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  1. _Safa

    Help New exploit, I need help.

    Amir is open mp creator? Did I miss something? That dude is probably the biggest trash-talker in whole SA:MP I have seen. Bragged and pushed his ego about cracking by releasing an protected .dll cheat which had zero usage (no entrypoints etc., literally empty dll). For talking shit and leaking...
  2. _Safa

    CLEO Help Encrypt Cleo file

    stop wasting ur time cryting cleos - its always readable in memory.
  3. _Safa

    Gta sa Memories...

    CWeapon //Total 28 bytes eWeaponType m_nType; // + 0 eWeaponState m_nState; // + 4 unsigned int m_nAmmoInClip; // + 8 unsigned int m_nTotalAmmo; // + 12
  4. _Safa

    CLEO Help Crypter for cleo mod .cs problem

    i'll never understand why people still try to crypt cleos. the code will always be raw readable in memory. parazitas and me had some weird unlogic "crypt" method that made sannybuilder crash everytime. anyone who really can start some shit with your code, will be able to read ur code anytime...
  5. _Safa


  6. _Safa

    FastSwim / On Key Frame Limiting

    Hey there, I was just checking my harddrive and deleting useless old stuff and I found my first CLEO I did a year ago. So before deleting it I thought I'd just release this here in case someone finds usage for it. Source is not encrypted. What does it do? This CLEO enables / disables your...
  7. _Safa

    PlayerFinder 0.3.7

    Hey, I just developed an CLEO for 0.3.7 to find players that are streamed (+ unstreamed if server allows it). Some player-finders were old, and I was bored anyway so I did this real quick. The source is public / non-encrypted as it's not much code anyway (if someone wants to check it out)...
  8. _Safa


    Meeeh, I thought I would just release my CLEO which only has some Visuals / ESP features and some misc stuff (as I was too lazy to do aim-assistance thingys and personally I always just used ESPs for my advantage). Settings are not saved as there isn't much stuff and there are no connections to...
  9. _Safa

    CLEO Help Is Player visible on radar

    If player defined = your world, else virtual world.
  10. _Safa

    CLEO Help Is Player visible on radar

    If another players virtual world isn't matched with yours, his radar blip won't get streamed for you... which means if their radar blip isn't on your radar, they are in another world.
  11. _Safa

    CLEO Help Is Player visible on radar

    That opcode only works when the server has global player markers activated.
  12. _Safa

    UGBase need new admins

    hehe umad?
  13. _Safa

    UGBase need new admins

    Hello, SoBFox will be added to the staff-team as Administrator. Congratulations! Greetings, UGBASE Staff Team
  14. _Safa

    Help how i eliminate keylogger in a cleo?

    Maybe you shouldn't try doing this stuff if you are "new" to this. Learn the scripting language and basics before you try to remove an keylogger lmao.
  15. _Safa

    How To Hide?

    In SAMPFUNCS configuration file (in GTA folder) you can set the show-info-bar (or something like that) to value "false". Can't remember how it was done for CLEO, just put a black bar on it hehe.
  16. _Safa

    CLEO Release PlayerFinder 0.3.7

    If players are not streamed for your (client (server handles it, simply said the server just won't give you any background-information where a player could be), you won't be able to retrieve valid position-information about the player. So unfortunately its not possible that easy. Have a nice day.
  17. _Safa

    [C++/LUA] Help needed

    are you gay? <3
  18. _Safa


    ID 82.
  19. _Safa

    CLEO Help player's feet on the ground

    Most reliable way to check this is probably by reading out CPed struct + 0x46D. If value is 32 = Ped is idle / feet is on ground. If value is 34 = Ped is in the air.
  20. _Safa

    CLEO Help Detect Players with No Radar Marker

    Hmm im not sure about the radar-blip because I never worked with their memory. But alternatively you could just check out my Player-Finder CLEO (open-sourced no encryption). There is a opcode that creates a blue-arrow above the players char pointing on him and creates an blip on the radar. You...
  21. _Safa

    CLEO Help Detect Players with No Radar Marker

    Check for the struct of stRemotePlayerData -> int iShowNameTag; That's what you are looking for and accomplish your isMasked check.
  22. _Safa

    CLEO Help How To Fix Sanny Builder Decompiler Settings

    The source of an CLEO is always visible without any encryption in the GTA-process. You will need to start looking at the scm-addresses (active thread) if you don't want to rely completely on an 3rd-party-application.
  23. _Safa

    CLEO Help Detect Players with No Radar Marker

    Global Markers are only being streamed / sent by server if they are enable ShowMarkers ID 1 (Global). Else I think you won't receive precise data about those information. I could be wrong.
  24. _Safa

    CLEO Help Damage Type

    Try ID 255.
  25. _Safa

    CLEO Release PlayerFinder 0.3.7

  26. _Safa

    CLEO Help Force Deploy Parachute

    Try to force / set state of CTRL. Can't remember if you can activate your parachute with that key but I think it was one of those keys.
  27. _Safa

    CLEO Help Force Deploy Parachute

    Size should be 4 bytes and not 1 byte IIRC. And try to write that state without your performing_animation conditions. I remember when I tried to do some sketchy stuff with checking animations, it was never called even though I was performing the animation. As I said try the code with 4 bytes...
  28. _Safa

    CLEO Help Force Deploy Parachute

    I don't know if there's another way but I can't really imagine. One thing you could do is set your game key state of LMB (FIRE) to 255 (aka force left mouse button). Patch 0xB73458 (controls) + 0x22 (FIRE-Button) = 255. That should do the trick to activate the parachute.
  29. _Safa

    Fixed for SA-MP 0.3.7 R3 server

    That's correct. You can fly around with jetpack if the server does a simple for special action jetpack but nothing else. You just hook the outgoing on foot sync and ignore the bits until special action is being sent. You set that value to 0 all the time which won't detect you as flying with...
  30. _Safa

    Fixed for SA-MP 0.3.7 R3 server

    It is possible and quiet easy to do. Learn about packets and you'll find out very fast.
  31. _Safa

    Fixed for SA-MP 0.3.7 R3 server

    What's so funny? You know there are ways to make a jetpack cheat undetected if you only check special action? First inform yourself and then talk.
  32. _Safa

    CLEO Help Quit game upon any health change from server & spec prevention

    And as there is no ped streamed or created for you if you are being spectated, the method is non-working.
  33. _Safa

    CLEO Help Quit game upon any health change from server & spec prevention

    Because it doesn't matter. Non-phsyical teleport-hacks basically just hook the outgoing localpos-packet (Can't remember which one, didn't touch SA:MP for a long time. But IIRC it was the ID_ONFOOT_SYNC or something like that), modify the position to the checkpoint' pos and return it. The server...
  34. _Safa

    CLEO Help Quit game upon any health change from server & spec prevention

    Im sure all those aim-data are absolutely senseless. If someone spectates you, there is no PED created for you, neither you will receive any relevant packet-updates from that player. There is no possibility to create a reliable way to detect spectators.
  35. _Safa

    CLEO Help vehicle speed

    The server speed = engine-speed * 4 doesn't make sense and is not an consistent thing. Every server handles their velocitys divisions differently.
  36. _Safa

    CLEO Help vehicle speed

    {$CLEO} 0000: WAIT 10000 WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0449: $PLAYER_ACTOR THEN 03C0: 0@ = $PLAYER_ACTOR 02E3: 1@ = 0@ printf "Speed: %f" 1000 1@ END END Try this (untested obviously). Should be printed as a float as its returns the speed. Also not to forget...
  37. _Safa

    CLEO Help Nametag (Hidden on OBS) - 0.3DL

    No, 0x released glance_mod with stealth rendering already back in the years. It isn't just stable as it should be IIRC, but its released.
  38. _Safa

    CLEO Help Nametag (Hidden on OBS) - 0.3DL

    Pretty sure there is no way because you don't have a way to influence the hooks / drawing methods. But you can never be sure, maybe there is some nerd that did it.
  39. _Safa

    [C++ mod_sa] Reconnect Fix 0.3.DL

    I really don't understand what this "fix" would be, maybe im just too tired. This is the actual struct / state-values of 0.3DL: enum Gamestate { GAMESTATE_WAIT_CONNECT = 9, GAMESTATE_CONNECTING = 13, GAMESTATE_AWAIT_JOIN = 15, GAMESTATE_CONNECTED = 14, GAMESTATE_RESTARTING =...
  40. _Safa

    CLEO Help Please Help Me

    Dump it over scm-block / active thread.
  41. _Safa

    CLEO Release SafaHook

    Yes absolutely.
  42. _Safa

    Decrypt cleos

    You can just look up any source in memory? 0xA49960 is the SCM block begin while 0xA8B42C directly points to an active scm thread.
  43. _Safa

    Converto .cs to .asi file Please help me

  44. _Safa

    CLEO Help Lock script?

    Don't waste time by "encrypting" CLEOs. It will be always readable / dumpable from memory no matter what.
  45. _Safa

    CLEO Help /settime /setweather w/o sf.

    Write weather values you want to 0xC81320.
  46. _Safa

    CLEO Help Autoreconnect.cs similar to dialoghider.cs PLS!!!

    That doesn't make any sense. If the server "kicks" you or "disconnects" you from the server, it will still call the callback OnPlayerDisconnect -> resulting in player data etc. being saved. The disconnect reason will not matter (crash / disconnect / timeout) -> the server will still save your...
  47. _Safa

    [C++ PoC] Calling GetProcAddress using "the hard way"

    "The hard way" You mean the retard way? LMAOOO
  48. _Safa

    CLEO Help how to do a chat clear script You can use this snippet / call function to write (10-20 lines, usually 10 is enough) empty lines like " ".
  49. _Safa

    Get Game Text

    You can hook the incoming RPC ID 73 and read out the message buffer.
  50. _Safa

    Get Game Text

    You want to display a gametext? Code by y0mike void GameText(const char* szText, int iTime, signed int iStyle) { typedef void(__stdcall* GameText_t)(const char*, int, signed int); GameText_t pGameText = (GameText_t)(g_dwSAMP + 0x9C2C0); return pGameText(szText, iTime, iStyle); }...
  51. _Safa

    CLEO Release FastSwim / On Key Frame Limiting

    I know that, but as I said it was my first CLEO I ever created from last year and it was actually done for a friend as he wanted it on-key ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  52. _Safa

    CLEO Release FastSwim / On Key Frame Limiting

    Hey there, I was just checking my harddrive and deleting useless old stuff and I found my first CLEO I did a year ago. So before deleting it I thought I'd just release this here in case someone finds usage for it. Source is not encrypted. What does it do? This CLEO enables / disables your...
  53. _Safa

    CLEO Help I need a dll injector

  54. _Safa

    CLEO Help I need a dll injector
  55. _Safa

    CLEO Help I need a dll injector

    Then turn off your antivirus / defender? The Extreme-Injector binary is not malicious. Atleast the one on UnknownCheats.
  56. _Safa

    CLEO Help I need a dll injector

    Use Cheat-Engine / Extreme-Injector. Most likely you will need to manual map inject the lib.
  57. _Safa

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    That's not an nametag. That's a 3D TextLabel.
  58. _Safa

    Gta sa Memories...

    Dayum I thought this is gonna be some kind of "gta:sa nostalgia & memories" thread.
  59. _Safa

    [REQUEST] Anti Stunt.asi

    You clearly need glasses.cs aswell :D
  60. _Safa

    CLEO Help Get Player/Actor/Car/Object Health/Armor in Float

    Right, it's for each actor / ped so the pointer to someone's CPed + 0x540 is its health.
  61. _Safa

    CLEO Help Get Player/Actor/Car/Object Health/Armor in Float

    Little correction here, so he won't be confused :x
  62. _Safa

    CLEO Help Is object under map Snippet

    Get the position of object X Y Z -> Check if Z-angle is lower than f.e 0.0.
  63. _Safa

    need stealth_renderer

    There are enough tutorials how to develop such a feature on Google. This is not "help me" thread, this is more like "give me paste for things I don't have any clue of". Its not bragging, it's just some facts that people need to stop getting spoon-fed.
  64. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0.3DL address updates

    :isChatOpen //0AB1: @isChatOpen 0 <- springfields snippet 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x212A70 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 8 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 1@ += 4 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 1 vp 0 if 1@ <> 0 then 0485: chat_open else 059A: chat_closed end 0AB2: ret 0
  65. _Safa

    CLEO Help Basic script not working

    :your_label if SAMP.IsCommandTyped(0@) then if 0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 0@ format "%s" $string then printf "%s" 1337 $string end end 0B43: samp cmd_ret Try this example.
  66. _Safa

    CLEO Help SFUNCS RPC not working

    No that doesn't mean it only supports R1 servers. You can just use 0.3.7 R1 to fuck around with RakNet on R2 servers.
  67. _Safa

    How To Decompile Cleo script?

    Opcode.eXe disliked this post.
  68. _Safa

    need stealth_renderer

    Maybe you should stop copy pasting everything you find and start learning on things you want to do. Use google for free paste on UC.
  69. _Safa

    CLEO Help Total Players online

    ... He wants it without SF. The solutions were posted already with single opcodes so there is no need for a loop (when you use SF).
  70. _Safa

    CLEO Help Total Players online

  71. _Safa

    CLEO Help Total Players online
  72. _Safa

    CLEO Help Total Players online

  73. _Safa


    Try this:
  74. _Safa

    Name Tags

    It's just drawings based on radar blips which the server has enabled on mode ID 1.
  75. _Safa

    Name Tags

    Well I mean anything above wouldn't make sense as you can't draw / enable Nametags as there is no PED created for players that are unstreamed.
  76. _Safa

    Name Tags

  77. _Safa

    UDF AHK Crash my game

    Use 0.3.7 R1
  78. _Safa

    samp roulette script.

    No you can't (unless you found a special bug which is pretty unlikely).
  79. _Safa

    CLEO Help Aimbot Prediction

    Mate you are comparing two totally different games. The lagshot-hitbox is as the name says just a PREDICTION, it's not perfect. There is no "engine-prediction" for lagcompoff in GTA:SA.
  80. _Safa

    CLEO Help Aimbot Prediction

    1. Get target's ping 2. Get your ping 3. Get velocity of target 4. Add up your ping to targets ping 5. Convert the summary (integer) of your ping + targets ping to a float. 6. Divide the velocity (X Y Z) with 1000.0 7. Multiply the final velocity with the summary of your ping + targets ping...
  81. _Safa

    CLEO Release SafaHook

  82. _Safa

    CLEO Help Solved

  83. _Safa

    Help - SA-MP AIMBOT

    OP-HaX -> Hold Space Key while in vehicle to aim at players.
  84. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0B8C: samp is_cursor_active

    Show your code.
  85. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0B8C: samp is_cursor_active

    Have you tried reading that offset and printf the value?
  86. _Safa

    CLEO Help help with textdraw on/off

    Don't forget the alpha value before RR.
  87. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0B8C: samp is_cursor_active

    Try changing the sizes to 1 as it should be a byte. Im not sure about that. And print out the values again. Writing 0x01 to that offset should activate the cursor but as I said I'm not sure.
  88. _Safa

    CLEO Help 0B8C: samp is_cursor_active

    samp.dll + 0x2ACA3C + 0xA0530 should do the job.
  89. _Safa


    Well you could make an basic check by creating a bool after 0AFA: and setting it to FALSE. Set the bool var to TRUE after 0AF9: and check IF AND HP < 20 + BOOL == FALSE. Obviously you need to reset the bool if you want to use it multiple times in one session.
  90. _Safa


    ...? My code wasn't a fully-working code obviously, it was just code how to fix your mistakes. But meh, here some copy-paste for ya: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 0B2B: samp 0@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $PLAYER_ACTOR 0B25: samp 1@ =...
  91. _Safa


    Show code instead of writing "doesnt work". That won't help anyone.
  92. _Safa


    Your code doesn't make sense. Use: 0B2B: samp 0@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $PLAYER_ACTOR 0B25: samp 1@ (your health var now) = get_player_health 0@ IF 1@ < 20 THEN 0AF9: "/vw 3" END
  93. _Safa

    CLEO Help Close dialog automatic

    Maybe because you are closing the login-dialog which causes to disconnect lol. Make that feature on key so you can close the current dialog when you want and not all the time.
  94. _Safa

    Why close the thread when there's no real need for that?

    That's pretty much it. The thread creator was just repeating himself and people kept responding with the same obvious solution. So it was senseless imo.
  95. _Safa

    Why close the thread when there's no real need for that?

    I think it was the right choice to close that topic as everyone was just repeating the same thing. The solution was more than obvious and clear to understand. If there is no code provided we could fix to make it ready2use for him, then I don't think your code you posted here will help him. I...
  96. _Safa

    CLEO Help Command replace

    The solution was explained perfectly. Use your brain now to finish solving your problem. We can't do shit if you don't provide the code.
  97. _Safa

    CLEO Help How to Lock FPS In SAMP 0.3.DL ?

    There is a wonderful built-in command: /fpslimit [int]. Make sure to activate Frame-Limiter in Options -> Display -> Advanced.
  98. _Safa

    CLEO Help % problems

    For float use %0.1f etc. depending on after-comma digits.
  99. _Safa


    Its not possible since those objects are serversided and you wont be able to pick up anything when you type /gg cuz you created it client-sided.