Gooday mates how's it hanging?
The next release (V5 in this case) will be "biggish" update compared to the previous ones.
Redundant stuff as listed got removed:
- Old licensing stuff.
- Tire aim bot (rip we never used you because you're too weak)
- Anti player bugger (it instead bugged YOUR player)
- Forced crash after 6 hours run time, no one of you got pissed of

- Friendsync
- Some debug stuff
Stuff got added / removed (/will be):
- Anti"crash" against multiplie removed buildings.
- Silent Aim: Added option to ignore in car players.
- Silent Aim: Fixed detection on lagcomp ON.
- Silent Aim: Improved lagcomp off aiming.
- Silent Aim: Added line of sight checks.
- Silent Aim: Placed a time delay between random body-part picker to be less "obvious".
- Silent Aim: Added "FOV" targeting option with visual adjustments (yes got bugged enough).
- Nametags: Will now only show if needed (f.e. if you're past the server distance) to allow proper use with stealth_renderer.
- Removed chat message output when (stealth_renderer) is enabled this and the nametag changes allow you to record gameplay footage completely undetected now.
- Added anti-pause.
- Added "multiprocess" (may be excluded in the release depends on usage).
- Added Vehicle EFly. (Yes no one cares but I do it's fun)
- Added "anti" ghost mode.
- Added safe mode which disabled things like vehicle teleport and various keybinds.
Glance is also not a DirectX9 proxy anymore! Means it's a simple asi you put in your folder (easier cooperation with graphic mods) you're also able to inject it into the game from a different folder (requires some sort of injector which allows you to inject and start the game at the same time).
It'll take some time until the release, but see this as a chance to suggest minor things and to show support if the changes are wanted.