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m0d_sa Release [Mod Sobeit] OverLight v3 (with source code)


Active member
Jan 2, 2016
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Hi, I'm RcK
today I release a new version v3 of mod sobeit OverLight with the source code included, maybe it will be useful for some developer.
This does not mean that the project will be abandoned, but this will still be updated later by me.

OverLight v3 stuff

The new things from v1 to v3 are in bold.

Car Functions
  • Grabber Streamed Vehicles
     – Put all vehicle streamed in the same position to make lag for streamed players. No Collision for vehicles will be automatically enabled to improve performance.
  • Grabber Map Vehicles
     – Put all vehicle in the server in the same position to make lag for streamed players. No Collision for vehicles will be automatically enabled to improve performance.
  • Car Trailer Grabber
     – This is a new car grabber using a different sync. You need be a driver to use it and you should go out of stream to grab other vehicles. It looks like it does not work, but if you go out of the stream and then go back, you will see it. Today this grabber is undetectable on all servers (maybe they will be fix it later) . :fuck_yea:
  • Car Shooter
     – Shot vehicles.
  • Car Shooter Once
     – Shot vehicle once per shot.
  • Fus Ro Dah
     – Shot all streamed vehicles only once per shot.
  • Pick Vehicle
     – Move vehicle after aim.
  • Door Storm
    – It makes a storm of doors of current vehicle, and it can slap those around you.
  • Vehicle Bugger
     – The vehicles get fall down or become undrivable. This need a weapon to work (the shotgun is the best for this).
KEK Mode
  • Bike Bugger / Invisible
     – It makes invisible the bike. If you use bike like BMX you can get invisible body and nickname. Furthermore you can give punch and kill players with invisible body and nickname made by BMX. And you can crash who is is entering in bike and using mod sobeit.
  • Bike Bugger / Invisible v2
     – The same thing but works better and in another way.
  • Fix Invisible Fire
     – After using KEK Mode, you can’t kill players by weapons. Enable this for fix it.
Car Function from another Player – Troll player (fake cheater) and admins
  • Use Nearest Player
     – It will select automatically the nearest player without select by you. If you want select the player by you, you need disable this.
  • Player
     – If you disabled “Use Nearest Player”, you can select the player by pressing + or -.
  • Fake Car Shooter
     – It will troll the player (Fake Cheater) and admins. Is the car shooter but from another player. I suggest you use secondary sync for improve the troll.
  • Fantozzi’s Cloud
     – It makes the cloud of vehicles over the head of player, and will hit him.
  • Elevator from Vehicle
     – It makes a elevator from vehicle under the feet of player and drags in the sky.
  • Elevator Down from Vehicle
     – The same thing but drags the player in underground.
Kick Passenger
  • Passenger
     – If you disabled “Use Nearest Player”, you can select the passenger by pressing + or -.
  • Kick Passenger
     – It kick the passenger from vehicle.
  • Steal Passenger
     – Steal the seat from another passenger.
Kid Crashers [not R2]
  • Vortex Crasher
     – I released this because it works only on server without R2, so it’s not dangerous for samp.
  • Plane Crasher
    – I released this because it works only on server without R2, so it’s not dangerous for samp.
Sync Settings
  • Normal Sync
  • Seconday Sync
  • Normal Sync + RPC
Send Rate for Car Cheats
  • Send Rate
     – Increase it for get undetectable by anti cheats but works slowly, decrease it for use car cheats quickly.
Player Functions
Sync Modifications
  • Invert Walk
     – Walk with upside down.
  • Invert Walk 2  Moon Walk
     – Walk invert like Michael Jackson.
  • Wheel Walk
     – Walk like a wheel.
  • Player Hologram
     – Remove collision from player. - Ghost Mode
  • Vehicle Hologram
     – Remove collision from vehicle.
  • No Fall
     – Standing quickly after fall.
  • Invalid Aim Z
     – Remove head from player.
Sync Troll
  • Use Nearest Player
     – It will select automatically the nearest player without select by you. If you want select the player by you, you need disable this.
  • Player
     – If you disabled “Use Nearest Player”, you can select the player by pressing + or -.
  • Slapper
     – Drives off the player.
  • Skin Elevator
     – Make Elevator with your skin.
  • Skin Elevator with Jetpack
     – The same thing but using Jetpack.
Deathmatch Stuff
Silent Aimbot – Lagcomp ON / OFF
  • Silent Aim
     – Works in lagcomp ON and OFF, but in OFF is almost perfect, give me a feedback about this please.
  • Silent Aim Advanced Options
     – Advanced Options for improve your needs.
  • Shot Through Wall
  • Possible Bypass Anti-Cheat
     – Silent Aim works bad, but maybe you can get undetect from Anti-Cheat
  • Possible Bypass Anti-Cheat 2
     – The same thing but different fixes.
  • Auto C Bug
  • Auto Scroll 2-2
  • Auto Shot
  • No Spread
  • Anti Stun
     – This will prevent you from getting stuck by reveice some bullet on dm.
  • Slow Aiming
     – This will change your mouse sensitivity when you are aiming with a weapon. Maybe is more useful for snipers.
  • Slow aim: …
    – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
Fake Lag (Sync/No-Sync)
  • Fake Lag
     – Players will see you lagging.
  • Time No-Sync (AFK): … ms
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Sync When Aim
     – When you aim with weapon, you will get synced for good work with fire.
Fake Lag (Fake Speed)
  • Fake Lag / Fake Speed
     – Players will see you lagging.
  • Speed Multipler
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
Utilities DM Cheats
  • Shot Repeater
     – Repeat the same shot received.
  • Draw Finder
     – Draw a Finder in the same position of GTA finder for aim, to improve the aim without using big cheats like aimbot.
  • Custom Chams
  • Chams Advanced Options
Silent Aim Advanced Options
  • Random Max Imprecision
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value. This is for accuracy of aim.
Aim only to
  • Not Friends
  • Not in my Team
  • Not same my skin
  • Not same my nick color
  • Visible skin
  • Not AFK
  • Not Die
  • Not Out Of Range
Chams Advanced Options
Color Hidden by wall
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Solid
  • Wireframe
  • Point
Color Showed
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Solid
  • Wireframe
  • Point
Bot Stuff
Add/Delete Bot
  • Connect Bot
  • Connect n Bot
     – Connect n times the Bot. You can select the number of bot.
  • N Bots
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Bot Connect Advanced Options
  • Spawn (now it will spawn on random classes)
  • Delete bot
  • Deleta all bots
Connect Settings
  • Normal Nickname
     – Connect bots with nickname like “MyNickname_0, MyNickname_1, MyNickname_2, …”.
  • Realistic Nickname
     – Connect bots with nickname like “[RCS]Codio51 , [DZA]Fados87, [DWH]Gaze75, …”.
  • Bynary Nickname
     – Connect bots with nickname like “1010010101001, 1001111011, 1011110100001, …”.
  • Class ID
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Spawn from this Class
From Another Player
  • Player
     – If you disabled “Use Nearest Player”, you can select the player by pressing + or -.
  • Steal Nickname
     – Connect bot with the same nick of player with using number in the end. If you enable this you can also use the cheat from this player, like Follow and Shooter. It will troll player (Fake Cheater) and admin.
Bot Funcs
  • Bot Follow
     – Bot will follow you.
  • Bot Distance from Player
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Bot Distance from Bots
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Bot Advanced Options
  • Bot Shooter
Bot Advanced Options
  • Copy Health
  • Copy Armor
  • Copy Weapon
  • Copy Chat
  • Copy RPC (commands, chat, etc..)
Bot Troll Cheats
  • Target ID
     – If you disabled “Use Nearest Player”, you can select the player by pressing + or -.
  • Use Nearest Target/Player
     – It will select automatically the nearest player without select by you. If you want select the player by you, you need disable this.
  • Bot Attacker
     – Bots attacks the player with shot. You can select the weapon.
  • Bot Att. Weapon ID
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Bot Slapper
  • Bot Elevator
  • Bot Jetpack Elevator
  • Bot Fuck
  • Bot Sun
  • Bot Storm
  • Pick/Drag Bot
  • Bot Pick/Control Advanced
Bot Pick/Control Advanced
  • Bot ID
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value. You can see the bot ID over the bot nickname.
  • Animation ID
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value. Use it only with Bot Pick enabled. With this you can make fake members of your clan for make screen. You can use /.bot_anim <BOT ID> <Animation ID> too.
Sync Modifications
  • Fake Ping
     – You can make fake ping without lag, and you can make ping 0 with using big negative number like -500
  • Increase Ping
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.  You can use /.bot_ping <value> too.
Client Stuff
Anti Crashers/Troll
  • Anti Car Controll/Troll
  • Anti Bullet Crasher
  • Anti Bad Vehicles
Functions for kids
  • Remote RCON Attack
     -Works if server use “rcon 1” in server.cfg of server.
  • Server Lag
  • Messages Limit
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value. If you use big value, you can lost connection and you will be temporarily banned from server. It works with “Server Lag”.
  • Change Serial GPCI
     – Well, before this version the gpci was changing automatically. But I saw that some server detect the fake gpci (maybe), and it kick you instantly. In this case you should disable this.
  • Join Flood
     – You can use it with bots too, but with Copy RPC enabled.
  • Fake FPS
     – Send to server fake fps.
  • FPS
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value. You can use /.fake_fps <value> too.
HUD Settings
  • Custom Players Tags
  • Vehicles Tags
Fonts Settings ( You need to restart the game for apply the changes)
  • Font Chat Size
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Font Small Size
     – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Font Footer Size
    – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
  • Font Menu Size
    – Press + or – for increase or decrease the value.
Chat Settings

  • Remove Chat Background
OL Chat Privacy
  • Send Nickname
    - If you disable it, your nick will be replaced to "Anon" in OL Chat
  • Send Current Server
    - If you disable it, you will not show your current server in OL Chat.

  • Vortex Crasher v2
  • Plane Crasher v2
  • Vortex Crasher v1
  • Plane Crasher v1
  • Bullet Crasher
  • Car Jack Crasher
  • Plane Crasher v3
  • Hunter Crasher
  • Detonator Crasher
  • Jetpack Roll Crasher

  • /.ol_cmds
  • /.find_chat <word>
     – You can use it with custom chat of Mod Overlight.
  • /.stop_find
  • /.fake_fps <value>
  • /.bot_nick nickname
     – Connect bot with specific nickname.
  • /.bot_steal_nick <player ID>
     – Connect bot with the same nick of player.
  • /.bot_ping <value>
     – You can set big negative value for get ping 0
  • /.bot_say <bot ID> <words/command>
  • /.bot_anim <bot ID> <anim ID>
  • /.bot_fanim <bot ID> <anim ID>
  • /.add_friend <player id>
  • /.spec
    - It works for unstreamed players too, use A or D to change player.
  • /.stick <player ID>
And More..
If you use custom chat of Mod OverLight, you can put the cursor in the message and click for set it important.
You can use custom charset for see different charecters from your windows language. For example, you can see cyrillic with english language of windows. You can do it, just edit charset_fix in mod_sa.ini OverLight_Settings.ini into OverLight_Mod folder.
If you want disable custom chat, press F7
Press F7 if you want to change the chat type. Now there are 3 types of chat: Custom Chat, OL Chat, SAMP chat. OL Chat is for talk only to who is using the mod OverLight, and you can use it like a normal chat.

You can change the font name and other settings from OverLight_Settings.ini, and mod_sa.ini for native mod sobeit settings.

- Coming Soon -


Mod Overlight by RcK,
Special thanks to Enacostione, Krakazabra,
and all mod sobeit developers for mod s0beit source.
And thanks to ]=He[R]oN=[ for beta tester.

If everything goes well, from the next week the OverLight v1 and v2 beta users will be noticed of new version.

UPDATE: The directx error has been fixed. I apologize for this. Now you can download it again and play it.
Download counters have been reset after this little update.

UPDATE: Fixed chat vulnerability, that has caused crash on players when logged in. I apologize again for the inconvenience. Thanks who reported this to me immediately. And thanks who tried to crash in this way.  (No need to download again).


  • OverLight_v3.rar
    422.1 KB · Views: 5,187
  • OL_v3_Source_Code.rar
    1.2 MB · Views: 2,224


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2017
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AMAZING !!! <333 

:baww: :urtheman: :foreveralone_hurra:


Jan 6, 2014
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Jetpack Roll Crasher doesn't exist, nice troll there. It opens Never gonna give you up on YouTube.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2017
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0B36 said:
Jetpack Roll Crasher doesn't exist, nice troll there. It opens Never gonna give you up on YouTube.

i think he is dying from laught hahahahahah

P.S btw i broke my enter key there


Active member
Jan 15, 2017
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"/.bot_say <bot ID> <words/command>"

wew thanks for giving a shit about my suggestion xD


New member
Aug 1, 2017
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Now i can be boss  :fuck_yea: But when i go f11 and select something how to go back


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2017
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jancuga said:
Now i can be boss  :fuck_yea: But when i go f11 and select something how to go back

use arrows   :facepalm:


Well-known member
May 20, 2016
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WTF when i try to type in HZ RP it won't work!


Active member
Jan 2, 2016
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Husnain said:
WTF when i try to type in HZ RP it won't work!

You can not because the server mutes players that are not registered on the server.

CSprite said:
AMAZING PAINT SKILLS :)) :motherofgod: :yesyes: :celeral_spitting:



Active member
Jan 2, 2016
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Audioli said:
Some Car Functions giving crash..

If you add some more details (specify which function give you crash), this will help me and will be useful.