ if 0AA2: 2@ = load_library "User32.dll" then     if 0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "keybd_event" library 2@     then         0AA5: call 2@ num_params 4 pop 0 0 0 0 0@         wait 1@         0AA5: call 2@...
  62. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Get Users Serial ID

    :get_serial //if //  0AB1: call @get_serial 0 store_to 0@ //then //  wait 0 //end */ if       0AA2: 1@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" then     0485:  return_true     if         0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "GetVolumeInformationA" library 1@     then         0AC7: 0@ = var 0@ offset        ...
  63. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Search text in text

    // 0AB1: call @search_text_in_the_text 2 0@ 1@ // 0@ - ?????, 1@ - ????? :search_text_in_the_text var     2@:int     3@:int     4@:int     5@:int     7@:int     8@:int end 7@ = 0 0C17: 4@ = strlen 0@ 0C17: 8@ = strlen 1@ if or 8@ > 4@ 8@ <= 0 then     059A: return_false     ret 0 end 0AC8: 6@...
  64. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Copy a String

    //0AB1: call @copy_string 4 text 0@ start 0 end 9 to_buffer 1@ :copy_string var     1@: int     2@: int     4@: int     5@: int end if 1@ < 0 then     059A: return_false     ret 0 end 0C17: 5@ = strlen 0@ if 2@ > 5@ then     2@ = 5@ end if 5@ <= 0 then     059A: return_false     ret 0 end if 2@...
  65. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Compare 2 Strings

    :cmpString1andString2 {     Example: 0AB1: call @cmpString1andString2 2 1@ 2@     In: 0@, 1@ - strings     Out: result 0/1 }     for 7@ = 0 to 1024     0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 0@ size 1 virtual_protect 0        0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 1 virtual_protect 0     0@ += 1     1@ += 1     if...
  66. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Convert 3D position to 2D screencords

    //0AB1: call_scm_func @getScreenXYFrom3DCoords 3 3D_coords_X 0@ Y 1@ Z 2@ store_screen_X_to 3@ Y_to 4@ :getScreenXYFrom3DCoords 0AC7: 14@ = var 0@ offset 0AC7: 15@ = var 3@ offset 0AC7: 16@ = var 6@ offset 0AC7: 17@ = var 9@ offset 0AA5: call 0x70CE30 num_params 6 pop 6 {18@ 18@} 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@...
  67. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Teleport without Reset

    With this you can teleport a player without resetting his velocity .etc. 0AB1: teleport 4 ACTOR $PLAYER_ACTOR TO 0.0 0.0 0.0 WITHOUT RESET :TELEPORT 0A96: 4@ = actor 0@ struct 4@ += 20 0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 4@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 4@ += 48 // X 0A8C: write_memory 4@ size 4 value 1@...
  68. Opcode.eXe


    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 0662: NOP "#########################" 0662: NOP "___Made by Opcode.eXe___"  { BASIC THREAD } 0662: NOP "Www.Youtube.Com/OpcodeXe" 0662: NOP "#########################" 0AB1: call_scm_func @RUN_CLEO_MOD 1 AT LINE cLeo WHILE TRUE     wait 0     if     0AB0: 49 // X     then...
  69. Opcode.eXe

    Limbo in Gta San Andreas

    So 0x688 was messing with fog etc. and we found this: [youtube:2u304buv][/youtube:2u304buv]
  70. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release 1

    Hey... :megusta: :megusta::megusta: Since there isn't any smart, undetectable and LagStyled Toggle Cheat i'll created LagZ.cs [youtube:3i9cwnjq][/youtube:3i9cwnjq] (THX TO 0X688 FOR HELPING ME)...
  71. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Play Sounds

    Always wanted to play SOUNDS.. but never wanted to use .mp3 files? You may know 03CF but cant find the perfect sound? Find it out now: :WAV_LOAD 03CF: load_wav 18407 as 1 // 18407 = Sound-ID :WAV_PRELOAD 0001: wait 0 ms 00D6: if 03D0:  wav 1 loaded 004D...
  72. Opcode.eXe

    Look at the dot

  73. Opcode.eXe

    xzytro as a GOAT

    This is xzytro as a GOAT when dealing with noobs. [youtube:2souahvn][/youtube:2souahvn]
  74. Opcode.eXe

    Set Aimbot Target

    So there should be a option that tells the aimbot to aim at only players you set up in the options . Like if i type /add_aim_only_at Opcode.eXe /add_aim_only_at Penis The aimbot will only aim at player Opcode.eXe and at Penis
  75. Opcode.eXe

    Something without cars to troll

    Your s0nictz project needs some onfoot functions that harm other players like fugga.cs Just add a KEY example X. And if we press it, it will send FakeVelocityDatas to the enemies direction and kill him.
  76. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] LoadSampfuncs snippet

    If you make a CLEO that uses SAMPFUNCS you should paste this sampfuncsloader into the header: if   8AF7: get_samp_base_to 0@ then     0A93: end_custom_thread end repeat     wait 400 until 0AFA: is_samp_structures_available That will LOAD sampfuncs.
  77. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] ForAllCars

    You want to make a CarCheat but cant get Cars? Use this snippet: // FOR ALL CARS // ALL CARS WILL EXPLODE BY PRESSING X :X wait 0 if 0AB0: X jf x 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74494 size 4 virtual_protect 0 29@ += 0x4 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 for 30@ = 0 to 27904 step...
  78. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Simple Looping Thread

    So you dont want to rewrite a thread all time? {$CLEO .cs} THREAD "THREAD_BY_OPCODEXE"          // HERE PUT THREAD NAME 0662: NOP ""  // HERE PUT CREDITS. LIKE ME MY CHANNEL. 0662: NOP ""                      :LOAD wait 0 if Player.Defined(0) jf @LOAD // HERE PASTE...
  79. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release Checkpoint.cs - Automatically drive to checkpoints!

    :tongue: :tongue::tongue: [youtube:1lty6jw0][/youtube:1lty6jw0] :megusta: :megusta::megusta: :megusta: :megusta::megusta: :megusta: :megusta::megusta: Thx to 0x688 for the adresses.
  80. Opcode.eXe


    So youre looking for a Speedlimiter for RoleplayServers where they check your speed? Then this is perfect for you! Just place all files into your CLEO folder and set up the max_speed in the ini file. Write 'LIMIT' ingame to activate the limiter!
  81. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release 1

    Some users requested this mod so here enjoy it: [youtube:16guogdm][/youtube:16guogdm] Just place it into your CLEO folder and start SAMP.
  82. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release CarChanger.cs - Ram to change car

    CarChanger.cs If you place this MOD into your CLEO folder and ram a car in SAMP u will switch to it like nothing happened. VIDEO: [youtube:1jh33be3][/youtube:1jh33be3]
  83. Opcode.eXe

    Untagged Release FasterCBug.eXe

    Hi, I made a little tool in Visual Basic 98. It simply helps you/gives you an advantage in DM because it removes the wait time between shoting and running. That means that if you stop shoting/aiming you can run away really fast just like cbug, but becareful others see you sliding if you dont...
  84. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release 1 Place the ]OP[BOSS_FLY.cs into your CLEO folder. Go ingame and write "FLY" (NOT INTO THE CHAT) To turn off write "FLY" again. WASD = Move left/right/back/forward Rightclick = Fly in looking direction R = Spin around another player in samp ( fly near...
  85. Opcode.eXe

    [SNIPPET] Get aiming positionaim

    Hi, I just made/edited a little script to get the aiming position of the crosshair. Use GOSUB @GET_AIMING_POS to get the aiming cordinates. It will store the cordinates to 0@ 1@ 2. Heres an example wich creates a explosion at the aiming position if you rightclick: {$CLEO .cs} THREAD...
  86. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Release Timecyc.cs for SAMP!

    [youtube:1uojaknf][/youtube:1uojaknf] With this mod you can change your VIEW DISTANCE ingame. Press CTRL + 1 to change make the DISTANCE BIGGER Press CTRL + 2 to change make the DISTANCE SMALLER DOWNLOAD: &...
  87. Opcode.eXe

    Untagged Release M0D_SOBEIT for 0.3x

    Hi, Do you need Mod_sa? Here you go: [youtube:2efvsk9q][/youtube:2efvsk9q] DOWNLOAD FROM THE OFFICAL SITE: Updated by FYP WARNING: s0beit supports only 0.3x-R1, not R1-2. Install: Just place all files into...
  88. Opcode.eXe


    Hi, We released the Aimbot.cs Its made by 0x688 and Opcode.eXe(me) xD ! Private video Keys: 9 + 0 = ON/OFF Press 1 to DEACTIVATE the aimbot. Press 2 to ACTIVATE the aimbot. Press 3 to ACTIVATE the TRIGGERBOT. You can download it DIRECTLY from the attachment when you are registered with 5...