Bro go criticize Lawless and Horizon then, stop talking shit here. Bro I never thought this community would be so fucking toxic. You don't know shit about both of the up mentioned servers, sadly and I won't go deeper into that. It's not about me taking your insult closer to my heart, it's about you being toxic and making this community shit, that's what I don't like about you. It's so fucking interesting that you pretend to know what the Waffen Divisions are, but you fucking become ignorant for two minutes and mention my forum name out of the blue because you either run out of arguments, or I don't know why the fuck you do that. Your illiteracy is correlated with your failure to acknowledge that the up mentioned servers are not DM and Cops and Robbers like you put it, despite them having the features of a roleplaying server + them even stating that whenever you connect to their servers and tutorials and their forums + the rules which enforce roleplaying at all costs, even if that is through binds. Now I'm not saying that they're amazing like the LSRP Roleplayers, but they have the attributes on a weaker dimension. You are not factually correct, because you follow your ignorance. How is it not an opinion if you're wrong you dummy ass whore, lol, what are you gonna call it then? A false positive? Idiotic.