// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published on 2021-07-05
{$CLEO .cs}
{$USE file}
{$USE ini}
{$USE newOpcodes}
{$USE bitwise}
0000: NOP
25@ = -2205
script_name "$PARAZITAS"
wait 10000
0661: NOP "Made by Parazitas"
0661: NOP "Most information and source is from Opcode.eXe"
0661: NOP "If you decrypt this then you are smart guy..., now try fix ;)"
wait 0
cleo_call 25@ 0
not Fs.DoesFileExist("CLEO\SmoothAim.ini")
jf @_PARAZITAS_340
Text.PrintFormattedNow("~r~SmoothAim ~w~by ~r~Parazitas", 2000)
IniFile.WriteFloat(100.0, "CLEO\SmoothAim.ini", "FieldOfView", "Value")
IniFile.WriteFloat(10.0, "CLEO\SmoothAim.ini", "Smooth", "Value")
jf @_PARAZITAS_437
31@ == 1
jf @_PARAZITAS_410
31@ = 0
Sound.AddOneOffSound(1084, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
jump @_PARAZITAS_437
31@ = 1
Sound.AddOneOffSound(1083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
31@ == 1
jf @_PARAZITAS_783
Memory.Allocate(8@, 260)
IniFile.ReadFloat(8@, "CLEO\SmoothAim.ini", "FieldOfView", "Value")
Memory.Allocate(9@, 260)
IniFile.ReadFloat(9@, "CLEO\SmoothAim.ini", "Smooth", "Value")
jf @_PARAZITAS_783
21@ = -1560
cleo_call 21@ 1 8@ 0@
jf @_PARAZITAS_783
wait 0
not Pad.IsKeyPressed(2)
jf @_PARAZITAS_632
jump @_PARAZITAS_783
if and
not Char.IsDead(0@)
jf @_PARAZITAS_762
20@ = -790
19@ = -1278
Char.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(1@, 2@, 3@, 0@, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15)
cleo_call 20@ 3 1@ 2@ 3@ 5@ 4@
cleo_call 19@ 3 4@ 5@ 9@ 4@ 5@
Streaming.LoadAllModels(11989592, 4, 4@, 0)
not cleo_call 21@ 1 8@ 0@
jf @_PARAZITAS_606
jump @_PARAZITAS_167
23@ = -984
22@ = -1028
Camera.GetActiveCoordinates(9@, 10@, 11@)
cleo_call 23@ 6 0@ 1@ 2@ 9@ 10@ 11@ 12@
cleo_call 22@ 4 0@ 1@ 9@ 10@ 13@
12@ -= 270.0
13@ -= 90.0
12@ /= 57.29578
13@ /= 57.29578
20@ = -1425
cleo_call 20@ 2 12@ 13@ 12@ 13@
24@ = -1063
cleo_call 24@ 2 12@ 13@ 12@ 13@
cleo_return 2 12@ 13@
Math.GetDistanceBetweenCoords2D(6@, 0@, 1@, 3@, 4@)
0063: 2@ -= 5@ // (float)
Math.GetHeadingFromVector2D(6@, 2@, 7@)
cleo_return 1 7@
0063: 0@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 3@ // (float)
Math.GetHeadingFromVector2D(0@, 1@, 4@)
cleo_return 1 4@
Char.GetCurrentWeapon(31@, $0[3])
if and
31@ >= 22
not 31@ > 29
jf @_PARAZITAS_1116
0@ -= 0.0778
1@ += 0.04253
31@ == 32
jf @_PARAZITAS_1154
0@ -= 0.0778
1@ += 0.04253
if and
31@ >= 30
not 31@ > 31
jf @_PARAZITAS_1199
0@ -= 0.052
1@ += 0.028
20@ = -1425
31@ == 33
jf @_PARAZITAS_1247
0@ -= 0.0357
1@ += 0.01897
cleo_call 20@ 2 0@ 1@ 0@ 1@
cleo_return 2 0@ 1@
Hid.IsReleased(15@, 11989592, 4, 0)
Hid.IsReleased(16@, 11989576, 4, 0)
0063: 0@ -= 15@ // (float)
0063: 1@ -= 16@ // (float)
20@ = -1425
cleo_call 20@ 2 0@ 1@ 0@ 1@
0073: 0@ /= 2@ // (float)
0073: 1@ /= 2@ // (float)
005B: 0@ += 15@ // (float)
005B: 1@ += 16@ // (float)
20@ = -1425
cleo_call 20@ 2 0@ 1@ 0@ 1@
cleo_return 2 0@ 1@
0@ > 3.141593
jf @_PARAZITAS_1456
0@ -= 6.283185
not 0@ >= -3.141593
jf @_PARAZITAS_1487
0@ += 6.283185
1@ > 3.141593
jf @_PARAZITAS_1518
1@ -= 6.283185
not 1@ >= -3.141593
jf @_PARAZITAS_1549
1@ += 6.283185
cleo_return 2 0@ 1@
0087: 28@ = 0@ // (float)
Hid.IsReleased(29@, 12010640, 4, 0)
29@ += 4
Hid.IsReleased(29@, 29@, 4, 0)
30@ = 0
Hid.IsRelease(31@, 29@, 1, 0)
29@ += 1
nếu và
31@ >= 0
128 > 31 @
jf @_PARAZITAS_1879
005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)
nếu như
jf @_PARAZITAS_1879
nếu như
803C: không $0[3] == 31@ // (int)
jf @_PARAZITAS_1879
24@ = -2106
cleo_call 24@ 2 31@ 6 5@ 6@ 7@
Camera.GetActiveCoordins(24@, 23@, 22@)
nếu và
không phải Char.IsDead(31@)
World.IsLineOfSightClear(5@, 6@, 7@, 24@, 23@, 22@, Đúng, Đúng, Sai, Đúng, Sai)
jf @_PARAZITAS_1879
18@ = -1939
cleo_call 18@ 3 5@ 6@ 7@ 24@ 23@
Math.GetDistanceBetweenCoords2D(22@, 339.0, 179.0, 24@, 23@)
nếu như
0035: 28@ >= 22@ // (phao)
jf @_PARAZITAS_1879
0087: 28@ = 22@ // (thả nổi)
0087: 15@ = 31@ // (thả nổi)
30@ += 256
30@ > 35584
jf @_PARAZITAS_1608
nếu như
jf @_PARAZITAS_1929
nhảy @_PARAZITAS_1931
Game.Là người Úc
cleo_return 1 15@