RE: How to get free Cheats for SAMP [0.3.7]
that is not my problem cuz you r an autistic kid who don t even know how SACM scripts works and ur blaming other works just because ur too idiot to follow some steps or at least ask nicely for help instead of acusing me by posting threats
op hax is not even encrypted the author @opcode.exe just used nosource func
my cheat is not encrypted. im using some shitty ways to trick the sanny builder
some pros like @monday @opcode.exe @springfield may know 4 sure if it containts any threats, anyone who know a bit of sacm and have a bit brain could bypass my protection from the site, ofc this would happen just after they find the original infinite run source
so simple just eat a dick @dark :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
D4rk said:is keylogger do not try, it does not work
if it was a good cheat it was like op-hax, op-hax has all the source code but Opcode.eXe knew how to encrypt it so you can not do anything to it, I opened your cheat and it's a simple script in in no case a cheat.
that is not my problem cuz you r an autistic kid who don t even know how SACM scripts works and ur blaming other works just because ur too idiot to follow some steps or at least ask nicely for help instead of acusing me by posting threats
op hax is not even encrypted the author @opcode.exe just used nosource func
my cheat is not encrypted. im using some shitty ways to trick the sanny builder
some pros like @monday @opcode.exe @springfield may know 4 sure if it containts any threats, anyone who know a bit of sacm and have a bit brain could bypass my protection from the site, ofc this would happen just after they find the original infinite run source
so simple just eat a dick @dark :iknowwhatyoudidthere: